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1、九年级上册英语Unit7高频易错题姓名:_ 班级:_ 学号:_易错题方向:1重要句型:so+adj/adv(+a/an+名词);such+名词词组、would rather do sth意为“宁愿做某事”、2重要语法:过去完成时had done、in order that/ so that引导目的状语从句、in order to后面接动词原形、让步状语从句though/although不能和but同时使用3重要单词:beyond、a great success、the loss of意为“的失去”、consider doing sth、last+for+一段时间、the film indust

2、ry4 重要短语:win an Osar forfor、play a/an+adj+ role in、pass away是去世的意思、fall in love with sb的延续性动词be in love with、be suitable for、bringalive “使生动有趣”、mark the beginning of、be chosen to be/as、catch ones attention、get lost意为“迷路”、 insist ones/ sb doing sth意为“坚持要某人做某事”、 consider doing sth意为“考虑做某事”; consider s

3、b/ sth to be意为“认为某人/某事是”,其被动结构为 sb/sth be considered to be 意为“某人/某事被认为是”、be well known as作为而出名; be well known for因而出名;be well known to sb为某人所知晓、 go far beyond、 play the lead role in 易错题型:1单项选择-28题2单词拼写-13题3动词填空-12题4翻译句子-5题一)、单项选择1It is_that I want to go to the beach in HawaiiAsuch nice weather Bso n

4、ice a weather Cso nice weather Dsuch a nice weather2 -This problem is far_me lm afraid I cant work it out-Dont worryWe will help youAbeyond Bbeside Cbehind D Between3Before they got married, they_in love with each other for yearsAfell Bhave been Chad fallen Dhad been4Audrey won an Oscar _Best Actres

5、s _ her role in this filmA for; for Bfor; as Cin; for Dof; because5Helen got up very early _ she could catch the early trainAin order to Bso that to Cin order that Das a result6_role she played _ the movie! Thats why she has so many fansA How funny; in BHow a funny; of CWhat funny; of DWhat a funny;

6、 in7_ the film was! Its still remembered by _ peopleAWhat big success; the number BHow big success; a number of CWhat a big success; large number of DHow a big success; the number of8The old man _ a cold morning in winterA passed away on Bpassed away in Cpast away on Dpass by in9The prince _ in love

7、 with the poor girl for a yearA has felt Bhas fallen Chas been Dfell10What kind of cartoons do you think is the_ the children?A suitablest for Bmost suitable to Cmost suitable for Dsuitablest to11People throughout the world mourned the _ of a great artistA loseB lostC lossD losing12We must get up ea

8、rly _ we can catch the first bus to schoolAso thatBsuch thatCin order Din order to13 Hepburn won _Oscar _Best Actress for her role in that filmAan; ofBan; forCa; forDan; to14-Walking more is good for our health-Youre right So Id rather _ an hours walk to work than consider _ a carAtake; driving Btak

9、e; driveCtake; to drive Dto take; driving15 _ the Forbidden City is almost 600 years old, _ it is still very beautifulA Although; butB /; althoughCAlthough; /D Because; so16The World of Dinosaurs is an amazing film which brings dinosaurs _ on screenA liveB livelyC aliveD living17The First Huaguoshan

10、 International Golf Open was _ success that we enjoyed ourselves very muchA such a greatBa such greatC so a greatDa so great18 She left in _ a hurry _she didnt say goodbye to her motherA so; and B such; that C so; that D such; and19 That event _ the _ of the civil warA mark; beginning B marks; begin

11、 C marked; beginning D marked; begin20 I felt very happy when I _ be the host of the charity showA was chosen to B choose to C chose to D was chose to21The man spoke loudly in public in order to _ others attentionAcatch B notice C have D make22The _of the map made them get_ in the forestAloss; loss

12、B lost; lost C lost; loss D loss; lost23 It was her _ performance Her successful career_ about forty yearsA last; last B last; lasted for C lasted; last for D lasted; lasted24 They insisted_there for supperA me to stay B on me to stay C on my staying D my staying25 They considered _a computer, which

13、 was considered_ great help in their workA to buy; to be B buying; being of C buying; being D buying; to be of26 Its quite _ me why such things have been allowed to happenA for Bbehind C against D beyond27Father asked_A what was wrong with me B whats wrong with meC what wrong was with me D what wrong with me



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