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1、期期末末综综合合测测试试Part OneListening(第第一一部部分分听听力力)I.Listen and choose the right picture(根根据据你你听听到到的的内内容容,选选出出相相应应的的图图片片):5 分分1._ 2._ 3._ 4._ 5._.Listen to the dialogue and choose the best answer to the question you hear(根根据据你你听听到到的的对对话话和和问问题题,选选出出最最恰恰当当的的答答案案):8 分分()1.A.Jack.B.Mary.C.Helen.D.Sue.()2.A.He i

2、s going to Hong Kong with his mother.B.He is going to Beijing with his father.C.He is going to the Palace Museum with his mother.D.He is going to the Summer Palace with his mum.()3.A.Exciting.B.Relaxing.C.Interesting.D.Boring.()4.A.About 10 million.B.About 8 million.C.About 9 million.D.About 12 mill

3、ion.()5.A.Once a week.B.Twice a day.C.Three times a day.D.Once a day.()6.A.Mid-autumn Festival.B.Dragon Boat Festival.C.National Day.D.Spring Festival.()7.A.A doctor.B.A factory worker.C.An engineer.D.A teacher.()8.A.Talking about different kinds of dogs.B.Watching a film about dogs.C.Shopping for a

4、 dog.D.Playing a game about dogs.Listen to the passage and tell whether the following statements are true or false(判判断断下下列列句句子子是是否否符符合合你你所所听听到到的的内内容容,符符合合的的用用T表表示示,不不符符合合的的用用“F”表表示示):6 分分()1.Peter has three children.()2.Henry looks after his sister.()3.Mother cant do the housework while the children

5、 are at home.()4.Henry and Helen are playing when their mother is cooking lunch yesterday morning.()5.Henry cried out because Helen has broken the toy horse.()6.Helen is very naughty.IV.Listen to the passage and complete the sentences(听听对对话话,完完成成下下列列句句子子):6 分分1.I am _years old.2.I take care of peopl

6、es teeth.I am a _.3.I usually have some milk and some pieces of _.4.I often eat _for lunch.5.For dinner,I usually eat some rice!fish and vegetable _.6.I think you have a _diet.Part TwoVocabulary and Grammar(第第二二部部分分词词汇汇和和语语法法)V.Choose the best answer(选选择择最最恰恰当当的的答答案案):15 分分()1.Tom wants _ noodles.He

7、 doesnt want _ rice.A.some,anyB.some,someC.any,someD.any,any()2.Classes usually begin _8:00 in the morning in our school.A.inB.onC.atD.with()3.My cousins will visit us this weekend.I will meet _at the bus stop.A.theyB.theirC.themD.theirs()4.Mary usually goes to school by bus,_ on foot.A.andB.thenC.t

8、hanD.but()5.-_we go to see the film Harry Potter this evening?-Thats a good idea.A.ShallB.WillC.DoD.Must()6.There are only _apples on the desk.Most of them are eaten by us,A.someB.a lot ofC.manyD.a few()7.-Would you like some juice?-_.A.Yes,I wouldB.No,I wouldntC.No,thanksD.No,I wouldnt like()8.You

9、should not eat too many chocolates.They are too _.A.sourB.spicyC.sweetD.bitter()9.-_escalator do you use to go upstairs?-The one on the right.A.WhatB.WhichC.WhereD.When()10.We _a lot of photos at our school Open Day last week.A.takeB.takesC.tookD.taked()11.Look at the photo of my friends and me.We _

10、 in the park.A.fly kitesB.are flying kitesC.will fly kitesD.flew kites()12.-What does this sign mean?-It tells us _here.A.to not eat or drinkB.not to eat or drinkC.dont eat or drinkD.mustnt eat or drink()13.We should have _ meat and _ vegetables every day.A.more,lessB.more,moreC.less,moreD.less,less

11、()14.Hello,Tom.Have you got _ to buy all these things?A.rich enoughB.money enoughC.enough richD.enough money()15.Youd better have _ fresh fruit and _ sugar everyday.A.many,a fewB.plenty of,fewC.plenty of,a littleD.a lot of,many.Complete the sentences with the given words in their proper forms(用用所所给给

12、单单词词的的适适当当形形式式填填空空):8 分分1._(strawberry)are my favourite fruit.2.Lets go to the _(freeze)food section.3.Lets make a _(shop)list first.4.March is the _(three)month of a year.5.Dont put too much _(salty)in the soup.6.What _(suggest)did the doctor give you for your eating habits?7.Stop _(smoke),its dang

13、erous.8.Young people should take _(careful)of old people.Rewrite the sentences according to the instructions in the brackets(按按要要求求改改写写下下列列句句子子,每每空空一一词词):12 分分1.We have already been to Shanghai Zoo.(改为一般疑问句)_ you been to Shanghai Zoo _?2.I wouldnt like fish balls because they are too salty.(就画线部分提问)

14、_ _you like fish balls?3.It takes me about an hour to get to school every day.(就画线部分提问)_ _ does it take you to get to school every day?4.Mr.Ling looked thin but healthy.(就画线部分提问)_ _ Mr.Link look?5.Lets go to the cinema together.(改为同义句)_ _ go to the cinema together?6.Tom is twelve years old.Benny is

15、twelve years old,too.(两句并一句)Tom is _ old _Benny.Part ThreeReading and Writing(第第三三部部分分阅阅读读和和写写话话).Reading comprehension(阅阅读读理理解解):A.True or False(判判断断下下列列句句子子是是否否符符合合短短文文内内容容,符符合合的的用用“T”表表示示,不不符符合合的的用用“F”表表示示):5 分分Tom and Fred are friends for a long time.They live in the same housing estate.They are

16、both 7 years old.Its their first day to go to school today.They know their names but they dontknow how to write their names.In the last lesson,their teacher says,You are pupils from now on.You must learn how to write your names.Then the teacher tells them how to write the lettersand how to write their own names.After that,the teacher wants them to write their names tentimes for the homework.Fred suddenly begins to cry.His teacher asks him,Why are you crying,Fred?Because Toms name is Tom May and


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