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1、高考英语写作常用连接词一、表示强调after all【用法】用于引出一个观点或事实,强调了之前的情况、论点或行动是出人意料、令人惊讶或与预期相反的。它为之前的内容提供了一种反思或重新评估的观点。通常放在句末。【例句】He didnt win the competition, but he did his best after all.他没有赢得比赛,但毕竟他尽了最大努力。We had doubts about the plan, but, after all, it turned out to be successful.我们对这个计划有所疑虑,但毕竟,它结果是成功的。The weather

2、was terrible, but we still managed to have a great time after all.天气很糟糕,但毕竟我们还是度过了愉快的时光。oddly enough【用法】用于引出一个令人惊讶或不寻常的观点、情况或事实。可以作为一个连词短语放在句子的开头或中间,以强调所述的内容。【例句】Oddly enough, the cat seemed to enjoy swimming.奇怪的是,这只猫似乎喜欢游泳。I forgot my umbrella, but oddly enough, it didnt rain that day.我忘记带伞了,但奇怪的是,

3、那天没有下雨。Oddly enough, the book became a bestseller despite the authors lack of experience.令人惊讶的是,尽管作者缺乏经验,这本书却成为畅销书。undoubtedly【用法】表示毫无疑问、无可争议地强调某个观点、事实或论断,常用于陈述句或修辞中,以表达非常高的确信或强调。【例句】Undoubtedly, he is one of the most talented musicians of his generation.毫无疑问,他是他这一代中最有才华的音乐家之一。Undoubtedly, climate c

4、hange is one of the most pressing issues of our time.毫无疑问,气候变化是我们时代最紧迫的问题之一。Undoubtedly, the event was of special significance at that time. 这在当时的历史时期无疑具有特殊的意义。 above all【用法】通常放置在句子的开头,用于强调某个观点或要点是最为重要、至关重要的,它可以用于引出一个总结性的陈述或强调某个特定的价值观。【例句】Above all, we must prioritize the safety of our employees.首要的

5、是,我们必须优先考虑员工的安全。Above all, chairs should be comfortable 椅子首先应该舒适。 She valued honesty, integrity, and above all, loyalty.她重视诚实、正直,最重要的是忠诚。in any case【用法】表示无论如何、不管怎样,强调某个观点或论断。通常用于引出一个总结性的陈述或强调某个重要的点,强调某个观点的普遍适用性,或者表示无论其他情况如何,某个行动或决定依然有效。【例句】In any case, we need to find a solution to this problem.无论如何

6、,我们都需要找到这个问题的解决办法。Im not sure if she will come to the party, but in any case, we should prepare enough food and drinks.我不确定她是否会来参加派对,但无论如何,我们应该准备足够的食物和饮料。He may have his flaws, but in any case, he is a brilliant scientist.他可能有他的缺点,但无论如何,他是一位杰出的科学家。anyway【用法】表示不管其他情况如何,某个观点或行动仍然成立或有重要性。它常用于强调对某个观点的坚持

7、、行动的继续或进一步的讨论。【例句】I know its late, but anyway, I wanted to talk to you about something important.我知道现在很晚了,但无论如何,我想和你谈谈一些重要的事情。Anyway, lets get back to the main topic of discussion.无论如何,让我们回到讨论的主题。I dont have all the details yet, but anyway, the event is happening tomorrow.我还没有所有的细节,但无论如何,活动明天就要举行。in

8、deed【用法】常常用于句子的开头或中间,以引出一个补充或进一步支持前面所述的内容。它用于加强语气、确认观点或事实,并提供更多的信息或证据来支持之前的说法。【例句】He is a talented musician. Indeed, he has won several awards for his performances.他是一位有才华的音乐家。的确,他凭借他的表演赢得了几个奖项。The weather forecast predicts rain tomorrow. Indeed, it looks like its going to storm.天气预报预测明天会下雨。的确,看起来要刮

9、风下雨了。She worked hard to achieve her goals, and indeed, her efforts paid off.她为实现自己的目标而努力工作,的确,她的努力得到了回报。still【用法】常常用于句子的开头或中间,以引出一个相反的观点或情况。它用于表示转折、否定或强调相反的观点,并提供一个对比或对前面所述情况的补充。【例句】He had a busy day at work. Still, he managed to find time to spend with his family.他在工作中度过了一个忙碌的一天。然而,他还是设法找到时间和家人共度。T

10、he weather forecast predicted heavy rain. Still, many people went out without umbrellas.天气预报预测有大雨。然而,很多人还是没有带雨伞出门。She didnt study for the test, but still, she managed to get a high score.她没有为考试学习,然而,她仍然取得了高分。二、表示比较similarly【用法】常常用于句子的开头或中间,以引出一个与之前提到的观点或情况类似的内容。它用于建立比较关系,强调不同事物之间的共同点。【例句】The company

11、 focuses on innovation. Similarly, its competitors prioritize research and development.该公司专注于创新。同样地,它的竞争对手优先考虑研发。She excels in mathematics. Similarly, her classmates are also high achievers in the subject.她在数学方面表现出色。同样地,她的同学们在这门科目中也表现优越。likewise【用法】用于引出与之前提到的观点或情况相似的内容。它表示与前面提到的情况类似的观点或情况,并在句子中建立比较关

12、系。【例句】The company values teamwork. Likewise, it encourages collaboration among its employees.该公司重视团队合作。同样地,它鼓励员工之间的合作。Likewise, success requires both hard work and perseverance. 同样地,成功需要努力及坚持不懈。 in the same way【用法】用于引出与之前提到的观点或情况相同的方式或方法,建立比较关系,强调相似性。【例句】There is no reason why a gifted aircraft desi

13、gner should also be a capable pilot. In the same way, a brilliant pilot can be a menace behind the wheel of a car. 杰出的飞机设计师没有理由一定也是个出色的飞行员。同样,一个优秀的飞行员或许会是个糟糕的司机。 In the same way, children learn to do all the other things without being taught. 同样,孩子们不用教就能学会做所有其他事情。equally【用法】用于引出一个与之前提到的观点或情况相等或相似的内容,表示相等地或同样地。【例句】Equally, every level of management must be given a quality accountability. 同样,管理的每一个层次都必须赋予明确的质量责任。They needed his help, but equally they did not trust him.他们需要他的帮助,但是同样地,他们并不信任他。3



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