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1、备考2024福建省三明市泰宁县中学教师公开招聘自我检测试卷B卷附答案一单选题(共60题)1、 下列选项属于铜管乐器的是()。A.小号B.单簧管C.大管D.定音鼓【答案】 A2、I had a bad habit of skipping to the last pages of a book. I just wanted to see how it ended 11 I was still in the middle of it. This habit 12 first my morn, then my friends, and 13 even my own daughter. Often my

2、 14 wouldnt be limited just to the books I read but also to what others were 15 as well. Then one day my daughter told me in anger, Dad, please just read a book one 16 at a time like everyone else!A.excitingB.hopefulC.favoriteD.right【答案】 D3、()是音乐的骨骼,是塑造音乐形象的重要手段。A.音节B.节奏C.音色D.旋律【答案】 B4、下列属于安徽地方戏曲是()

3、。A.泗州戏B.昆区C.豫剧D.评剧【答案】 A5、唱赚是由( )所创。A.孔三传B.张五牛C.董解元D.姜夔【答案】 B6、更容易培养独立,有责任感、.的家庭教养方式( )。A.溺爱型B.专制型C.权威性D.忽视型【答案】 C7、根据以下材料,回答题A.came upB.turned upC.called upD.made up【答案】 D8、()学习理论学派的学生观,强调引导儿童从原有的知识经验中“生长”出新的知识经验。A.完形一顿悟说B.认知一结构学习论C.信息加工学习理论D.建构主义学习理论【答案】 D9、学生在教师指导下,运用一定的仪器设备获取知识的教学方法是( )。A.演示法 B.

4、练习法 C.实习作业法 D.实验法【答案】 D10、根据以下材料,回答A.The fuel cellB.The fly wheelC.The steam-powered generatorD.The internal-combustion engine【答案】 A11、( )是指在不同时间内用.被试者所得结果的一致程度。A.信度B.效度C.难度D.区分度【答案】 A12、根据以下材料,回答题A.Because he/she began to think about themwhen very youngB.Because many people are too old to learnC.Be

5、cause a lot of people cant grasp theopportunityD.Because many people have little theylove【答案】 A13、根据以下材料,回答A.It is about a test on miceB.It is about an introduce of ACSJournalC.It is about a report on a study of newfunction of propolisD.It is about a medicine that will be putinto market soon【答案】 C14

6、、实验课上老师将两张刚刚制好的永久装片和两张写有“球形细菌”和“酵母菌”的标签交给你,请你借助光学显微镜正确地将标签贴好,你的依据是()。A.有无遗传物质B.有无叶绿体C.有无成形的细胞核D.有无细胞壁【答案】 C15、C A decline in memory as a result of ageing can be temporarily reversed using a harmless form of electrical brain stimulation, scientists have found. The study focused on a part of cognition

7、 called working memory, the brain system that holds information for short periods while we are making decisions or performing calculations. Working memory is crucial for a wide variety of tasks, such as recognising faces, doing arithmetic and navigating a new environment. Working memory is known to

8、steadily decline with age. One factor in this decline is thought to be a disconnection between two brain networks. In the study, published in the journal Nature Neuroscience, 42 people aged 20-29 and 42 people aged 60-76 were assessed in a working memory task. The older group were slower and less ac

9、curate on the tests. The scientists then subjected them all to 25 minutes of non-invasive brain stimulation. This aimed to make the two target brain regions work together by passing gentle pulses of electricity through the scalp(头皮)and into the brain. After the treatment, working memory in the older

10、 adults improved to match the younger group and the effect appeared to last for 50 minutes after the stimulation. Those who had scored worst to start with showed the largest improvements. While these results were exciting and promising. Dardo Tomasi, a scientist at the National Institute on Alcohol

11、Abuse and Alcoholism in Bethesda, who was not involved in the work said that larger studies would be needed to confirm the findings and assess how they might be applied clinically. D. James Picket e head of research at the Alzheimers Society, said, “We cant cure, prevent or even slow down dementia (

12、痴呆 ),so it vital we explore all possible areas for treatments. Altering and correcting the circuitry of the brain with technology is a new exciting avenue of research for dementia. Deep-brain simulation a surgical procedure used in Parkinsons, is proof of principle that this approach may one day be

13、fruiA.SkepticalB.OptimisticC.FrustratedD.Embarrassed【答案】 B16、老舍的话剧茶馆中有个秦二爷,19世纪末投资近代企业,他的理想是创办实业,1914年后的几年,他创办的实业最为红火。其中原因不包括( )。A.清政府放宽民间设厂的限制B.政府提倡使用国货C.当时处于一战期间欧洲列强忙于战争,暂时放弃了对中国的经济侵略D.实业救国思潮以及群众性反帝爱国运动【答案】 A17、马头琴是()的乐器。A.藏族B.哈萨克族C.蒙古族D.维吾尔族【答案】 C18、通过对学生的家庭作业或课堂练习、论文、日记、手工制作的模型、绘画等各种作品进行考查分析,并形成

14、某种判断和决策的过程称为()。A.个案研究B.观察分析C.案卷分析D.轶事记录【答案】 C19、习近平总书记提出,坚持不忘初心、继续前进,就要坚持中国特色社会主义道路自信、理论自信、制度自信、文化自信。其中,中国特色社会主义制度是发展中国特色社会主义的()。A.领导核心B.根本保障C.必经路径D.行动指南【答案】 B20、根据以下材料,回答A.reservedB.rewardedC.equippedD.donated【答案】 B21、班级成员在服从班集体的正确决定和承担责任的前提下,参与班级管理的方式叫做()。A.常规管理B.平行管理C.民主管理D.目标管理【答案】 C22、根据以下材料,回答A.doubtB.surpriseC.pleasureD.regrets【答案】 D23、将下列句子按语序先后


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