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1、2024年度辽宁省船舶水手考试练习题(六)及答案一单选题(共60题)1、This is a()(折叠)type hatch cover. A. folding B. rolling C. side-rolling D. unfolding 试题答案:A 2、Before an area can be repainted, preparation is (). A. good B. useless C. necessary D. bad 试题答案:C 3、- ()!-Engine Stopped! A. Stop engine B. Stop port C. Stop starboard D.

2、All port 试题答案:A 4、下列那种不属于号型()。 A. 球体 B. 圆柱体 C. 菱形体 D. 十字体 试题答案:D 5、The tug can tow and push()(超级油轮 )into position. A. barge B. ULCC C. dredger D. LNG carrier 试题答案:B 6、抓斗挖泥船在挖取砾石或卵石时,须用:() A. 轻型斗 B. 中型斗 C. 重型斗 D. 超重型斗 试题答案:C 7、The ()is out of order. We must have someone to repair it at once. A. steve

3、dore B. foreman C. derrick D. docker 试题答案:C 8、hacksaw() A. 钢锯 B. 钢丝钳 C. 凿子 D. 钻 试题答案:A 9、离缆绳远点儿。() A. Keep away from the ropes. B. Keep in touch with the ropes. C. Single up the lines. D. Make fast the lines. 试题答案:A 10、Hang national flag upside down should be strictly (). A. prohibit B. prohibited C

4、. prohibiting D. prohibits 试题答案:B 11、We should often ()the bow and stern of a ship. A. inspects B. inspecting C. inspect D. inspected 试题答案:C 12、-()(把定)! -Yes ,sir! A. Midship B. Steady C. Head on D. Hard-a-port 试题答案:B 13、一个太阴日里,仅出现一次高潮和一次低潮的潮汐称:() A. 半日潮 B. 全日潮 C. 混合潮 D. 天文潮 试题答案:B 14、污水井() A. bilge

5、 well B. bilge water C. fresh water D. sea water 试题答案:A 15、The derrick is too low. ()it, please. A. Lower B. High C. Top D. Adjust 试题答案:C 16、()is fouling. A. Chain B. Cable C. Anchor D. Shackle 试题答案:C 17、一节锚链() A. 1 shackle B. 1 knot C. 1 mile D. 1 ring 试题答案:A 18、Receive persons who come on board to

6、 do their business.() A. 接待来船做生意的人。 B. 接待来船参观的人。 C. 接待来船巡视的人。 D. 接待来船办理业务人员。 试题答案:A 19、耙吸挖泥船用于挖()效率最高。 A. 淤泥 B. 砂土 C. 粘土 D. 硬泥 试题答案:A 20、为了避免震动,用低速控制钮减低移动舱盖的速度。() A. To avoid shock, reduce the speed of moving hatch cover by inching control. B. To avoid shock, reduce the speed of moving hatch cover b

7、y control levers. C. To avoid shock, reduce the position of moving hatch cover by inching control. D. To avoid shock, reduce the course of moving hatch cover by control levers. 试题答案:A 21、The signals that will be used for emergency should be clearly set out.() A. 用于应急和消防部署的信号必须清楚地说出。 B. 用于救生和消防部署的信号必

8、须清楚地列出。 C. 用于应急的信号必须清楚地列出。 D. 用于应急和救生部署的演习必须清楚地列出。 试题答案:C 22、Steer the wheel carefully and keep a sharp lookout () . A. look out B. look around C. look at 试题答案:A 23、船舶在安全检查中对锚系统的检查,规定船上至少储备一个卸扣和()连续卸扣或连接链环。 A. 2个 B. 3个 C. 4个 D. 5个 试题答案:C 24、桅杆() A. mast B. post C. derrick D. staff 试题答案:A 25、A ()is v

9、ery much like an ordinary telephone. A. VHF set B. radar C. GPS D. sextant 试题答案:A 26、-Ease to five!-Reply: Ease to five!-Report: (). A. Ease to five B. Port five C. Five D. Yes 试题答案:B 27、在载重线标志中,英文字母“F”表示() A. 冬季载重线 B. 热带载重线 C. 夏季载重线 D. 夏季淡水载重线 试题答案:D 28、环形绷带包扎法多用于() A. 粗细不等的肢体包扎 B. 四肢关节的包扎 C. 各种绷带包

10、扎法的开始和终末 D. 上述均可适用 试题答案:C 29、The muster list may be supplemented by individual cards issued to each member of the crew.() A. 它可以由分发给一些船员的个人卡作出补充。 B. 它可以由分发给每一个船员的个人卡作出补充。 C. 它可以由分发给所有船员的个人卡共同组成。 D. 它是由分发给每一个船员的个人卡共同组成。 试题答案:B 30、Liquid bulk cargo is loaded and discharged by pumps.() A. 液体散货是由泵装卸的 B.

11、 干散货是由吊杆装卸的 C. 液体散货是由吊杆装卸的 D. 干散货是由泵装卸的 试题答案:A 31、Oil pumped ashore by ships()(油泵). A. pine B. hose C. oil pump D. crane 试题答案:C 32、定期检修缆车的时间一般为() A. 一周 B. 二周 C. 一个月 D. 二个月 试题答案:C 33、Pick up ()on the forward spring ! A. the slack B. slacking C. a slack 试题答案:A 34、()refers to the height from the waterl

12、ine to the bottom of the ship. A. Draft B. Freeboard C. Derrick D. Drift 试题答案:A 35、工程船舶调遣编队时,应把最大最坚固船放在:() A. 船队的中间 B. 船队的前部 C. 船队的后部 D. A B C均可 试题答案:B 36、Half astern() A. 微速后退 B. 半速后退 C. 全速后退 D. 全速前进 试题答案:B 37、船舶强度大、功率大、稳性和浮性较好,但船体较小的船舶称为() A. 海洋开发船 B. 拖船 C. 航标船 D. 破冰船 试题答案:B 38、The()(精致货) must be

13、handled with care. A. bagged cargo B. delicate cargo C. cased cargo D. non-packed cargo 试题答案:B 39、overside light() A. 探照灯 B. 闪光灯 C. 舷侧照明灯 D. 环照灯 试题答案:C 40、The captain has ()ashore. A. go B. going C. gone D. went 试题答案:C 41、Stand ()engine ! A. with B. by C. in D. to 试题答案:B 42、通常设有信号灯、探照灯和罗经的甲板为() A. 艇甲板 B. 顶甲板 C. 驾驶台甲板 D. 上层建筑甲板 试题答案:B 43、Bow ()(推进器) full to starboard. A. thrust B. stern C. engine D. speed 试题答案:A 44、尾推停车。() A. Ste



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