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1、20232024学年浙江省杭州市文海启源中学八年级上学期期中英语试卷一、阅读理解 Do you love fast food? Why? How often do you eat it? 200 people joined the survey. According to the survey result by Xinhua Research Center, fast food is getting more popular among people. Lets look at the result of the survey. 1. _ of the people eat fast foo

2、d once a week. A14%B28%C8%D44%2. 44 people love fast food because its _. AcheapBdeliciousChealthyDconvenient3. What can we learn from the result? AAll people love fast food.BFast food makes people fat.CPeople eat fast food on weekends.DSome people dont know what food is healthier. Did your friend gi

3、ve you a nickname(绰号)? How do you feel about it? What does it mean to give someone a nickname? A student put a note on his classmates back while they had a break at school one day. It was a nickname on the note. He asked other classmate not to tell the boy. The other students started laughing at the

4、 boy, but wouldnt say why. Soon, it was time for their afternoon math class. Their teacher wrote a difficult problem on the blackboard. Only the boy with the note on his back was able to solve it. Ignoring the laughter, he walked to the blackboard and solved the problem. The teacher asked the class

5、to clap for him and took the note off his back. She said to him, “It seems that you didnt know about the note on your back, but you didnt seem to care anyway.” Then the teacher looked at the other students and said, “Let me tell you two things. First, all of you will be put on notes by other people

6、who dont want you to be better. All you have to do is to ignore these notes. You have to take every chance to learn, grow and improve.” “And it seems that none of you are friends with this boy, and none of you are kind enough to tell him about the note. If thats true, then youd better hope that you

7、have some good friends yourself and they will tell you if you meet this situation someday.”4. What did the students do after the boys was put on a note? AThey helped the boy take off the note.BThey told the boy about the note.CThey asked the teacher for help.DThey said nothing but laughed at the boy

8、.5. Why did the boy walk to the blackboard? ABecause the boy couldnt answer the question.BBecause the boy laughed at his classmates in class.CBecause the teacher wanted to take off the note.DBecause only the boy could solve the problem.6. What does the word “ ignoring” mean? AHearing ofBFocusing onC

9、Paying no attention toDShowing an interest in7. What might the students do after the experience? AThey might give a nickname to another student.BThey might be friendly and try to help others.CThey might be very angry with the boy.DThey might not make friends anymore. People laugh for a lot of differ

10、ent reasons. For example, we laugh when something is funny, we laugh when something surprises us and we sometimes even laugh when we are scared. Scientists dont know all the reasons why so many different things make us laugh. But we do know laughing helps us to get along with each other. In some way

11、s, laughing is a kind of talking. Before we had language, we knew how to laugh. Before words, laughing could let others know “Everything is OK!” Today, we still use laughing to let other people know that we like them, that we are friendly, and that we have the same idea. Yes, even another persons la

12、ughter can make someone start laughing with them. That is a good thing, because laughing is healthy for us. Laughing helps our brains (大脑) give off special chemicals (化学物质). They can help us relax and feel good. Laughing is good exercise: It helps us make our hearts strong. Laughing can also help us

13、 feel much better if we are feeling worried or scared. Scientists think laughing may also help with our health. It helps our body fight illness (疾病). So, laughing is good for us in many ways. Thats why its a good idea for us to laugh loudly right now.8. How does the writer start the passage? ABy tel

14、ling a story.BBy using some numbers.CBy giving examples.DBy asking some questions.9. What does the second paragraph mainly tell us? ALaughing is a way to talk with others.BLaughing is good for peoples health.CLaughing can help people feel less worried.DLaughing is a way to tell others how we feel.10

15、. What can we infer from the passage? AScientists know all the reasons why we laugh.BWe knew how to speak before we knew how to laugh.CSpecial chemicals help us make our hearts strong.DIf we are scared, laughing can help us feel better.11. Whats the best title for the passage? AWhat laughing can help us withBThe reasons for laughingCWhy laughing is specialDScientists idea about how to laugh The camel (骆驼) is one of the most interesting animals in the world. Camels are big. They are about 6 t



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