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1、2024年度安徽省教师资格之中学英语学科知识与教学能力考前自测题及答案一单选题(共60题)1、The relationship between fruit and apple is_.A.homonymyB.hyponymyC.polysemyD.synonymy【答案】 B2、Without your help, we would not _ the work in time.A.have completedB.had completedC.completedD.completing【答案】 A3、In a listening class,a teacher asks students to

2、 listen to the material carefully and try to?discriminate the speakers attitude towards lifelong learningWhat sub-skill of listening is the?teacher training?A.Listening for gistB.Word GuessingC.InferringD.Recognizing communicative signals【答案】 C4、When the teacher gives feedback to students in teachin

3、g writing, he/she should NOT_A.make positive comments on the good features of the writingB.give words simply like good or very good to the writingC.point out areas for improvementD.express his/her personal opinion on the issue that student has written【答案】 B5、That famous scientist had a very _mind as

4、 a child and at the age of ten he performed his first experiment.A.mechanicalB.consciousC.impressionableD.inquisitive【答案】 D6、Passage 2A.The History of VegetarianismB.The Father of VegetarianismC.The Advocates of VegetarianismD.The Benefits of Vegetarianism【答案】 A7、The defense works_long ago to keep t

5、he enemy away.A.were builtB.has been builtC.had been builtD.was built【答案】 D8、Back in the old days, when I was a child, we sat around the family round table at dinnertime and exchanged our daily experiences. It wasnt very organized, but everyone was recognized and all the news that had to be told was

6、 told by each family member.A.Parental nonintervention will not be praisedB.Nonintervention may be a good policy in international affairsC.Parents must exercise some control and show some concern about the cultural influence on the childrenD.Parents need to intervene【答案】 C9、Anne Whitney, a sophomore

7、 at Colorado State University, first had a problem taking tests when she began college.I was always well prepared for my tests. Sometimes I studied for weeks before a test. Yet I would go in to take the test, only to find I could not answer the questions correctly. I would blank out because of nervo

8、usness and fear. I couldnt think of the answer. My low grades on the tests did not show what I knew to the teacher. Another student in biology had similar experiences. He said, My first chemistry test was very difficult. Then, on the second test,A.take a short course on anxietyB.read about anxietyC.

9、be able to manage or understand their anxietyD.take tests to prove they are not anxious【答案】 A10、In speaking activities, a speaker often tries to avoid using a difficult word or structure and chooses to use a simpler one. What learning strategy does the speaker use?A.SimplificationB.GeneralizationC.P

10、araphraseD.Avoidance【答案】 D11、请阅读Passage l,完成第小题。A.the ageingB.the body-evolvingC.the genes-repairingD.the bodys putting-off-damage【答案】 B12、His experience abroad provides a wider _on the problem.A.privilegeB.perspectiveC.participationD.priority【答案】 B13、That a Japanese child adopted at birth by an Ame

11、rican couple will grow up speaking English indicates of human language. A.dualityB.cultural transmissionC.arbitrarinessD.cognitive creativity【答案】 B14、请阅读短文,完成此题。A.Comparison and contrastB.Cause and effectC.The two paragraphs are parallelingD.Paragraph 2 provides illustration for Paragraph 1【答案】 D15、

12、请阅读Passage l,完成第小题。A.short life spanB.low death rateC.low illness rateD.good health condition【答案】 B16、A student has something in his mind and he should ignore the irrelevant parts and read to locate specific information when reading. Which of the following strategies can be used?A.SkimmingB.Detailed

13、 readingC.ScanningD.Predicting【答案】 C17、A_is a purposeful collection of materials assembled over a period of time by a learner to provide evidence of skills,abilities related to hisher studyA.portfolioB.project workC.peer assessmentD.continuous assessment【答案】 A18、Which of the following best describes

14、 the relation between night and knightA.metonymyB.homonymyC.antonymyD.hyponymy【答案】 B19、请阅读Passage 1。完成第小题。A.certain factors that determine the ease with which social changes occurB.certain factors that promote social changeC.the necessity of social changeD.two different societies【答案】 A20、The pair of words buy andsell are_opposites. A.gradableB.relationalC.complementaryD.dialecta


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