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1、20232024学年浙江省宁波市慈溪育才中学九年级上学期期中英语试卷一、完形填空 Mrs. Mueller, a gentle old lady, was our next-door neighbor. She had lost her husband and didnt have children. She always treated us _ . My sister Laurel and I considered her our special friend. Early in December, Mrs. Mueller went to the _ and had to stay th

2、ere for some time. We considered what _ to give her after her getting well again. We knew she would be home a few days before Christmas to a(n) _ house with no holiday decorations(装饰). We lit upon the idea of decorating a small tree with lights and cheer to greet her. We were _ how to carry out our

3、plan when the answer appeared. I was in Miss OKeefes class. We had decorated a small beautiful _ in art class. Best of all, it had to be _ from the classroom before Christmas vacation. Miss OKeefe said thered be a drawing(抽奖) for the tree. Wed each write our name on a piece of paper and put it in th

4、e shoebox. The last day before the _ , shed draw a name from the box, and that student could take the tree home. As I put my _ paper into the box, I whispered(低) to Miss OKeefe that I really hoped Id win the tree _ my sister and I wanted to give it to our neighbor. I was sure to get it for our good

5、reason: We wanted to make Mrs. Mueller _ . The day came. Miss OKeefe announced(宣布) it was time for the _ . I held my breath as she took the lid off the shoebox, _ her eyes, turned her hand around in the box, and drew one out. She opened her eyes, unfolded the paper, looked at it, and _ , “Holly Whee

6、ler has won the tree.” The next day, when Mrs. Muellers car came, we hurried over to _ her back. We followed as she slowly walked into the house and turned on the lights. Then she saw the tree. First, there was a look of surprise. Then, a sweet smile appeared, her eyes filled with tears. She softly

7、said, “Thank you.” 1.AstrictlyBnicelyCsecretlyDwisely2.AcountrysideBcommunityChospitalDmountains3.ApresentBattentionCdirectionDchance4.AoldBemptyClonelyDfallen5.ArequestingBdreamingCexplainingDwondering6.AroomBtreeClotDgarden7.Ataken awayBput awayCkept awayDdriven away8.ApartyBshowCspeechDvacation9.

8、AspreadBwateredCfoldedDstuck10.AonceBthoughCbecauseDunless11.AjoyfulBthankfulChopefulDmeaningful12.AdrawingBcompetitionCdiscussionDcelebration13.AliftedBlightedCturnedDclosed14.ArepliedBannouncedCsuggestedDwhispered15.AbegBcarryCfollowDwelcome二、阅读理解 16. What is the NOTICE about? AA dog ran into the

9、school at lunchtime yesterday.BSomeone took a choccy bar from the teachers desk.CThe Principal wanted to talk with all the students.DThe door to Miss Jacksons classroom wasnt closed.17. Whom was Ellen with at lunchtime yesterday? AHer mother.BMiss Jackson.CHer classmate.DThe Principal.18. Which of t

10、he following is NOT true about what the children did at noon yesterday? AJasmine was staying in the library, reading a book.BArielle was painting in Miss Jacksons classroom.CJude was listening carefully to the Principal in her office.DSamuel was playing soccer with Jack on the playground. The rest o

11、f September was hard. I wasnt used to getting up so early in the morning. I wasnt used to being given homework. And I got my first “test” at the end of the month. I never got “tests” when Mom home-schooled me. I also didnt like how I had no free time any more. Before, I could play whenever I wanted

12、to, but now it felt like I always had something to do for school. And being at school was awful in the beginning. Every new class I had was like a new chance for kids to “not look” at me in a strange way. My face would always surprise some kid who maybe hadnt heard about me. The kid would make the s

13、ound you make when you hold your breath before going underwater, a little “uh!” sound. This happened four or five times a day for the first few weeks. In the end, everyone was going to see my face at some time. And I knew after the first couple of days that word had got around me, because from time

14、to time Id catch a kid pushing his friend to make him or her to notice me as they passed me, or talking behind their hands as I walked by them. Im not saying they were doing any of these things in an unkind way, not once did any kid laugh or make noises or do anything like that. They were just being normal silly kids. I know that. I even wanted to tell them that. Like”Its okay, I know Im strange-looking, take a look, I dont bite. “Hey, the truth is, if a Wookiee(伍基人)started going to the school all of a sudden, Id be interested.


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