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1、8B Unit2知识点解析与练习1. travelling n. 旅行 v. 旅行者 n.2. go to sp for ones holiday 某人去某地度假我将要去南山度假。.be on holiday 在度假你去哪里度过假?3. (1) join v.加入(并成为一员):加入某人做某事 join sb in (doing) sth辨析:join in/take part in 参加活动attend出席(会议宴会等)他两年前入伍了。He the army two years ago.=He the army two years ago.=He the army two years.(2)

2、 since自从:(1)从句用过去式,主句用现在完成时; (2)肯定句或疑问句,要用长动词。(3)提问:How longI have(借)the book since one week ago and I ll return it to the library tomorrow. He hasnt(buy) any new clothes since 2016.4. 准备好 Aprepare A =为 B 做好准备prepare for B =为 B 准备好 A prepare A for B =5. I dont think itll be a holiday for me.我认为对我来说

3、这将不是一个假期。(否定前移) 我想我不认识你。.6.比萨斜塔自由女神像小美人鱼塔桥悉尼歌剧院长城Places of interestLocation(地点)A. New York, the USA B.London, the UKC.Pisa, ItalyD. Beijing, ChinaE.Copenhagen, Denmark F. Sydney, Australia7 .-它有什么特别之处? ?-它出自安徒生写的故事中。It the story Hans Christian Anderson.the story by.由.所写的故事 by前省略了过去分词 written ,在句中做定语

4、。8 .去.之行 /之旅: a trip to sp. / a tour of sp. / pay a visit to sp.9 . miss : (1) vt.想念 (2)vt.错过,没赶上 三单 过去式 10 .极好的,美妙的 adj. 最高级 have a good/ great/fantastic time = have=very much 她拉小提琴拉得多开心啊! fantastic time he has!11 . 一整天 the whole day =12 .同义句转换: I went there by underground. = I an/the underground t

5、here.He came back home by car. = He a car to come back home.We went to the park by bike. = We a bike to the park.ride :(1) n.乘坐(娱乐设施);乘.的短途旅行have a ride on train = have a train ride 乘火车的旅行I spend five minutes going there by bus. = It is a bus to go there.(2) v.骑 ride-rode-(过去分词)13 .室内的 adj. 室外的 adj.

6、 室内过山车 户外活动 14 . speed n速度: speed 前无冠tat high/low/full speed 以高速 /低速/全速 The bus moves slowly. = The bus moves (2) speed前有冠词 at a speed of. 以的速度 excited (修饰人)感到激动的 exciting (修饰物)令人激动的The people crashed into the supermarket.It is moment all the old man s life.15. hurry v.匆忙过去式 (2) n. in a hurry 匆忙地hur

7、ry to sp. = go to sp. in a hurryhurry to do sth. = do sth. in a hurry匆忙赶到某地做某事 (3) Hurry up!快点! (4) adj. hurried adv. hurriedly吃顿简餐 have a16 .(1) on the way 在路上on ones way to sp.(地点是副词,to 省略)辨析:by the way顺便说一下in some ways在某种程度上in the way挡道17 . such这样的 such as例如such as 和 for example 的区另kA. such as+几个

8、例子(n., V-ing或短语),位于句中,后无逗号;B. for example+一个例子(句子),一般在句首,后有逗号。He has many hobbies,swimming and(write).She is a hard-working student., she always gets to school early.18 .(1) 游行 n. parade 卡通人物的游行 (2)下午晚些时候 (3)一天中最好的部分 19 .(1)追赶 (2)情不自禁/不能停止做某事 cant stop doing sth. I couldnt stop(laugh) after he told

9、me this story.(3) stop doing sth.停止正在做的事情 stop to do sth. 停下来,去做另一件事情 stop . (from) doing sth.阻止.做某事20. magic :(1)n.魔法U(2) adj.神奇的;有魔力的4D电影像魔法一样 21. (1) smell : (a)实意 v.闻到 过去式 过去分词(b)系v.闻起来(+形容词)(c) n.味道 eg. the smell of the flowersThe dog can smell things(good).The rice smells(good).(2) feel : (a)实

10、意v.感觉到(b)系 v.感觉,摸起来(+ 形容词)The cloth feels(soft).(c) n. feeling 可数 of happiness and sadness22. couple:n.夫妇;两个人/两个事物;几个人/几件事物(2) a couple of +可数n.复数:一对;几个,几件=two / a few +可数 n.复数几张照片 _对钥匙扣23.(1)the end of .在结束时/末端/尽头; the end of.在.快结束时= at last = finally 最后, 最终(2)the fireworks 观看烟火; fireworks 燃放烟火 the

11、 fireworks 在烟花(的映衬)下(3) A. in front of. 在.前面(外部) B. in the front of.在前面(内部)The teacher stands the students and she is the classroom.24 . stay: n. / v.停留,逗留;待在 在你待在那儿期间 同义句:这些鸟每年在扎龙作短暂停留。The birds go to Zhalong every year.=The birds in Zhalong every year.25 .语法:()辨析 have gone to、 have been in、 have b

12、een to:(1) have gone to :去了某地还没回(人不在说话现场)(2) have been in :去了某地有一段时间了(人未回)+段时间(for./since.)(3) have been to:去过某地 (人已回) 标志:many times, once, before, ever, never.练习:1. -May I speak to Mr Lee?-Sorry, he Harbin. He the city for two days.A. has been to; has been in B. has gone to; has been toC. has gone

13、to; has been in D. has been to; has been to2. -you ever to Hong Kong ? -Never.3. Where you these days?4. -Has Jim arrived yet? -Yes, he here for several days.5. -Where is Peter? -He home.(二)长短动词转换:(1)短动词和长动词 都可以用现在完成时。但如果后接一段时间 时(since, for),短动词要转化为长动词。(2)短动词在肯定句,疑问句中不能与时间段连用,在 否定句中可以和时间段连用。 重点同义句转换

14、:It is/has been +时间+since(过去式)= 时间 has passed since.练习:1. The old man(die) for three months.2. The meeting finished half an hour ago.= The meeting since half an hour ago.3. The student fell asleep last night. = The student since last night.4. I turned off the light 5 hours ago. = I the light off for

15、 5 hours.=The light for 5 hours.5. My parents got married 25 years ago. = My parents for 25 years.6. I have been away from Xuzhou for 7 years. = I Xuzhou 7 years ago.7. The film started 2 hours ago. = The film for 2 hours.8. Mary got to Beijing two days ago.=Mary Beijing .=Two days since Mary Beijing.= two days since Mary Beijing.26. beauty n. (1)美;美丽(不可数)自然美景 (2)美人(可数)She is such a beauty!27. except/but prep.除了 .以外 except sb


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