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1、unit 7 Teenagers should be allowed to choose their own clothes . Section B (3a4)Learning aims :1 Learn some important words and useful expressions .2 Master “should be allowed to do”.3 Talk about the rules in school .Difficulties and focus :1 Should be allowed to do .2 Agree and disagree .一 Preview

2、: (Translate into English)1前几天_ _ _ 2 专心于我们的学习_ _ _ _3 设计校服_ _ _4 目前,现在_ _ = _ = _ _ _ 5 有一个做某事的机会_ _ _ _ _ 6 自愿做某事_ _ _7 在当地的医院_ _ _ _ 8 一个好的经历_ _ _ 9 一个俱乐部的成员_ _ _ _ _二, Exhibition :( Answer the questions )1 What did we talk about the other day ?2 What do we have to wear at our school ?3 What do t

3、he students think of the school uniforms ?4 What kind of clothes do they want to wear ?5 Why do their teachers want them to wear the uniforms ?6 How do the teenagers and their parents like to study ? Why ?7 What is their idea about vacations ? Why ?8 What did the writer have an opportunity to do ?9

4、Why is it good to volunteer ?三 Feedback :( Find out the knowledge points )1 The problem is that all my classmates think the uniforms are ugly .2 Our teachers believe that if we did that, we would concentrate more on our clothes than our studies .3 We would feel more fortable and that is good for stu

5、dying .4 That would be a good way to keep both teachers and students happy .5 Its also probably a good idea for parents to allow teenagers to study in groups during the evening .6 I know we get noisy sometimes, but we learn a lot from each other .7 Last summer I had an opportunity to volunteer at th

6、e local hospital ,but I couldnt because I had to go back to school . Development :四 Development :1 We should learn _ the excellent students.(介词填空)2 He always _ his teaching .(专心于)3 _ , he is on holiday.(目前)4 This book_ English. (对学习英语有好处)5 I hope to have an opportunity_(study ) abroad . 6 Tom bought a car _.(前几天)7 I volunteer _( help) him .8 We should keep our eyes_when doing eye exercises . A close B closed C open D opened


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