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1、2024年度辽宁省船舶水手考试练习题(五)及答案一单选题(共60题)1、Because of the (), we have to keep a sharp lookout. A. poor visibility B. good visibility C. good weather D. dry weather 试题答案:A 2、The()(自动舱盖) is operated by electric or hydraulic power. A. automatic hatch cover B. folding type cover C. hatch coaming D. side-rollin

2、g type cover 试题答案:A 3、沿夏季满载水线,由船首柱前缘量到艉柱后缘的水平距离为:() A. 垂线间长 B. 船长 C. 总长 D. 型长 试题答案:A 4、Renew the ()(稳索), please. A. gooseneck B. guy C. center guy D. stay 试题答案:B 5、当海上能见距离达到20海里时,应认为是:() A. 能见度中等 B. 能见度良好 C. 能见度很好 D. 能见度极好 试题答案:C 6、Id like to have a talk ()your captain. A. at B. with C. on D. to 试题答

3、案:B 7、anchorage() A. 锚地 B. 水道 C. 码头 D. 外锚地 试题答案:A 8、()属于乙类火灾 A. 棉花火灾 B. 酒精火灾 C. 液化气火灾 D. 可燃金属火灾 试题答案:B 9、All our ()steer the ship well. A. quartermasters B. seamen C. Dockers D. officers 试题答案:A 10、驾驶台甲板() A. compass deck B. main deck C. bridge deck D. lower deck 试题答案:C 11、白天在能见度不良的水域航行时,值班水手() A. 不必

4、开启航行灯 B. 按驾驶员的命令开启航行灯 C. 根据情况决定是否开启航行灯 D. 能见度小于100m时才开启航行灯 试题答案:B 12、下列哪一项不是导缆装置的作用() A. 减少缆绳受力 B. 减少缆绳磨损 C. 限制系船缆导出位置 D. 变换缆绳受力方向 试题答案:A 13、A lot of spots havent been ()(覆盖) paint. A. satisfied with B. collision with C. covered with D. removed with 试题答案:C 14、Fires can be divided into different ().

5、A. kind B. kinds C. types D. B+C 试题答案:D 15、The chief officer is responsible to the captain. () A. 船长对大副负责 B. 船长对二副负责 C. 大副对船长负责 D. 大管对船长负责 试题答案:C 16、Port-hand buoys are painted()in colour in A area. A. green B. red C. yellow D. white 试题答案:B 17、This cargo runner is too short. Please ()it for a long o

6、ne. A. charge B. change C. discharge D. repair 试题答案:B 18、锚马上就要出水了。() A. The anchor will be up in a moment. B. The anchor is clear of the bottom. C. The cable is clear . D. The cables are clear. 试题答案:A 19、Secure danger area and (), please. A. reporting B. report C. reports D. reported 试题答案:B 20、腹股沟有较

7、大的出血,最好的止血法是() A. 加压包扎 B. 止血带 C. 指压止血 D. 止血钳 试题答案:A 21、Sailors also keep ()(舷梯)watch. A. deck B. bridge C. gangway D. anchorage 试题答案:C 22、Paints are stowed in the ()(油漆间). A. paint locker B. Painted board C. painting punt D. primer 试题答案:A 23、Welcome aboard. Our master is expecting you in his cabin.

8、Come (). A. all the ways B. every way C. this way D. on the way 试题答案:C 24、公制水尺字高为()厘米。 A. 5 B. 10 C. 15 D. 20 试题答案:B 25、Get me some ()to mend the canvas ventilators. A. sail makers tools B. repair tools C. splicing tools D. saws 试题答案:A 26、()(水密舱) are in the hull. A. Gastight compartments B. Watertig

9、ht compartments C. Water compartments D. Tight compartments 试题答案:B 27、G旗的意思是“我需要引航员”。() A. The meaning of Flag G is “I have a pilot on board”. B. The meaning of Flag G is “I require a pilot”. C. The meaning of Flag G is “I require assistance.” D. The meaning of Flag G is “I require PSC on board”. 试题

10、答案:B 28、safety load() A. 安全负载 B. 安全货物 C. 安全装货 D. 安全性 试题答案:A 29、()用于将小锚的锚缆连接于锚环,也用于将绳缆固定在圆木、眼环或圆柱上。 A. 单套结 B. 双套结 C. 平结 D. 渔人结 试题答案:D 30、安全水域标的标身颜色为:() A. 红黑横纹 B. 黑白横纹 C. 红白直纹 D. 黑白直纹 试题答案:C 31、Swing the ()to starboard side, please. A. winch B. derrick C. crane D. deck 试题答案:B 32、The captain wants to

11、see the (). A. chief officer B. second officer C. third officer D. carpenter 试题答案:D 33、As a duty sailor, you ()maintain a safety patrol. A. must B. should C. can D. need 试题答案:B 34、The pilot boat takes a pilot to an/a()(远洋船). A. container ship B. oil ship C. ocean-going ship D. barge 试题答案:C 35、After

12、seeing that the gears are free to engage ,put the windlass() . A. into gear B. for gear C. on D. gearing 试题答案:A 36、蒲福氏风级表中,当风级3级时,其对应平均风速是:() A. 2.5m/s B. 4.4m/s C. 6.7m/s D. 9.4m/s 试题答案:B 37、Half astern() A. 微速后退 B. 半速后退 C. 全速后退 D. 全速前进 试题答案:B 38、尾推半速向右() A. Bow stern full to port! B. Bow stern hal

13、f to port! C. Stern thrust half to starboard ! D. Bow thrust full to port! 试题答案:C 39、The container ship is the ()type of dry cargo carrier. A. important B. most modern C. most common D. traditional 试题答案:B 40、The bosun is in charge of sailors. () A. 水手长管水手 B. 你属于哪一级 C. 我属于支持级 D. 我属于水手级 试题答案:A 41、In anchor orders, “Up and down” means “()”. A. The chain is not upright B. The chain is upright C. The chain is slack D. The chain is not slack 试题答案:B 42、capstan() A. 船长 B. 锚机 C



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