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1、20232024学年广东省梅州市八年级上学期期中考试英语试卷一、单项选择 1. Its going to rain outside. Dont forget to bring a/an _! OK! Mum! AhatBcoatCumbrellaDmagazine 2. What are you going to give your father for his birthday? I am not sure. But Ill buy him _. Asomething specialBanything specialCspecial somethingDspecial anything 3.

2、 Who sings _, you or Jack? Jack, but I dance _ than he! Amore loudly, betterBloudly, wellCmore loudly, goodDloudly, better 4. _do you think of Yinghe Cinema? Great! It has _service in the city. AHow, betterBHow, the bestCWhat, betterDWhat, the best 5. Are you as _ as Mr. Huang, Mary? Sure. And we ar

3、e good friends. AfriendlierBmore friendlyCfriendlyDmuch friendlier 6. How do you like the song See You Again, Jack? So moving! It _ your heart deeply! AreachesBtouchesCgetsDmakes 7. Peter likes ball games. For him, basketball is _ football. Aas boring asBas interesting asCnot so boring asDnot so int

4、eresting as 8. Are you different _ your friend, Mary? No, we are similar _ each other! We like to do the same things. Ato, fromBfrom, toCto, toDfrom, from 9. Nice talking with you. I expect _ you again. Me too. AmetBmeetsCmeetDto meet 10. What do you think of the soap opera? _. But my mother loves w

5、atching it! AI love itBI enjoy it very muchCOh, its so excitingDI cant stand it 二、完形填空 Do you like sports? All over the world people enjoy sports. Sports can help people to keep healthy, happy and to live _ . What sports do you like? People often play different games in _ winter and summer. Summer i

6、s good _ swimming. And in winter people often go skating. Some sports are very popular around the world _ basketball, football and running. Do you often run? Are you good at it? Here is a funny story about running! Peter and Mike are in the same class. Peter was born _ a poor family. But Mikes fathe

7、r is a shopkeeper and is _ When Peter gets into trouble, Mike always _ him. Peter likes to have sports. And he is good at running _ can catch up with him in his school and he often wins the 400-meter race. It was Sunday. Mike and Peter went to a forest to have a picnic. Mike took a lot of _ there. T

8、hey ate and drank and then began to go fishing in the river. The two boys enjoyed themselves there. Suddenly they _ a great noise. They looked around and found it was _ behind a big tree. They were both very _ Peter put on his shoes _ and was going to run away. Mike _ him and said, “Its no use for u

9、s. The tiger runs _ than us. Lets find a way. “It doesnt matter, said Peter. “ Im sure Ill run faster than you!” Dont you think you should learn to run fast? 11.AshorterBlongerCslowerDfaster12.AallBeveryCbothDeach13.AatBinCforDon14.Afor exampleBsuch asCso onDfor short15.AinBforConDwith16.AhardBpoorC

10、richDunhappy17.AhelpsBasksCwantsDteaches18.ANobodyBEveryoneCAnybodyDSomeone19.AbooksBclothesCfoodDmovies20.AlistenedBlistened toCheardDwatched21.Aa lionBa tigerCa manDa runner22.AexcitedBboredCtiredDafraid23.AslowlyBhappilyC beautifully Dquickly24.AstoppedBaskedCwonderedDtold25.Amore slowlyBmuch fas

11、terCless fasterDmuch slowly三、阅读理解 Every year Time magazine chooses the top world-changing inventions (发明) of that year. These inventions can make world better, smarter, and even a little more fun. What are the best inventions of the last year? The hoverboard The hoverboard is a type of skateboard(一种

12、滑板). It can float(漂浮)in the air. It first appeared(出现) in the 1989 movie Back to the Future Part II. Now a company(公司)in America has created the real thing. Apple Watch Apple Watch is very powerful. Besides telling time, it can send messages, give directions(方向). You can also use the Apple Watch to

13、pay money for the things you will buy.3D printerIn the past few years, some middle school students have had 3D-printed cars in class. Now scientists have 3D-printed human organs(人体器官). There is a company called 3D Systems: The companys 3D printers produce(生产)candies, musical instruments(乐器), and so on. 26. How many inventions are listed (列入) in the passage? ATwo.BThree.CFour.DFive.27. From the passage, we can know Back to the Future Part II is _. Aa songBa companyCan instrumentDa film28. What cant we use Apple Watch to do? ATell time.BSend messages.CPrin



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