Unit1第2课时教案Part A Let’s learn  Let'sdo四年级英语下册人教PEP

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1、Unit 1 My schoolPart A Lets learn & Lets do教学设计单元Unit 1课时第 2课时学习目标1.能够听、说、认读词汇: teachers office,library,first floor,second floor。2.能够在情景中熟练运用句型:“Wheres the .?Its the.”来询问功能室的具体位置。3.能够听懂Lets do部分的指令并根据指令做出正确的动作反应。4.能够引导学生关注自己学校,做学校的小主人,同时培养学生学习英语的热情。教学重难点1.能够听、说、认读词汇: teachers office,library,the firs

2、t floor,the second floor。2.能够在情景中熟练运用句型:“Wheres the .?Its the.”来询问功能室的具体位置。3.能够听懂Lets do部分的指令并根据指令做出正确的动作反应。学情分析从学生的年龄特点上看,四年级的学生活泼好动,热爱模仿和表演,从教学设计上要符合学生的年龄特点。在经过一年多时间的英语学习,学生对英语有了一定的了解,大多数同学学习兴趣持续高涨,课堂上,他们举手积极,气氛活跃,绝大多数学生愿意去尝试。此单元的话题与学生的校园生活息息相关,对于学生而言,相对比较容易入手。教学工具PPT,单词卡片,课文视频,课文音频教学方法情境创设法,任务教学法

3、,游戏教学法教学过程学习任务教学活动设计意图Part 1:Warm up热身Step I: Warm up 1.Enjoy the song:My school-Going to school .(出示课件)T:Are you ready to enjoy a song? Ok, Lets go.After listeningT:Are you happy when you go to school every week? Why?S: Im happy. I can play with my classmates.S:.2.Lets visitT: Look. This is Emma. S

4、he is a new student. Her new school is big and nice. Lets go and visit her new school.A question: How many floors are there?S: One, two, three. There are three floors.T: You are right. Look, this is the first floor. This is the second floor. This is the third floor.一首和学校相关的歌曲调动学生的课堂积极性,同时引出本节课的课题,再通

5、过创设情境,Emma新同学的身份带着大家去参观她的新学校,自然就引出将要教授的新单词和对话。Part 2 :Lets learn.学习本节课重点单词与句型。Step II: Lets learn:1.Lets learnT:Look! The two girls are Emmas classmate, Chen Jie and Amy. They are watching their school model. Lets go and see together.(show the picture and Emmas sentences.) T:What is it?S: Its a libr

6、ary.T: Where is it?S:Its on the first floor.(Show the PPT)T: Ok. Listen to the tape carefully. Now, read after me. Library. S:Library.T:Great! Remember: Be quiet in the library. To be a civilized student.(Show the PPT)T:Listen to the tape carefully. Now, read after me. first floor. The point here is

7、 first is ordinal numeral. Its cardinal numeral is one. Got it? OK, now tell me. What other words have ir in them? S: girl, bird, dirty.(show the picture and Emmas sentences.) T:What is it?S: Its a teachers office.T: Where is it?S:Its on the first floor, too.(Show the PPT)T: Ok. Listen to the tape c

8、arefully. Now, read after me. teachers office. S:teachers office.T:Wonderful. (Show the PPT) Here we need to know the difference between teachers and teachers.(show the picture and Emmas sentences.) T:What is this drawn in a circle?S: Its a classroom.T: Where is it?S:Its on the second floor.(Show th

9、e PPT)T:Listen to the tape carefully. Now, read after me. second floor. Second is ordinal numeral. Two is cardinal numeral. Got it? OK, now tell me. What other words have e in them? S: seven, lemon, desk.2.Listen and repeatListen to the tape, repeat it.新授部分Emma的介绍贯穿始终,教师教学过程中主要引导学生去发现答案,创造更多的机会让学生自己

10、去说。词不离句,句不离词,多在句子里让学生去记忆理解。新授单词的发音,多听多说多练。Part 3:Lets practice。练习本课目标单词。Step III:Lets practice:1.Lets matchT:Put words or phrases in their place. Then tell me the right match.S: .2. Lets watchT:Watch the video, then do it with your partner.3.Lets chooseT: Beep, here es the school bus. Choose the rig

11、ht one, you can get on the school bus.Students raise their hands to answer4.ExercisesT:Now lets do some exercises.通过游戏活动和奖励活动,活跃了课堂气氛,训练了学生的观察力,记忆力。Part 4:Summary。总结本节课学习内容。Step V:Summary1. T:Now lets summarize What have we learned today? S:teachers office、library、first floor、 second floor. T:What a

12、bout sentences? S:.通过提问的方式总结本节课词汇和句型。Part 5:Homework。布置作业Step VI:Homework(1)Listen to the tape and read the words and sentences in “Lets learn”.(2)Complete the synchronization exercise.通过布置作业巩固复习本节课单词以及句型。板书设计: Unit 1 My schoolPart A Lets learn& Lets dolibrary teachers office Where is the.? first floor Its on the first / second floor. Isecond floor 教学反思:本节课是以词汇和简单句型的学习为基础,引入“学校”一个新的话题,即在在本节课的教学中,主要让学生学习描述学校主要设施及活动场所用英语如何表达,知道学校设施场所大体功能同时会询问或描述学校某设施场所的大体位置。本课主要是注重基础,重点培养学生听说能力,教育孩子要热爱学校,养成良好的生活、学习习惯。1、 歌曲导入,活跃课堂气氛,激发学生学习英语的兴趣。2、 教学设计结构紧凑,过渡自然,层层递进,环环相扣。3、 以学生为主体,大胆放手。


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