2022年高中英语 4.3 Body language Learning about Language & Using Language课时训练 新人教版必修4

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1、2022年高中英语 4.3 Body language Learning about Language & Using Language课时训练 新人教版必修4.根据句意和汉语提示,写出单词的正确形式1.When they arrived at the (十字路口),they didnt know which road they should take.答案:crossroads2.The foreigner has rich (面部的) expressions.答案:facial3.The amount of (虚假的) information on the Internet bees mo

2、re of a problem every day.答案:false4.The (功能) of the heart is to pump blood through the body.答案:function5.He told us his bitter experiences (真实地).答案:truly6.When Jack told me the whole incident,I realized that I had(误解)him.答案:misunderstood7.Did he see a ghost or was it only a(主观的)impression?答案:subject

3、ive8.Obama,President of the United States,is respected by people from all(等级).答案:ranks.用方框内所给短语的适当形式填空defend.againstbe likely toin generalat easelose faceturn ones back toclose tointroduce.toas wellon the contrary1.,the more expensive the puter is,the better its quality is.答案:In general2.The mother

4、asked her son to stand a little her,for there were so many people in the hall.答案:closer to3.When the war broke out,thousands of young men came forward,willing to their countrythe enemy.答案:defend;against4.Waiter,please give me a cup of coffee and two pieces of bread.答案:as well5.David knew he was wron

5、g,but he wouldnt admit,for fear ofin front of other classmates.答案:losing face6.The country willsend up manned spacecraft to the moon in the near future.答案:be likely to7.It doesnt seem ugly to me,I think its rather beautiful.答案:on the contrary8.Doctor Lee was so bright and pleasant that Arthur feltwi

6、th him at his home.答案:at ease9.When we were in trouble we asked Jack for help,but heus.答案:turned his back to10.After the latest technology wasour factory,the production increased by 10%.答案:introduced to.完成句子1.Learning that their only son was sound and safe .听到他们的独子安全无恙他们就放心了。答案:put them at ease2.Whe

7、ther you liked it or not,you shouldnt have your mother when she was talking to you.不论你喜不喜欢,当你妈妈和你谈话的时候你都不应该不理她。答案:turned your back to3.I really appreciate their the problem.我真的很欣赏他们解决问题的方式。答案:approach to settling4.Try to keep your open and sincere.尽力保持面部表情坦率、诚恳。答案:facial expression5.This is a .这是对她能

8、力的一种主观判断。答案:subjective judgment of her abilities.七选五Once in a while,you will need to e across sentences that make you smile as you will need more inspiration and motivation to go on with your life.Which sentences do you think will make you smile the most?1Yes,today,everything is going to be great!Yo

9、ur thoughts can heavily influence your actions and also your mood for the day.Choose to read sentences that make you smile.Be grateful for another day that youre alive.Choose to spend your life with optimistic thoughts and refreshing beliefs,and get rid of any thought that says otherwise.2You are he

10、re in this world to make a positive difference.You were given a gifta talent or a skillthat you can use to help empower yourself and eventually empower others.Make the most out of it by touching lives and influencing people to change for the better.It doesnt matter how many times you fail;what matte

11、rs is how many times you stand up and try again.3 Learn from the successful people and use failures as lifes way of teaching us valuable lessons.Want to know a secret?Successful people fail a lot more than unsuccessful ones.4Past arguments,physical wounds,broken hearts,personal differencesall of the

12、se can be healed in time.5 You just need to wait for the right time for all the pain to be forgotten and for all the scars to fade away.A.Dont be discouraged by your failures!B.You have the power to spend your life with people who truly matter to you.C.Time heals almost everything,so give time some

13、time to work.D.Life is too precious to waster time hating anyone.E.Dont be in such a rush,and dont force things to heal immediately.F.I hope these sentences will be useful and helpful in your life.G.Indeed,every day can be a great day if you want it to be.答案:15 FGACE.语法填空A taboo(忌讳,禁忌)is a social ac

14、tion that is not allowed.Every culture in the world has 1.(it)own taboos.The breaking of a taboo sometimes makes people feel 2.(fort).I learned this through my own experience.Last weekend,Wang Lin and I showed two 3.(foreign)around our city.Mr.Singh was from India and Mr.White from the USA.When I 4.

15、(hold)out my left hand to shake hands with him,Mr.Singh seemed to be unhappy.Mr.White,5.,was quite casual.He said hello to me with a big smile and a wave of his hand.In the evening,we stopped at a restaurant for dinner.I noticed that Mr.Singh didnt touch 6. beef and Mr.White seemed not to like chickens c


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