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1、Using Language Unit 4 Body Language Scan the text to get the main idea.PredictingRead for Main ideaThe passage mainly tells us that _can know students _ through their _.Read for structurePara.1-2 Introduction:Body Language by Q&APara.3 Recognise when students are interested or boredPara.4 Recognise

2、when students are distractedPara.5 Recognise when students are troubledPara.6 Conclusion:Reconfirm the importance of body languagePart 1Part 2Part 3general general specific Examples of body language&what they imply Guess and match.its meaning(Students feeling)Body language(in the classroom)Language

3、Pointsone-on-oneadj.一对一的;直接对立的adv.一对一;面对面e.g.I preferred to settle the matter one-on-one.Para.1-2Q1:What does the sentence“what makes each student tick”mean?The things that motivate one or make one behave in a certain way.an absence of.缺乏;缺席缺乏;缺席 e.g.He shows an absence of initiative.他表现得不主动。他表现得不主动

4、。Black is an absence of light,so it is not in the rainbow.黑色是光所缺乏的颜色,因此它不在彩虹里。黑色是光所缺乏的颜色,因此它不在彩虹里。Para.3 Read for confirmationRecognise when students are interested or boredIt is easy to recognise.很容易被识别出来很容易被识别出来be interested in.对对.感兴趣感兴趣/关心关心tend to do sth.易于做某事,往往会发生某事易于做某事,往往会发生某事look up 向上看向上看

5、make eye contact 进行眼神交流进行眼神交流make a joke 说笑话说笑话 look confused 显得困惑显得困惑lean forward 往前靠往前靠;倾身向前倾身向前 as though/if.好像好像have a tendency to do sth.有做某事的倾向有做某事的倾向lean towards whatever they are interested in 对任何他们感兴趣的东西往前靠对任何他们感兴趣的东西往前靠have ones head lowered 把头低下把头低下count the minutes for the class to end 计

6、算下课的时间计算下课的时间lean their heads together 他们的头靠在一起他们的头靠在一起write notes to each other 给对方写纸条给对方写纸条there is an absence of eye contact.没有眼神交流没有眼神交流have the same distant expression 带着同样的冷漠表情带着同样的冷漠表情be asleep with ones eyes open 某人睁着眼睛在睡觉某人睁着眼睛在睡觉It is easy to recognise.很容易被识别出来很容易被识别出来be interested in.对对.感

7、兴趣感兴趣/关心关心tend to do sth.易于做某事,往往会发生某事易于做某事,往往会发生某事look up 向上看向上看 make eye contact 进行眼神交流进行眼神交流make a joke 说笑话说笑话 look confused 显得困惑显得困惑lean forward 往前靠往前靠;倾身向前倾身向前 as though/if.好像好像have a tendency to do sth.有做某事的倾向有做某事的倾向lean towards whatever they are interested in 对任何他们感兴趣的东西往前靠对任何他们感兴趣的东西往前靠have

8、ones head lowered 把头低下把头低下count the minutes for the class to end 计算下课的时间计算下课的时间lean their heads together 他们的头靠在一起他们的头靠在一起write notes to each other 给对方写纸条给对方写纸条there is an absence of eye contact.没有眼神交流没有眼神交流have the same distant expression 带着同样的冷漠表情带着同样的冷漠表情be asleep with ones eyes open 某人睁着眼睛在睡觉某人睁着

9、眼睛在睡觉Para.3 an absence of.缺乏;缺席缺乏;缺席 e.g.He shows an absence of initiative.他表现得不主动。他表现得不主动。Black is an absence of light,so it is not in the rainbow.黑色是光所缺乏的颜色,因此它不在彩虹里。黑色是光所缺乏的颜色,因此它不在彩虹里。Para.4 Q2:According to the teacher,what is some students favourite activity?Daydreaming.Q3:What does the phrase“

10、who knows what”mean?It is impossible to tell(what they are interested in).Recognise when students are distractedSome students _(amuse)by something else.They spend all their time _(look)anywhere _ at me.Then again,some students favourite activity is _(daydream).With their chins _their hands,they occu

11、py _ by staring out of the window or up _ the ceiling.They are certainly interested in something,_ who knows what.The main thing is reminding _(distract)students _ they need to pay attention in class.Para 5 虽虽然然 it is easy to 察察觉觉 when students are interested,bored,or 分分心心,it is sometimes much harde

12、r to 分分辨辨 when students are 有有烦烦恼恼.Students who are angry,afraid,or experiencing 焦焦虑虑 may 胸胸前前双双手手交交叉叉 and their legs closed or crossed,like they are 保保护护 their bodies.Students who are sad or worried will nearly always 皱皱着着眉眉头头.They may also hide their faces in their hands like they are 尴尬尴尬 or 羞愧羞愧

13、.Some students act this way 仅仅仅仅 because they 害害怕怕老老师师被被名名.However,if a student 懒懒得得梳梳头头 and 眼眼睛睛因因哭哭泣泣而而发发红红,then I can 推推断断 that 有有更更深深层层次次的的问问题题在在起起作作用用.It could be that she is 与与其其他他学学生生或或在在家家里里有有严严重重的的冲冲突突.不不管管是是什什么么,I know I need to 询询问问 评评估估 发生了什么发生了什么.虽然很容易察觉到学生有兴趣、无聊或分心,但有时却很难分辨出学生是否有烦恼。愤怒、

14、恐惧或经历焦虑的学生可能会在胸前交叉双臂,双腿紧闭或交叉,就像在保护自己的身体。悲伤或忧虑的学生几乎总是皱着眉头。他们也可能把脸藏在手里,就像他们感到尴尬或羞愧。ultimately adv.最后最后;最终最终;基本上基本上adjust class activities 调整课堂活动调整课堂活动intervene in sth 干预干预.;介入;介入.react to.对对做出反应,回应做出反应,回应get the most out of school 从学校得到最大的收获从学校得到最大的收获react to body language 对肢体语言做出反应对肢体语言做出反应be an impo

15、rtant component of being a teacher作为一名教师的重要组成部分作为一名教师的重要组成部分ultimately adv.最后最后;最终最终;基本上基本上adjust class activities 调整课堂活动调整课堂活动intervene in sth 干预干预.;介入;介入.react to.对对做出反应,回应做出反应,回应get the most out of school 从学校得到最大的收获从学校得到最大的收获react to body language 对肢体语言做出反应对肢体语言做出反应be an important component of be

16、ing a teacher作为一名教师的重要组成部分作为一名教师的重要组成部分Para.6 Q4:Why does the teacher think body language is important?Studentsbody language lets the teacher know when to adjust class activities,when to intervene,and when to talk to students individually,so they can all get the most out of school.Reconfirm the importance of body language读读后后续续写微技能写微技能通通过过肢体肢体语语言言描述个人感受描述个人感受 happy worried angrysad nervous.Strategies for continuing the storyUse body language to describe feelings vividlyThank you!


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