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1、20222023小学升初中考试题库及答案1. The man _ the photo is my father.A. inB.in theC.on theD.under正确答案: A 2. ()_ you like this jacket?A.AreB.DoC.CanD.What正确答案: B 3. Whats your _ fruit?A.very likeB.favouriteC.much like正确答案: B 4. ()What about _?A.something to eatB.to eat somethingC.something eatD.eat something正确答案:

2、 A 5. A car travels at a rate of 50 miles per hour.How long will it take to travel 300 miles?A.250hoursB.6hoursC.1/6hoursD.15000hours正确答案: B 6. She _(like) to play the flute.正确答案: likes 7. close_ (现在分词)正确答案: closing 8. A. B. C. 正确答案: C 9. The boys like to listen to music when they do _ (they) homewo

3、rk.正确答案: their 10. 阅读理解,根据短文内容判断正(T)误(F)。 Its Sunday morning. The students of Class 3 are giving their classroom a good cleaning. Miss Huang, their teacher, is working with them. The children are busy. Some are carrying water; some are cleaning the windows; others are sweeping the floor. Zhang Hua i

4、s putting up a map on the wall. It is a map of China. Wang Fei and Wei Qing are mending some broken chairs. The children are. listening to the radio while they are working. The classroom looks nice and bright after the cleaning. The children are very happy. They go home for lunch at noon. ( ) 1. The

5、 children are playing in their classroom on Sunday morning. ( ) 2. Miss Huang, their mother, is working with them. ( ) 3. There is a map of China on the wall. ( ) 4. Two of them are repairing the broken chairs. ( ) 5. They are singing while they are working. 正确答案: FF T T F 11. many ,minutes ,hour ,t

6、here ,how ,are ,in,an _ 正确答案: How many minutes are there in an hour? 12. Jason is used to _ (watch) TV the whole night.正确答案: watching 13. 书面表达。 以一种文具为题按要求写一篇英语小作文。 要求:1.要写出此文具的主要特点。 2.条理清楚,意思连贯,标点正确,书写规范 。 3.不少于50个单词 。 正确答案:My Pencil-box I have a pencil-box. It is nice and big. It has many colours.

7、There are two blocks on my pencil-box. One is yellow, the other is orange. In my pencil-box, there are pens, pencils, a ruler and an eraser. I like my pencil-box very much and my pencil-box looks like my best friend. 14. There aren t _ apples in the basket, but there are some on the tableA.someB.any

8、C.a正确答案: B 15. I think the _ (four) lesson is the most difficult in this book.正确答案: fourth 16. ()“What would you like?”“Id like _ to eat. ”A.somethingB.appleC.meatD.some orange正确答案: A 17. Look ,my grandmother is _ my grand fatherA.on the left ofB.nextC.on the right of正确答案: A 18. 在5/67/8中,里应填()A.B.C.

9、=正确答案: B 19. you ,let ,help ,me _ 正确答案: Let me help you 20. Look out of the window.(改为否定句) _ 正确答案: Dont look out of the window. 21. 爱的故事(美安妮. 尼尔康) 一个失去了双亲的小女孩与奶奶相依为命,住在楼上的一间卧室里。一天夜里,房子起火了,奶奶在抢救孙女时被火烧死了。大火迅速蔓(mn wn)延,一楼已是一片火海。邻居已呼叫过火警,无可奈何地站在外面(观看观望),火焰已经封住了所有的进出口。小女孩出现在楼上的一扇窗口,哭叫着救命,人群中(流传传布)着消息说:消防

10、队员正在扑救另一场火灾,要晚几分钟才能赶来。突然,一个男人扛着梯子出现了,梯子架到墙上,人钻(zunzun)进火海之中。他再次出现时,手里抱着小女孩。孩子交给了下面迎接的人群,男人消失在夜色之中。调查发现,这孩子在世上已经没有亲人了,几周后,镇政府召开群众集会,商议谁来收养这孩子。一位教师愿意收养这孩子,说她能保证孩子受到良好的教育。一个农夫也3 / 5想收养这孩子,他说孩子在农场会生活得更加健康惬(qi xi )意。其他人也纷纷发言,述说把孩子交给他们抚养的种种好处。最后,本镇最富有的居民站起来说话了:“你们提到的所有好处,我都能给她,并且能给她金钱和金钱能够买到的一切东西。”从始至终,小女

11、孩一直沉默不语,眼睛望着地板。“还有人要发言吗?”会议主持人问道。一个男人从大厅的后面走上前去。他步履缓慢,似乎在忍受 着痛苦。他(快步径直)来到小女孩的面前,朝她张开了双臂。人群一片哗然。他的手上和胳膊上布满了可怕的伤疤。孩子叫出声来:“这就是救我命的那个人!”她一下子蹦了起来,双手死命地抱住了男人的脖子,就像她遭难那天夜里一样。她把脸埋进他的怀里,抽泣了一会儿,然后,她抬起头,朝他笑了。“现在休会。”会议主持人宣布道 1.给文中的字选择正确的读音,对的打“”。 2.在文中的括号里选择正确的词语,对的打“”。 3.读文章,判断下列说法的对错,对的打“”。 (1)文章讲述的是一个孤女被一位富有

12、爱心的男人收养的故事。() (2)当小女孩面临火灾时,男人和邻居冲进火海救出了小女孩。() (3)当小女孩没有任何亲人的时候,很多人伸出了援助之手,都愿意收养小女 孩。() (4)作者认为小女孩应该归最富有的居民收养,因为他能够给小女孩所有的好 处。() (5)文中画横线的句子是一个比喻句。() 4.文中家加粗的句子“他步履缓慢,似乎在忍受着痛苦”,“他”痛苦的原因 是() A.他认为很多人收养小女孩,但不一定出自内心,所以感到很痛苦。 B.他因为收养小女孩而要增加一些经济负担而感到很痛苦。 C.他为了抢救小女孩而受伤,身体有些痛苦。 5.根据全文,请你做出判断,会议主持人宣布小女孩由谁来收养

13、呢? _ 正确答案: 22. Lingling is in _ .A.Class Four , Grade OneB.Grade One ,Class FourC.Class four ,grade one正确答案: A 23. to ,I,put ,the ,ball ,in,the ,box ,want _ 正确答案: I want to put the ball in the box. 24. Da Ming comes from China,he is _(China).正确答案: Chinese 25. She cant _ in the lakeA.swimmingB.swimingC.swim正确答案: C 26. About _ percent of the earths surface is covered with waterA.29B.82C.71D.100正确答


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