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2、常生活中的任何事情都能与“仪式”扯上关系。A.到底什么是“仪式”B.抨击安慰式的商品和服务C.考前学生和家长的焦虑感从何而来D.“仪式感”对人心的安抚作用【答案】 A2、智力二因素论是( )提出的。A.瑟斯顿B.吉尔福特C.卡特尔D.斯皮尔曼【答案】 D3、周作人在“五四”文学革命中的主要贡献是()。A.以“人的文学”来概括新文学的内容B.主编和改革小说月报C.发起和组织莽原社等新文学社团D.主编新青年等刊物【答案】 A4、They usually have less money at the end of the month than _ at the beginning.A.which i

3、sB.which wasC.they haveD.it is【答案】 C5、要求学生在规定时间内尽可能多地偏旁为木的汉字,写出的汉字越多,越能体现其思维的()A.独特性B.敏捷性C.灵活性D.深刻性【答案】 B6、正式沟通网络形式包括( )。A.链式B.轮式C.全通道式D.Y式【答案】 A7、培养儿童成就动机应注意的问题包括( )。A.家庭教养方式B.强调成就、追求成就的社会氛围C.正确的价值观D.社会化是否顺利进行【答案】 A8、与家庭教育、社区教育相比,学校教育( )。A.并不重要B.是教育的主体形式C.是必要的有益的补充D.教育形式更为灵活,是非制度化的教育【答案】 B9、“我走月亮走,

4、我停月亮停”,这种儿童在特定阶段所表现出的思维特点是_。A.永久客体性B.不守恒性C.自我中心D.不可逆性【答案】 C10、我国近代教育史上,被毛泽东称颂为“学界泰斗,人世楷模”的教育家是()A.陶行知B.杨贤江C.徐特立D.蔡元培【答案】 D11、He looks normal. That s what everybody says when I tell them my son was just diagnosed as autism (孤独症). They all say it without exception. A.existsB.sleepsC.studiesD.works【答案】

5、 A12、People have smoked cigarettes for a long time now. The tobacco which is used to make cigarettes was first grown in what is now part of the United States. Christopher Columbus, who discovered America, saw the Indians smoking. Soon the dried leaves were transported to Europe. In the late 1800s, t

6、he Turks made cigarettes popular. A.it can make new smokers feel dizzy or sick to their stomachsB.it lowers skin temperatureC.it causes the heart to beat less fastD.nicotine will probably kill a person if a smoker takes in too much of it【答案】 C13、小明即将上考场,感觉心跳加速,有点微微出汗,这属于情绪情感的( )A.主观体验B.外部表现C.生理唤醒D.认

7、知活动【答案】 C14、通过对整数的学习掌握了基本的数概念,在此基础上学习+有理数的概念。这种学习是()。A.派生类属学习B.相关类属学习C.上位学习D.并列结合学习【答案】 C15、At a Dal.komm Coffee shop in Seoul, a robot takes orders from you through a mobile app or a touch screen and then makes fresh coffee. The robot can make up to 14 drinks at a time. Choi Eun Jin thinks the proc

8、ess is fun and easy. The 30-year-old office worker said, The area is crowded with office workers and local residents during lunchtime. So its good to have a robot like this . so you can get your coffee more easily.A.Humans can make coffee as well as a robotB.A robot is welcomed by all the customersC

9、.Human can make coffee according to customersfavorD.A robot can control the strength of the coffee quite well【答案】 C16、 Some people fear that _ air pollution may bring about changes in _ weather around the world.A./; theB.the; /C.an; theD.the; a【答案】 A17、当学生的行为合乎道德标准时给予奖赏,当学生的行为不合乎道德标准时给予惩罚,这种运用赏罚培养学生

10、品德的做法依据的是( )。A.格式塔的顿悟理论B.托尔曼的符号学习理论C.行为主义的联结理论D.罗特的控制点理论【答案】 C18、已知M=235,那么M全部因数的个数有()。A.3个B.7个C.8个D.无数个【答案】 C19、问卷调查是常用的教育科学研究方法,使用该研究方法的第一个步骤是()。A.确定研究目标B.选择调查对象C.设计问卷D.发放问卷【答案】 A20、Turning on the TV, a wonderful scene comes to your eyes a group of men, tall, strong and handsome, and women, young,

11、 beautiful and attractive, too. Together they eat in the finest restaurants, traveling everywhere around the world by luxurious planes and pleasure ships. They are models.A.more importantB.less neededC.less essentialD.more looked down upon【答案】 A21、Soon after _, Britain not only gave up its economic

12、hegemony but also suffered a deep loss of its position of industrial leadership.A.1900B.the First World WarC.the Second World WarD.1960【答案】 C22、一氧化碳引起患者中毒的原因是()。A.阻碍血液中的血红素和氧结合B.将血液中的氧气夺走C.与血液中的氧气结合成二氧化碳D.破坏人体神经【答案】 A23、从众是一种( )接受群体影响的方式。A.被动地B.主动地C.积极地D.有效地【答案】 A24、社会心理学的形成期是( )。A.哲学思辨阶段B.学派时代C.实证分

13、析阶段D.经验描述阶段【答案】 D25、To live in the United States today is to gain an appreciation for Dahrendorfs assertion that social change exists everywhere. Technology, the application of knowledge for practical ends, is a major source of social change. A.it gives rise to mass productionB.it can do the tasks that could only be done by people beforeC.it has helped to switch to an information technologyD.it has a great potential impact on society【答案】 D26、D-bF构成的是()。A.自然半音B.变化全音C.变化半音D.自然全音【答案】


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