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1、小学英语单元作业设计一、 单元信息基本信息学科年级学期教材版本单元名称英语六下人教版(PEP)Unit 3 Where did you go?单元组织方式自然单元 重组单元课时信息序号课时名称对应教材内容1Part AP22P252Part BP26P303Part CP31二、 单元分析本单元学习的主题是谈论和描述人物在过去做的事情。在主情景图中,张鹏给John打电话,了解John没有上学的原因,并去John的家里探望,分享John在刚过去的五一假期旅游的照片,通过这些情景来呈现本单元的核心词汇和句型(详见单元单元学习与作业目标要求)。在C部分故事板块讲述了Zoom的一个梦。Zoom去了太空

2、旅游,回来后与Zip谈论,后来发觉原来是一个梦。复习巩固句型How was your holiday?Where did you go?How did you go there?What did you do?Did you?巩固了本单元表示假期活动的词汇,深化了对unusual trip的理解。三、 单元学习与作业目标掌握Pronunciation中音素的发音。了解story time,good to know,task time中的内容。能听说读写lets learn中的四会单词和lets talk中的四会句子。能听说读A,B部分Lets learn中的三会单词和lets talk中的句型

3、。阅读read and write部分,能对练习部分问答。能用一般过去时描述自己在过去的时间里所做的事情。能用主要句型询问他人在过去的时间里所做的事情并作答。四、 单元作业设计思路 分层设计作业。每课时均设计“基础性作业”(面向全体,体现课标,题量2-4大题,要求学生必做)和“发展性作业”(体现个性化,探究性、实践性,题量为2-6大题,要求学生有选择的完成)。具体设计体系如下: 五、 课时作业Part A基础性作业写出下列动词的第三人称单数形式:carry_ see_ drive _keep_ join_ teach_ catch_ lie_ die _ go_ snow_ match _gu

4、ess_ wash_ study_ finish_ carry_ stop_ let_ stay_ begin_ forget_ run_ prefer_ ring_ dance_ give_ hope_ find_ think_ 请选择合适的句子:A. Did you do anything else?B. I did my homework.C. What did you do?D. It was great.E. Did you enjoy the film?- How was your last Sunday, Jack?- _. I really had a good time.-

5、_.- I played basketball with my father. How about you?- _.- Oh. Youre really hard-working! _.- Yes, of course. I saw a film with my cousin on Sunday night.- Really? _.- Yes. Its about dinosaurs. Its very interesting.翻译短语:went camping_ went camping_ hurt my foot_ rode a horse_went fishing_发展性作业选择:- _

6、went to Sanya with you?My parents.A. How B When C Who D.Where- _did you go over the holiday?I went to Sanya.A Where B What C. How D.When- Where did she go yesterday ?- She_.A. rides a bike B. riding a bike C. rode a bike.- Where did you go last Saturday?- I _.A. go fishing B. goes fishing C. went fi

7、shing._did you do last weekend?A. What B How C Where D.When- _ did you go to Sanya?In winter holiday.A What B How C When D.Where翻译句子:Can I see your pictures sometime?_ How did you go there?_ Where did you go over the winter holiday?_ I took lots of pictures, and I also went swimming._ 我爸爸周日早上看报纸。_ 我

8、们九点上科学。_ 父亲每天早晨都浇花。_ 他每天早上七点上学。_ 我女儿喜欢看电视和听音乐。_ 我最喜欢的课是英语。_ 她天天做作业。_ Part B基础性作业仿写单词:eg: gowentride-( ) read-( ) see-( ) sleep-( ) hurt-( ) have-( ) 用sometimes, some time, sometime,some times 填空:My father has been to London _. How long can I be away?_When can you finish the work?_ next month. How of

9、ten do you write to your father?_How many times do you watch TV every week?_She will stay in Beijing for_ I watch TV with my parentsNew students will come to school _ next week发展性作业写一写:Today was bad but good day for me.First, it was a bad day. _ .But what did I do then? _ .So it was also a good day.

10、As the saying goes,“Bad luck often brings good luck.”Part C基础性作业尝试回答关于你的假期的事:How did you go there?Where did you go over the holiday?How was your holiday?What did you do there?像这样写自己做的梦:Last night I went to _. I went there by_.I saw _. I took many_. This morning When I looked for my pictures, I couldnt find them .oh it was just a_ .发展性作业阅读下面邮件信息,请给你的朋友Lin


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