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1、附录A My PDA market conditions and price trends analysis Many countries in the world PDA development, is a Palm and Pocket PC-based, Yet, the PDA craze now someone is concentrated in the non-Palm-and Pocket PC at the low price of PDA, mainstream price of RMB 1,200 yuan or less, and short-term price tr

2、ends within this sample is not in sight. Also worth noting is the worlds largest electronic dictionary market, and the market is now PDA and electronic dictionary market is gradually mixed. 1. PDA and electronic dictionary market coincidence And the international community compared to other countrie

3、s, Chinas PDA has been able to sell so well, many of them attributed to the traditional gift-giving culture. Many people are reluctant to use, but they are willing to buy as a gift to somebody else. Hence my PDA market with such ambitious, far higher than many overseas consultants original estimate,

4、 Currently, Chinas PDA market is in fact made up of all PIM (Personal Information Management) similar products, in particular the electronic dictionary series of products. And the PDA and electronic dictionary now the biggest difference is that PDA of touch screen and pen-based input. Most electroni

5、c dictionaries are only keyboard input. Of course, many of the expensive electronic dictionaries have tablet screen and pen-based input. Many of the low-priced PDA except more of touch screen and pen-based input, the function of the electronic dictionary with almost the same. But the future of the P

6、DA have higher growth rate of electronic dictionaries because today the majority of PDA encompassing all of the electronic dictionary for the relevant function and their prices continue to decline Therefore, our future will be electronic dictionary market, the growth generated significant brake effe

7、ct. It is expected that by 2002, Chinas share of the electronic dictionary sales proportion will be steadily reduced, electronic dictionary with the actual proportion of PDA products will become 58% and 42%. Long-term view, as the PDA prices have dropped lower, Electronic dictionary in super-low mar

8、ket has been able to maintain a certain sales volume, electronic dictionary with a real PDA products share the genitalia, will occupy half of their market size, maintain the state equalization. While it has no global statistics, electronic dictionaries that the industry generally, Chinas sales of el

9、ectronic dictionary market is the largest in the world, the proportion of over 50%. Although not know the future of foreign consultancy firms in the calculation of the Chinese PDA market of electronic dictionaries included. But even deducting sales of electronic dictionaries number of PDA sales in C

10、hina has exceeded the number of Japan, second only to the United States. 2. My PDA price trend analysis 1.1500 yuan will be sold watershed now Palm and Pock Tile et PC PDA sales in China share very low, PDA is expected only when the price dropped about RMB 1,500 yuan, the PDA is a substantial increa

11、se in the sales opportunity; When the PDA in the price of RMB 1,000 yuan, the largest PDA sales. GUIDEC Wang products with intelligent series is one of the leaders; from RMB 1,000 yuan to 500 yuan between is expensive electronic dictionary PDA market with a substantial overlap between the high Haoyi

12、tong electronic dictionaries to thrive and to represent products. But in the price range of PDA - mostly inventory of species over time. Therefore PDA low price strategy in this area might not. and because of the price range of products are now in the predicament of unfit, sales decreased rather tha

13、n increased. 2. Low-cost development of the market will continue to be the main theme as Henderson CHAN Legend, Great Wall and other heavyweight manufacturers to come into, coupled with Chinas economic development and sustained robust demand for the international community and other factors impact M

14、y next two years Pocket PC and Palm PDA users will continue to increase, the proportion will rise. But Chinas largest PDA sales are still low PDA, and that the mainstream prices will continue to decline. My PDA hybrid electronic dictionary market as a whole will result in a lower price of the higher

15、 sales, What is the biggest sales PDA PDA we often say, then what is the PDA, and the meaning of words, What are the classes that you have to buy before the PDA must know, the purchase of PDA is the first step before. 3. Analysis term PDA PDA, is the Personal Digital Assistant (Personal Digital Assi

16、stant) mean. As the name suggests is the support of individual digital tools. Primarily notebooks, correspondence, the exchange of business cards and itinerary, and other functions. Of course, as technology advances, new features such as digital recording has been the increase of the previous one. PDA now defined very vague, all the products are collectively referred to the streets. Many people have even PDA collectively referred to as PDAs. 4.PDA classification PDA



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