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1、广东2022年广州银行人才招聘笔试参考题库答案详解(图片大小可自由调整)第1卷一.单项选择题(共50题)1.关于本币贬值,下列说法正确的是( )。A.无论在何种情况下,本币贬值均可以改善国际收支B.当进口需求的价格弹性+出口需求的价格弹性0,本币贬值可以改善国际收支C.当进口需求的价格弹性+出口需求的价格弹性1,本币贬值可以改善国际收支D.本币贬值,本国商品在海外市场相对于外国商品价格“更贵”,海外市场对本国产品雷求减少答案:C 本题解析:根据马歇尔勒纳条件:当进口需求的价格弹性+出口需求的价格弹性1,本币贬值可以改善国际收支,故C项正确,AB错误:本币贬值,本国商品在海外市场相对于外国商品价

2、格“更便宜”,海外市场对本国产品需求增加,故D项错误。所以答案选C.2.甲、乙、丙、丁四个人过桥,分别需要 1 分钟,2 分钟,5 分钟,10 分钟。因为天黑,必须借助于手电筒过桥,可是他们总共只有一个手电筒,并且桥的载重能力有限,最多只能承受两个人的重量,也就是说,每次最多过两个人。现在希望可以用最短的时间过桥,那么最短时间是多少分钟?( )A.15B.16C.17D.18答案:C 本题解析:甲和乙先过桥,用时 2 分钟,再由甲返回送手电筒,需要 1 分钟,然后丙、丁搭配过桥,用时 10 分钟。接下来乙返回,送手电筒,用时 2 分钟,再和甲一起过桥,又用时 2 分钟。所以花费的总时间为:21

3、102217 分钟3.Questions 57-60 refer to the following memo.TO: ALL GGBA membersFROM: Stephen McFarlane, GGBA PresidentAttention all owners and managers, your attendance is requested at the monthly GGBA meeting on February 12. Please find the agenda below. Let me know if you have any questions about the

4、meeting.-StephenGreater Glasgow Business Association ( GGBA)February 12, 10:00 AM.Palmer Place Restaurant, 98 Duke St, GlasgowAgendaI. Welcome address from Stephen McFarlaneII. New members and special guestsIII. GGBA BusinessA Direction and Plans for Next YearB Committee Updates1)Special Events Comm

5、ittee2)Marketing & Publicity Committee3)GGBA Web Site Development Committee4)Community Outreach CommitteeC. GGBA Business /Social Event February 24IV. OtherWhat will probably NOT be discussed at the GGBA meeting?A.The associations advertising plansB.The results of recent committeeC.Plans for future

6、GGBA eventsD.The design of the GGBA Web site答案:A 本题解析:BCD 在文中都有提及,即Committee Updates, GGBA Business/Social Event, GGBA Web Site Development Committee。文中未提及广告方面的事宜,故选A。4.Expansion at EverallAfter four consecutive years of record-breaking growth, Everall Technologies has announced plans to 41 its offi

7、ce facilities on Warner Road. The company has added over 200 employees in the last ten years alone, and is desperately in need of more space.According to an Everall spokesperson, the construction firm chosen to undertake the project is Build Lite Inc., and the work is estimated to take a little over

8、 a year to complete.42in the plans are a four-storey sales center, an auditorium with seating for 500, and a parking lot able to accommodate up to 1,200 vehicles. Both Everall and Build Lite have declined to43the cost of the project at this time. However, independent analysts predict it could reach

9、over $10 million.阅读以上短文,回答191-193题。第41题答案是_A.submitB.expandC.releaseD.organize答案:B 本题解析:A“submit”提交,B“expand”拓展,扩大,Crelease”发布,D“organize”组织。5.2015年,某省工业企业全年实现主营业务收入37864亿元、税金1680亿元、利润2080亿元,分别增长19.1、19.4、26.4,分别高出全国7.9、8.4、14.2个百分点。该省工业企业主营业务收入占全国工业的3.7,比上年提高0.3个百分点。百户重点企业主营业务收入、税金、利润分别增长10.2、11.1、

10、20.8,分别占全省工业的29.5、51、27.6。 2015年,汽车行业实现主营业务收入4538亿元,增长23.1;实现利润416.6亿元,增长19.9;税金225.3亿元,增长50。销售利润率(利润占主营业务收入的比重)攀升至9.2。 食品(含烟草)实现主营业务收入6359亿元,增长20.8,增速同比放缓9.2个百分点。实现利润398亿元,增长34.5;工业税金506.2亿元,增长114。 钢铁行业实现主营业务收入3510亿元,增长1.8,利润总额34.6亿元,增长18.8。行业销售利润率仅1。 石化行业主营业务收入5138亿元,增长18.8;实现利润204.2亿元,增长38.1。子行业中

11、,石油加工业净亏损0.2亿元,同比减亏13.6亿元;化工行业全年利润增长31.6,扭转上半年利润下降局面;石油开采业净亏损8.6亿元,橡胶塑料行业利润增长29.1。 建材行业实现主营业务收入2412亿元,增长27.1;实现利润167.2亿元,增长51.6。机械行业实现主营业务收入3886亿元,增长26.6;实现利润191.6亿元,增长23.8。其中,电气机械(家电)利润增长38.5,专用设备利润增长22.1,船舶行业利润增长18.9。2015年该省工业企业的哪项信息,能够从上述资料中直接推出?()A.工业企业利润占全国工业企业利润总额的比重B.船舶行业主营业务收入占机械行业的比重C.橡胶塑料行

12、业工业企业实现利润额D.百户重点企业的总体销售利润率答案:D 本题解析:A项,材料没有给出全国工业企业利润总额,无法推出;B项,材料没有给出船舶行业主营业务收入,无法推出;C项,材料只提到橡胶塑料行业利润增长29.1,无法推出利润额;D项,由全省工业企业主营业务收入、利润额及百户重点企业分别占比,可求出总体销售利润率为(208027.6)/(3786429.5)5.14。6.2019年,我国加力提效实施积极的财政政策,适度扩大财政支出规模。假设年底政府准备控制债务规模,适度弥补财政赤字,则采取以下哪种方式最易引起通货膨胀?()A.向中央银行借款B.发行政府债券C.增税D.动用财政结余答案:A

13、本题解析:暂无解析7.With companies still showing signs of reluctance to raise wages too much, the competition for workers is_with lavish benefits.A.playing outB.playing upC.playing throughD.playing on答案:C 本题解析:企业仍表现出不愿大幅加薪的迹象。工人进行抗争,争取的是XX丰厚福利。play out结束、展示: play up强调; playing through将. 进行到底; play on有意利用。根据句

14、意可知,工人进行抗争,争取将丰厚福利C最合适,故本题选C8.Being financially secure in retirement just doesnt happen magically It takes lots of planning time and savingsSome scary facts about retirement?More than 50% of persons do not have enough finances for retirement?25%do not participate in their companys retirement plan?The average person spends 20 years in retirementHere are some tips to help you plan correctly1. Talk to a financial professional. Every few years its a good idea to schedule a meeting with a financial planner to get a


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