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1、2024年度宁夏回族自治区教师资格之中学英语学科知识与教学能力精选试题及答案二一单选题(共60题)1、If we_our test tomorrow, I would have gone to the concert.A.werent to haveB.had not been to haveC.arent to haveD.had not had【答案】 A2、What should you think about in trying to find your career? You are probably better at some school subjects than other

2、s. These may show strengths that you can use in your work. A boy who is good at mathematics can use that in an engineering career. A girl who spells well and likes English may be good at office work. So it is important to know the subjects you do well in at school. On the other hand, you may not hav

3、e any specially strong or weak subjects but your records show a general satisfactory standard. Although not all subjects can be used directly in a job, they may have indirect value. A knowledge of history is not required for most jobs but if history is one of your good subjects you will have learned

4、 to remember facts and details. This is an ability that can be useful in many jobs.A.The importance of doing well at schoolB.Using school performance to help to choose a careerC.The importance of being good at all subjectsD.The indirect value of schoolwork【答案】 B3、请阅读短文,完成此题。A.The mechanization of wo

5、rk has a revolutionary eftctB.The social mechanization would aftct womens livesC.The social status of women has changedD.Observers have different ideas about the effect of social mechanizatiou【答案】 B4、请阅读Passage l。完成第2125小题。A.positiveB.subjectiveC.negativeD.objective【答案】 D5、The morpheme -ee- in the w

6、ord geese is aA.suffixB.infixC.prefixD.root【答案】 B6、What kind of curriculum evaluation does the new curriculum reform advocate?A.Basing on the process, promoting the developmentB.Emphasis on new ways of learningC.Emphasis on the function of selectionD.Emphasis on students learning【答案】 A7、Assessment i

7、s viewed as an integral part of the teaching-learning process. It involves collecting evidence of learning over a period of time, using a variety of assessment methods. The goals of assessment are to provide _on both the on-going progress and the end-product in achieving the standards.A.situationsB.

8、tasksC.feedbackD.knowledge【答案】 C8、In the sentence “Its no use crying over the spilt milk”, the italicized part is _A.an objectB.an adverbialC.a subjectD.a complement【答案】 C9、Underlining all the past form verbs in the dialogue is a typical exercise focusing on_.A.useB.formC.meaningD.function【答案】 B10、-

9、Why does John speak through every discussion but never listen to the othersA.canB.mightC.ought toD.will【答案】 D11、请阅读Passage l。完成第小题。A.It may highlight the purpose of literature teachingB.It may expose students to the dark side of the worldC.It may deprive students of their intellectual growthD.It may

10、 cause students to experience a post-traumatic-stress disorder【答案】 D12、When it comes to airline travel, perhaps nothing has revolutionized the passenger experience more than airline apps. Indeed, theyre becoming so ubiquitous that more than 50 percent of U.S travelers have at least one airline app i

11、nstalled on their smart device, according to travel industry research firm Phocuswright.A.UnlimiteDB.EasyC.ImmediateD.Direct【答案】 A13、What is the teacher doing by saying this in terms of instruction?A.Observing the activityB.Evaluating the activityC.Monitoring the activityD.Controlling the activity【答

12、案】 B14、Which of the following is a typical feature of formal writingA.Archaic words are usually preferredB.The precision of language is a priorityC.Short and incomplete sentences are preferredD.An intimate relationship with the audience is established【答案】 B15、Ifa teacher asks students to fill in the

13、 blanks in a passage with that, which or whom,he/she is least likely focusing on grammar at_A.lexical levelB.syntactic levelC.discourse levelD.morphological level【答案】 D16、请阅读短文,完成此题。A.It was a conspiracy launched by HitlerB.It was produced as a weapon to defeat HitlerC.It was nutritious enough to pl

14、ease the soldierD.It was hard to eat and was disliked generally【答案】 C17、请阅读Passage l。完成第小题。A.There is still a long way to go for economists to genuinely contribute to globalhealthB.Economists role in global health is, to a large extent, negativeC.Economists increased the inequality of resource allocations in global healthD.Economics is only one science among many that policy makers have to take into account in providing health care programs【答案】 A18、Passage 1A.agrees withB.contradicts


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