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1、八年级英语下册M5U2练习题班级 考号 姓名 总分 一、根据句意及汉语提示或首字母完成单词1.I want a _ (副本) of book.2.Edison i_ lights in 1897.3.In the end, the _ (丑陋的) duck turned into a beautiful swan.4.All the students e_ to have a long holiday.5.This is a _ (私人的) house, you had better not go in.6.Some people are very hard to s_.7.The littl

2、e boy wants to be a great _ (艺术家) when he grows up.8.Kids, dont make the room a m_.9.I want to have my _ (自己的) house one day.10.We are happy because our teacher will l_ us to have a picnic.二、用所给词的适当形式填空11.The shop has sold about 200 _ (copy) of Moyans books.12.My parents are _ (satisfy) with my stud

3、y.13.Tony expects _ (visit) his grandparents during the summer holiday.14.They found it difficult _ (learn) English.15.Marina is reading a book _ (call) Harry Potter.16.My grandmother is celebrating her _ (eighty) birthday.17.Xu Beihong is one of the most famous _ (artist).18.I _ (do) my homework at

4、 8:00 pm last night.19.This is not _ ( I ) own car.20.We are _ (excite) about the _ (excite) news.三、单项选择( )21.We always share our sadness _ our happiness.A.as good as B.as better asC.as well as D.as well( )22.Mike _ in this company since he _ school.A.has been; left B.was; has leftC.has been; leaves

5、 D.was; left( )23.Both Monkey King and Shrek are my _.A.character B.favourite C.writers D.favourites( )24.Our country is over _ years old.We celebrated its _ birthday on October 1st, 2019 around the country.A.seventy; seventy B.seventy; seventiethC.seventieth; seventy D.seventieth; seventieth( )25.A

6、re you for or _ my suggestions?A.against B.on C.at D.in( )26.Captain Black Cat appeared _.But many children still like it.A.on 1980 B.on the 1980 C.in the 1980s D.in the 1980( )27.It rained heavily so he has to return _ house.A.my own private B.him own privateC.his own private D.own his private( )28

7、.Jay Zhou is a great singer, he _ the youth across the country.A.won the hearts of B.looked forC.thought about D.learned from( )29.I cant wait _ the movie.I cant help _ when I watch them.A.to watch; to laugh B.watching; laughingC.to watch; laughing D.watching; to laugh( )30.- Yunnan is very beautifu

8、l.I _ there last year. - Yes, I _ there twice.A.went; have gone B.went; have beenC.have gone; went D.have been ; went四、翻译句子31.美猴王赢得了所有中国人的心。 Monkey King _ _ _ _ all people in China.32.丽丽和露西都是好学生。 _ Lily _ Lucy are good students.33.看到他们的时候我就忍不住发笑。 I _ _ _ when I saw them.34.我一直期待着去他的演唱会。 I always _ _

9、 _ to his concert.35.他认为宠物会把房间弄得一团乱。 He thinks that the pet can _ _ _ in the room.五、阅读理解 Almost everyone knows Garfield.He is a fun-loving cat in comic strips(连环漫画).Most people like to read about this cute cat.But who made Garfield? Jim Davis did.When Jim was a young boy, he was sick for a long time

10、.He had to stay in bed.He wanted to do something, so he drew pictures.Jims pictures made people laugh.When Jim put words with his pictures, people laughed harder.He started making comic strips.Jim read other comic strips.He saw there were a lot of dogs in the comics, but no cats.Thats how he got the

11、 idea for Garfield.Jim lived in Indiana with 25 cats.These cats helped him get his ideas for the things Garfield does.But Garfield is a special cat! Garfield isnt afraid of dogs.He likes to kick Odie, the dog in the comic strips.Sometimes Garfield is bad, but it always acts in a funny way.Jim had fu

12、n writing about Garfields stories.He also spent time drawing Garfields action.This careful work has made Garfield popular.Now there are comic strips, posters, books, and even TV shows about the funny Garfield.( )36.Which of the following about young Jim Davis is TRUE?A.He drew best pictures in his c

13、lass.B.He got ill in bed for a long time.C.He was a bored boy.D.He kept many dogs.( )37.Where did Jim get ideas for the things Garfield does?A.From cats in the hospital.B.From the 25 cats he lived with.C.From dogs which most cats are afraid of.D.From other novel writers.( )38.What made people laugh?

14、A.Jims words said to others.B.Jims dogs in his comics.C.Jims pictures with words.D.Jims idea for Garfield.( )39.Why is Garfield a special cat?A.He is afraid of mice.B.He likes to draw pictures.C.He likes to play with mice.D.He isnt afraid of dogs.( )40.Which of the following can be the best title of this passage?A.Jim Davis and GarfieldB.Garfield and dogsC.Garfields 25 catsD.Jim Davis and his 25 cats六、选词填空begin; h


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