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1、备考2024青海省海南藏族自治州中学教师公开招聘模考预测题库(夺冠系列)一单选题(共60题)1、将原有认知经验应用于新情境中时,需调整原有的经验,形成一种能包容新旧经验的更高一级的认知结构,这种方式称为( )。A.顺应性迁移B.同化性迁移C.重组性迁移D.般性迁移【答案】 A2、乌尔比安的论告示中记载:“如果洗衣人收到了一件交付清洗的衣服,而老鼠将衣服咬坏了。那么,洗衣人要对此依照承揽之诉承担责任。”这一案例体现的罗马法原则是( )。A.重视证据B.公平公正C.契约至上D.注重程序【答案】 C3、列宾的艺术活动是巡回成就,( )是他的代表作之一A.司炉工B.祭司长像C.三勇士D.月夜【答案】

2、B4、根据国际货币基金组织的决定,人民币从2016年10月1日起成为“可自由使用货币”。这是该组织“历史上首次”扩大作为特别提款权基础的货币篮子。此举体现的宗旨和使命是( )。A.打破关税壁垒B.稳定国际汇率C.促进自由贸易D.消除贫困根源【答案】 B5、钢琴作品被舒曼称为“隐藏在花丛中的大炮”,这位音乐家是()。A.李斯特B.勃拉姆斯C.肖邦D.舒伯特【答案】 C6、班级建设的设计者是( )。A.校长B.教导主任C.政教主任D.班主任【答案】 D7、要打开一个三位数组成的密码锁,可以从000001002逐一尝试直到998999,最终便会找到一个正确答案,这种解决问题的策略是()。A.推理式B

3、.算法式C.演绎式D.启发式【答案】 B8、贝多芬为拿破仑所写的第一部明确反映重大社会题材的交响乐作品是( )。A.维也纳森林的故事B.英雄交响曲C.春之声D.蓝色多瑙河【答案】 B9、根据以下材料,回答A.asB.whileC.whenD.before【答案】 C10、( )由肱骨下端关节面与尺国典型的复关节。A.肩关节B.手关节C.踝关节D.肘关节【答案】 D11、What is the best title for the text?A.Is it good to have a smartphone?B.Do you make eye contacts with people?C.Is

4、too much screen time bad for children?D.Are you confident about your screen time?【答案】 C12、小贾很喜欢在老师讲课的时候在座位上扮鬼脸,当老师了解小贾的这个习惯后,当他再做鬼脸的时候,就装作视而不见,时间久了,小贾觉得没意思,也就不在课堂上扮鬼脸了,老师对于小贾采取的矫正方法属于( )。A.消退法 B.脱敏法 C.强化法 D.惩罚法【答案】 A13、在我国社会主义初级阶段,实行公有制为主体、多种所有制经济共同发展的经济制度的原因是()。A.社会分工的存在,商品经济的发展B.广大人民当家作主,成为国家主人C.生

5、产力发展水平低,且发展不平衡D.按劳分配为主,多种分配方式并存【答案】 C14、诗句“吴国晚蚕初断叶,占城早稻欲移秧”最早创作于下列哪个朝代 ( )A.隋朝B.唐朝C.宋朝D.元朝【答案】 C15、_is known to the world, Mark Twainis a great American writer.A.ThatB.WhichC.AsD.It【答案】 C16、16世纪的一位英国人曾说过,以前的农民及其一家都睡在地板上,厨房里仅有一两口锅;而到16世纪末,一位农夫可能拥有“在橱柜里摆有一套精致的锡铅合金餐具,三四张羽绒床,好几套床罩和挂毯,一个印制的盐罐,一罐酒以及一打羹匙”。

6、这一现象说明( )。A.工业化推动了农业的商品化B.世界性的贸易体系开始形成C.商贸中心转移推动了英国经济快速发展D.英国成为世界上最发达的资本主义国家【答案】 B17、This experiment ought to _ lastweek.A.be doneB.have been doneC.have doneD.do【答案】 B18、知识获得的途径主要是通过直观和( )。A.概括B.比较C.分析D.综合【答案】 A19、I recently went to a charity party. At the end of the visit our host told us that the

7、following Monday was his birthday. He asked21, as a gift to him, we would do something kind for someone else on that day. I thought that was a terrible birthday 22 !A.IB.youC.weD.they【答案】 A20、The translator must have an excellent,up-to-date knowledge of his 11 languages, full facility in the handlin

8、gof his target language, which will be his mother tongue or language of habitualuse, and knowledge and understanding of the 12 subject-matter in his field ofspecialization. This is, as it were, his professional equipment. In addition tothis, it is desirable that he should have an 13 mind, wide inter

9、ests, a good memory and the ability to grasp quicklythe basic principles of new developments. He should be willing to work on hisown, often at high speeds, but should be humble enough to 14 othersshould his own knowledge not always prove adequate to the task in hand. He shouldbe able to type fairly

10、quickly and accurately and, if he is working mainly forpublication, should have more than a nodding 15 with printing techniques andproof-reading. If he is working basically as an information translator, let ussay, for an industrial firm, he should have the flexibility of mind to enablehim to 16 rapi

11、dly from one sourcelanguage to another, as well as from one subject-matter to another, since thisability is frequently required of him in such work. Bearing in mind the natureof the translators work, i.e. the processing of the written word, it is,strictly speaking, 17 that he should be able to speak

12、 the languages heis dealing with. If he does speak them, it is an 18 rather than a hindrance, but this skillis in many ways a luxury that he can do away with. It is, however, desirablethat he should have an approximate idea about the pronunciation of his sourcelanguages even if this is restricted to

13、 19 how proper names and placenames are pronounced. The same applies to an ability to write his sourcelanguages. If he can, well and good; if he cannot, it does not matter. Thereare many other skills and 20 that are desirable in a translator.A.vitalB.extensiveC.generalD.unnecessary【答案】 D21、重组DNA技术的四大要素不包括()。A.载体B.限制性内切酶C.供体DNAD.噬菌体【答案】 D22、1501-1504年,米开朗基罗为的雕像( )。A.摩西B.大卫C.创世纪D.最后的审判【答案】 B23、关于学习适应问题,表述不正确的是( )。A.要明确高中的学习任务、学习特点B.要确定自己的奋斗目标,树立自信心C.要提高自己的学习期望,减少落差感。D.要讲究学习方法,努力提高学习效率【答案】 C24、2017年4月,中共中央、国务院决定设立河北雄安新区。疏解北京非首都功能,这是继深圳经济特区和上海浦东新区之后又一具有全国意义的新区。据此完成题。



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