七年级英语上册 Unit 3 Body Parts and Feelings Lesson 16 Happy or Sad预习学案冀教版.doc

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1、Lesson 16 Happy or Sad【学习目标】1) To learn the new words and phrases: hurt,enough,laugh,feel down,feel high ,adj.+enough to do sth.2) The main sentence:a.How do you feel today?. b.Are you tired?c.My mum wants me to eat just one donut a day.d.One donut a day is enough.e.Sometimes we laugh.3) The key sen

2、tences:a.How tall is she/he? b.Standing up against the wall.c.Listen and match the people with their heights.d.Can you think of other pairs of words like these?e.These shoes are a bit big.3、学习的【自主学习】-明确目标 自学文本任务一:根据Lesson 16 Happy or Sad预习课件掌握本节课的四会单词和短语: 任务二:听录音跟读Lesson 16 Happy or Sad课文,跟读2-3遍,了解对

3、话大意。并完成书中29页的练习题任务三:认真学习下面的知识点,标记出不理解的地方 How do you feel?你感觉怎么样?本句的结构为“How+助动词+主语+feel?”,用来询问别人感觉如何。答语通常为“主语+feelfeels+形容词. ”“主语+be+形容词. ”“主语+dontdoesnt+feel+形容词. ”或“主语+be+not+形容词. ”。How does he feel? 他感觉怎么样?He feels sad. 他感觉很伤心。 Whats wrong? 怎么了?此句是一个固定句型,用来询问对方的情况,表示对对方的关心,也是医生、护士询问病人的常用语。句型“Whats

4、 the matter?”与其含义相同,回答不用yes或no,应根据具体情况回答。Whats wrong with you? 你怎么了?Im hurt. 我受伤了。【拓展】如要说明对象,其后可接with sb. sth. ,表示“某人某物出什么事了”。Whats wrong with:your hand? 你的手怎么了? hurt adj. (身体上或感情上) 受伤的 v. (使)疼痛,受伤Is your leg still hurt? (形容词) 你的腿还疼吗?My arm hurts. (动词) 我的胳膊疼。 enough adj. adv. 足够的 (地)enough修饰名词时,应放在名

5、词之前;enough修饰形容词或副词时,应放在形容词或副词之后。Do you have enough books for the children? 你有足够的书供这些孩子们(读)吗? This coat isnt big enough. 这件外套不够大。 辨析laugh和smilelaugh 指大笑,笑出声音,不单指笑容,与at连用时,意为“嘲笑”。smile 指微笑,无声音。 down adj. 沮丧Tom feels a bit down today. 汤姆今天有点闷闷不乐。【自学检测】-在线测学,质疑思学1在线测学:请你在平台完成以下自学检测作业(Unit 3-Lesson 16自学检

6、测),提交后自己看错题及解析。 单项选择。( )1. Do you feel _?No, I feel _.A. happy; happy B. sad; sad C. new; old D. happy; Sad( )2. I walk a long way, so I feel _.A. sad B. happy C. tired D. high( )3. _I dont feel well.A. Are you happy? B. Whats wrong?C. Whats the matter? D. both B and C( )4. Are you sad?_A. Yes, I do

7、. B. No, I dont.C. Sorry, I dont know. D. No, Im not.( )5. An apple a day _ enough.A. be B. is C. are D. am( )6. Its not right to _ at others.A. laugh B. cry C. sad D. smile( )7. _ do you feel, Jenny?I feel very hot (热).A. What B. How C. Where D. When( )8. _ you feel cold today?A. Do B. Does C. Are D. Is( )9. _I am hurt.A. Whats wrong? B. Are you hurt?C. How are you? D. How am I?( )10. How does _ feel?She _ sad. A. her; feel B. her; feelsC. she; feel D. she; feels【思学质疑】把你在本次课程学习中的困惑与建议如实写在下面,并拍照上传到讨论区(课前质疑)。_


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