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1、职业技术学院10kV配电室设计 摘要在快速开展的当今世界,我们越来越离不开电,电作为所有能源中最重要的一种,它关系着整个国家乃至世界的开展与稳定。在整个电力系统中供配电能成为了电气设计的一个重要的环节。在满足其平安、可靠、优质、经济等根本条件的前提下才能更好地为国民经济效劳,推动社会开展。只有好的供电配电环节,才能造就高效率的生产和高品质的生活。本论文设计的是XXXX职业技术学院10kV配电室。设计过程中,依据相关的供配电系统设计、建筑电气设计等标准和设计手册,完成对该校供配电系统的初步设计。配电室占地约120平方米,高压侧为10kV,低压侧为0.4kV,设有值班室和工具间。配电室主接线采用单

2、母线分段接线方式,低压配电系统采用TN-S接线方式。本次设计任务包括:负荷统计、容量计算、无功补偿计算、短路电流计算、设备选型、防雷接地等。采用需要系数法进行负荷计算,并按发热条件进行导线截面的选择,以及热稳定条件校验。本设计按照国家相关设计规范标准要求,合理选择用电设备,能根本满足使用要求。关键词:10kV配电室;配电系统;负荷计算;电气设计 - I -兰州交通大学毕业设计论文AbstractIn the fast developing world, without electricity we cannot do anything. Electricity is one of the mo

3、st important of all the energy, which is related to the development and stability of the whole country and the world. The power supply system will become an important part of the electrical design. In order to meeting the basic conditions for its safety, reliability, quality, economy and better serv

4、ice for the national economy, promoting the development of society. Only good power supply and distribution sectors, to creating efficient production and high quality of life.This paper is designed the Zhiye Technical College 10kV power distribution room. In the design process, according to the rele

5、vant power supply and distribution system design, building electrical design and other specifications design manual, complete the 10kV power distribution room of this College. The distribution room covers an area of about 120 square meters, the high voltage side is 10kV, the low voltage side is 0.4k

6、V, with the duty room and tool room. The main wiring distribution by a single bus section connection mode, low voltage power distribution system using TN-S connection mode. The design tasks include: load statistics, capacity calculation, reactive power compensation, short-circuit current calculation

7、, equipment selection, lightning and grounding. The load calculation is carried out by using the method of coefficient calculation, and carries on the conductor cross section selection according to the heating conditions, and the thermal stability condition.The design in accordance with the relevant

8、 national design standard specifications, reasonable selection of electrical equipment, can meet the basic requirements. Key Words: 10kV Distribution room, Distribution system, Load calculation, Electrical design- II -兰州交通大学毕业设计论文目录摘要 . I Abstract . II 1 绪论 . 11.1设计概述 . 1 1.2设计范围 . 1 1.3设计依据 . 1 1.4设计目标 . 1 2 负荷计算 . 22.1负荷统计 . 2 2.2容量计算 . 5 2.3无功补偿 . 6 3 短路电流 . 73.1短路电流简述 . 7 3.2短路电流的计算 . 7 4 主接线方式 . 104.1主接线的根本概念 . 10 4.2主接线计划类型 . 10 4.3电气主接线确定 . 11 5 设备选型 . 125.1变压器的选择 . 12 5.2导线的选择 .



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