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1、英语优质课教案陈福华 平舆县第六初级中学Lesson 5. How many birds can you see?教学内容: Lets learn 教学目标:1、 能听懂、会说、会认读数词1120,掌握数词1120并了解其构成规律。2、 掌握 Can you see ? What can you see?How many can you see? 三个句型,并能用替换词造句和做正确回答。3、 激发学生学习英语的兴趣,培养学生用英语进行交际的能力。教学用具:彩色图片学具: 1120 的数字卡片教学过程:一、 复习1、 日常会话:Im Miss li. Whats your name?My nam

2、e is Nice to meet you . Nice to meet you ,too .Your name ,please ? My name is Glad to see you . Glad to see you ,too.Hello,class.today ,Im very happy to meet you.now, lets begin our class.2、 数词110Please count the numbers from one to ten 出示英文数字110 齐读两遍。These are numbers we have learned.二、 引入新课,学习新课To

3、day,well learn lesson 5. How many birds can you see?Letlearn . In this part ,well learn some new numbers.1、出示数词1120,逐一领读单词,引导学生注意对比,找出规律。规律:1319这七个单词是在相应的个位数词后面加上了teen .注意 13、 15、 18等三个词略有变化。2、领读这些单词3、自由读记数词4、做游戏巩固数词Listen and do 1 师举数字卡片说:whats this in English ?学生用英语回答: sixteen sixteen .2 师说数字的英语,学

4、生举出数字卡片说数字师说 Twlve,twelve ,where are you ?Twelve ,twelve, its here.Just like this ,practice in pairs.Everyone, you are great!三、 学习句型1. 出示彩色图片说please look at these pictures.what are these?(注意这些水果或东西的数量都不止一个,所以 这些名词都要用它们的复数形式. These are eggs /apples /pears /peaches /bananas /balls /books /rulers /pens

5、 /pencils.领读这些复数名词2. 学习句子. Please look at the first picture.What can you see? I can see some eggs。Can you see some eggs. Yes ,I can .How many eggs can you see? I can see eleven.Read after the teacher two times.Every,please try to ask and answer.The second picture :What can you see? I can see some ap

6、ples.Can you see some apples? Yes ,I can .How many apples can you see? I can see twelve.Read after the teacher two times and then try to ask and answer. 向学生指出这些句中的复数名词可以用其他的复数名词来替换,数词可以用其他的数词来替换。 看着剩下的图片指名学生进行替换练习。 师指卡片男生问女生答,然后女生问男生答。 两人结合选择任意图片问答。四、 总结同学们,这节课我们都学会了什么?我们学习了数词1120,还学习了用can you see ?

7、 What can you see?How many can you see?进行会话,同学们要想学好英语,在日常生活中就要不断的用英语进行交际。板书设计: Lesson 5. How many birds can you see? Lets learnone two three four five six seven eight eleven twelve thirteen fourteen fifteen sixteen seventeen eighteennine tennineteen twenty eggs balls apples booksHow many pears /rulers can you see?peaches /pens bananas /pencils. I can see eleven.



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