新目标初中英语七年级上册Unit 7《How much are these pants》教案

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《新目标初中英语七年级上册Unit 7《How much are these pants》教案》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《新目标初中英语七年级上册Unit 7《How much are these pants》教案(30页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、精品文档 仅供参考 学习与交流新目标初中英语七年级上册Unit 7How much are these pants教案【精品文档】第 29 页新目标初中英语七年级上册Unit 7How much are these pants?教案Plan for the whole unitTeaching objectives学完本单元后,学生应能:1、学会运用一些表示颜色、形状、大小的形容词;2、通过介绍服装,掌握一些常用的服装名词;3、通过介绍服装,学习“询问价格和颜色”的句型:How much is this T-shirt? Its seven dollarHow much are these s

2、ocks? They are two dollarsWhat color is it? It is redWhat color are they? They are green。4、学习数词1-3l;5、学习名词单、复数的使用和指示代词this, that,these,those的用法。Period arrangement PeriodContents & pages or sourcesTOSATextbookExercises(Source)Supplementary(Source)SectionPage1A 1a, 1b,1c,41Ps 41 1a,1b7, 2, 10,152A 2a,

3、 2b, 2c,3a,3b42-43Ps. 42-43 湘教版省教科院组编 课程基础训练七年级上册1,8,2,1,1,153B 1a, 1b, 2a,2b,2c44Ps 445, 6,144B 3a,3b45Ps453,9,7,1,155Review of drills41-43Ps41-433,6,5,4,156Review of grammar41-452,4,5,3,15合计1-1093 Very confident Quite confident Confident Slightly confident Not confidentFeedback本单元教学自评93分,表明教学目标达成度

4、较高。本单元主要学习使用How much引导的问句以及回答;学习一些表示颜色、形状、大小的形容词;学习数词10-3l;复习名词单、复数的使用和指示代词this, that,these,those的用法。本单元以谈论服装为主题,设计了三个活动:一是通过介绍服装,学习一些常用的服装名词;二是通过介绍服装,学习“询问价格和颜色”的句型:How much is this T-shirt? Its seven dollarHow much are these socks? They are two dollarsWhat color is it? It is redWhat color are they

5、? They are green三是作价格报告。 单元知识系统(树) How much is this T-shirt? Its seven dollars How much are these socks? They are two dollars 单元总体目标 本单元通过学习使用How much引导的问句以及回答,让学生学会谈论物品的颜色和价格、对服装的喜好和购物时使用的礼貌用语等。采用Repeating和Cooperation的学习策略,利用教学图片和制作多媒体课件来展开课堂Pair work问答式的口语交际活动,谈论服装的价格和各自对服装的喜好。学习一些新词汇,掌握一些重点句型,在小组


7、,尽快培养学生英语语感等方面还有待研究。本单元的教学法建议:语音教学:模仿操练;词汇教学:演示讲解、情景操练、反复使用;口语教学: 互相操练、对话练习、交际活动;阅读教学:补充对话和填写价格标签;听力教学:图文配对和听写;写作教学:听写词句、模仿写作;语法教学:总结规律、模仿操练。Plan for every periodPeriod 1 Section A 1a, 1b, 1c Teaching aims1 有关衣服的单词2 学会询问价格3 重点句型:1) Whats this? Its a 2) What are these? They are 3) How much is it? Its

8、 4) How much are they? They are Keys & puzzles询问颜色的句型Teaching aidsCAITeaching proceduresChart复习引入学习生词读一读问答练习词汇练习听力练习展示新句型两人对话做游戏小结布置作业Step 1 Leading-in (3)T:Good morning, boys and girls! OK. Lets look at the CIA.Ask a student: Whats this? The student answers: Its a bag. Then ask another student: Wha

9、t are these? The student answers: They are bananas.Step 2 New words (6)Ask students: Whats this?Students: Its a T-shirt.Teacher: Very good. Please look at the other pictures. Learn the new words one by one.Then read the words.Step 3 Pair work (6)Practice conversations in pairs like this:A: Whats thi

10、s? B: Its a A: What are these? B: They are Then ask several pairs to act out. (If there is any mistake, correct it.)Step 4 Writing (3)1. Ask students to match the words with the things in the picture.2. Ask one student to answer it.3. Check the answers.Step 5 Listening (4)1. Ask students to listen t

11、o 1b.2. Play the tape.3. Ask one student to answer it.4. Check the answers.答案 Circle shorts, sweater, hat.录音原文A:How much is the hat?B: The hat is six dollars.A: And how much are the shorts?B: Oh, theyre eight dollars.A: And the sweater? How much is the sweater?B; Lets see. The sweater is nine dollar

12、s.Step 6 Asking and answering (10)Ask and answer in pairs like this: Conversation 1A: Whats this? B: Its a A: How much is it?B: Its Conversation 2A: What are these? B: They are A: How much are they? B: They are Then ask several pairs to act out. Step 7 Guessing game (5)1. First tell students the gam

13、e rules.2. Ask one student to guess: Is this dollars?3. See the result.4. Find the best one.Step 8 Summary(2)Sum up the new words and drills in this period.Step 9 Homework (1)F1: Listen, read and recite the words (p41-42), 1a and 1c.F2: Make two conversations and write down on their exercise books.F

14、eedback 个人认为本堂课教学目标达成,学生学习积极主动,热情投入,课堂氛围非常热烈。就其成功原因主要在于创设情境并结合学生的实际,由浅入深展开多种形式的教学活动,其中许多活动与学生实际运用语言的形式一致,尤其是以游戏形式来巩固所学句型How much is it?学以致用,收效很好。但在听力教学方面还有待加强。Period 2 Section A 2a,2b,2c,3a Teaching aims1 通过复习服装,学习一些有关颜色的单词;2 学习一些表示长短和大小的形容词,完成2a部分的学习任务。3 熟悉并掌握购物的对话,学会如何购物4 知道怎样用英语谈论颜色、价格以及喜好。5 重点句型:1)How much is this T-shirt? Its seven dollar2)How much are these socks? They are two dollars3) What color is it? It is red4) What color are they? They are greenTeaching aidsCAI Teaching proceduresChart 玩游戏学数字总结规律听力训练对话练习小组竞赛总结归纳欣赏歌曲布置作业Step 1 Warming-up (3)Review the drill:A: Whats th



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