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1、北京2023年包商银行信息科技部规划与架构中心招聘历年高频考点试题库答案解析(图片大小可自由调整)第1卷一.单项选择题(共20题)1.森林与水血脉相依,森林作为陆地生态系统的主体和自然界功能最完善的资源库具有调节气候、涵养水源、保持水土、防风固沙、改良土壤、减少污染等多种功能对保护人类生态环境起着决定性和不可替代的作用。森林可以涵养水源。据专家研究,森林对降雨有着重新分配的作用25的降雨量可为植被蓄存吸收。一般认为。5万亩的林木就相当于一座100万立方米的水库这段话主要谈论的是()银行真题A.保护森林的重要性B.保护水源的重要性C.人类生存的生态环境D.水与森林的依存关系答案:A 本题解析:“

2、森林”作为主语在文段中多次出现,文段的主题应与此相关。再由“具有功能”、“对起作用”、“可以”可知。文段谈的是森林的作用因此本段文字主要谈论的应是保护森林的重要性。故A项为正确答案。2.2015年1月2413,中国建设银行在原有智能服务的基础上正式推出短信自然语义指令识别功能,实现了对客户自然语义的智能识别和指令转化。智能客服(),是建设银行在金融业客户服务模式转变中的一次深度创新,同时,其也已成为建设银行的品牌标志之一。A.“小微”B.“小明”C.“小发”D.“CC”答案:A 本题解析:“小明”是民生银行的智能客服;“小发”是广发银行的智能客服;“CC”中信银行的智能客服。3.Questio

3、ns 182-183 refer to the following information.Introducing the product, This product generally ships within 2 business day (s) from Pinellas Park, Fords and weighs 2 pound (s). Attaches to your steering wheel for easy access to a writing and drink storage surface. The Go Office Wheel Mate Steering Wh

4、eel Desk is flat for writing and perfect for lunch or a snack. This Go Office Wheel Mate Steering Wheel Desk stores neatly in your car when used with the larger Auto Exec Laptop Car Desk. For safety reasons, never use this productwhile driving. Easily convert your car into your personal automobile o

5、ffice with the Wheel Mate car desk by this product. For safety, it is advised not to use this product when you are _ A.having lunch or a snackB.working at officeC.driving a carD.writing a letter答案:C 本题解析:根据For safety reasons,never use this product while driving 可知,开车的时候,不能使用这个产品。故选C。4.2010年,某省广电实际总收


7、%,该地区的市均收入为5.93亿元,上年同期为4.21亿元。西部地区12.67亿元,同比增长80.86%,该地区的市均收入为2.53亿元,上年同期为1.4亿元。截至2010年底,该省有线电视用户数为1885.88万户,比上年末净增161.7万户。其中有线数字电视用户为1007.8万户,比上年末净增277.58万户。2010年,该省地市级广电收入的同比增速约为()。A.15%B.20%C.32%D.47%答案:D 本题解析:2010年该省地市级广电收入的同比增速为47%。故本题正确答案选D。5.实事求是地说,我也算够民主了,说一句_不为过,现在的博主数以千计相信大家对博客都有自己的看法,众口难调

8、。还是顺其自然吧。填入划横线部分最恰当的一项是()A.从善如流B.虚怀若谷C.我行我素D.大智若愚答案:A 本题解析:虚怀若谷:形容十分谦虚,能容纳别人的意见。它是个敬词不能用来指自己由此排除B。6.Questions 49-51 refer to the following letter.Toppo Travel. Inc.Mr. Noyce Adams424 Lenox StOrange, MA 01388Dear Mr. Adams,At the end of this year, Toppo travel will celebrate its twentieth year as a s

9、uccessful operator in the leisure industry. With modern hotels, exciting itineraries, and beautiful locations, our all-inclusive, organized tours have remained the most loyal customers in the celebration of our success.Our records indicate that since you became a customer five years ago, you have bo

10、oked six trips with us. We would like to invite you to an evening of exotic fare and tropical sounds, which will be held on December 1 in the Grand Ballroom of the Panorama Hotel.The benefit will consist of delicates from the 16 countries that are featured in our catalog for the new season. Bans fro

11、m Cuba, Mali, and Slovenia will lend an exuberant atmosphere to the event.Sincerely.Jim BullDirector Customer RelationsToppo Travel. Inc.Which one can be invited to the event?A.their clientsB.travelerC.anybodyD.only Adams答案:A 本题解析:暂无解析7.A、B、C、D、E五支篮球队相互进行循环赛,现已知A队已赛过4场,B队已赛过3场,C队已赛过2场,D队已赛过l场,则此时E队已

12、赛过()场。A.12B.3C.1D.4答案:A 本题解析:8.近来,某省对“中国式过马路”现象实行了严管重罚,虽获得一定成效,但也出现多起被罚者抵触甚至打骂交瞀的事件。不仅如此,路权分配、法制素养等根本问题没有解决,加上没有足够的警力,当“运动式”执法过去后,“中国式过马路”现象便卷土重来。这段文字意在说明()A.“中国式过马路”现象成因复杂,一时难以根治B.光靠严管重罚不可能从根本上解决“中国式过马路”问题C.只有变“运动式”的执法为常规执法,才能杜绝“中国式过马路”现象D.要根治“中国式过马路”现象,取得良好的执法效果,应进行综合治理答案:B 本题解析:意图判断题。文段两句话都表述同一含义

13、,即严管重罚的“运动式执法”效果不好,不能从根本上解决中国式过马路问翅。A项易误选,一时难以根治的含义并未在文段中体现,属于推论过度。9.见票后定期付款的汇票,持票人应当自出票日起_内向付款人提示承兑。A.10 天B.1 个月C.15 天D.3 天答案:B 本题解析:暂无解析10.Natasha GoldenMcIntyre and BaranowskiSuite 11431 Echo Lake AvenueMahtomedi, Minnesota 55115Dear Ms. Golden,Ive enclosed an employee reimbursement form along wi

14、th the receipts from my business trip to Orlando. As I was able to use the company card to book my flight and hotel reservation, those expenses are not accounted for on the list.Please advise on the time it takes to be reimbursed. It usually takes one month, however, it took three months to be reimbursed for my last business trip to New York.Thank you for your help in this matter.Sincerely,Bob YuenglingMcIntyre & Bara



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