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1、备考2024四川省广元市朝天区中学教师公开招聘押题练习试题A卷含答案一单选题(共60题)1、由主题和一系列主题变化反复,并按照统一的艺术构思而组成的乐曲体裁是( )。A.变奏曲B.奏鸣曲C.回旋曲D.序曲【答案】 A2、企业资源分析包括有()。A.人力资源状况B.财务资源状况C.技术资源状况D.管理资源状况E.无形资产状况【答案】 A3、危险期主要指()。A.幼儿期B.儿童期C.少年期D.青年期【答案】 C4、 1971年,联合国大会恢复了中华人民共和国在联合国中的一切合法权利,这届联合国大会是( )。A.23届联大B.24届联大C.25届联大D.26届联大【答案】 D5、 电视连续剧四世同堂

2、的主题曲重整河山待后生采用了()的音调素材。A.四川清音B.苏州弹词C.京韵大鼓D.河南坠子【答案】 C6、 数学老师在课堂上为学生解二元一次方程,有的学生通过自己的思考和努力提出了几种不同的解法,这名学生解决问题的思维方式属于( )。A.抽象思维B.直觉思维C.聚合思维D.发散思维【答案】 D7、 大型民族管弦乐队的编制是()。A.6080人B.3050人C.80100人D.4060人【答案】 A8、What is Dr. Munzers proposal for choosing what to read? A. Children should read more comics and m

3、agazines B. Tablets are better for developing rich language C. Parents should choose more apps for e-books. D. It should depend on childrens interests photographs, social media feeds messages and emails; its no wonder they are glued to their screens. But is it good for them? There have been many cla

4、ims about the damage looking at screens does to our eyesight. Some people feared staring at a small bright box could make us short-sighted or lead to headaches. This is a particular concern for children and young people, who spend a higher percentage of time using electronic gadgets. BBC technology

5、corespondent, Rory Cellan-jones, says: “There is plenty of anecdotal evidence that no matter how long teenagers are spending looking at screens. they are encountering material about issues such as anorexia (厌食症) and self-harm that could prove damaging to their mental health.”But a new study says tim

6、e in front of computers and phones might not be as bad for young people as many think. Research by the Oxford Internet Institute examined data from more than 17.000 teenagers in the UK. Ireland and the United States. Their study concluded that most links between life satisfaction and social media us

7、e were trivial accounting for less than 1% of a teenagers health. Professor Przybylski, director of the research at the institute, said: 99.75 of a persons life satisfaction has nothing to do with their use of social medi A. The research found that family, friends and school life all had a greater i

8、mpact on well-being. Perhaps for now, deciding what the right amount of screen time is has to be up to personal judgments. 35. The first paragraph is designed to _.A.lead in the topicB.introduce a new type of screenC.promote a phoneD.show the finding of a stud【答案】 D9、The Worlds Loneliest Phone Booth

9、 For almost 40 years,a lone phone booth stood in the Mojave Desert.about 75 miles southwest of Las Vegas.It was likely installed for local miners around 1960.The glass panels were long gone from the 17 by 1990,and the phonebook had been stolen.But a visitor to the booth in 1990 found that the teleph

10、one 17 worke A.polishedB.removedC.decoratedD.reconstructed【答案】 B10、碳元素是构成细胞的最基本元素,对此最有说服力的说法是()。A.碳在细胞的各种化合物中含量最多B.碳在自然界中含量最为丰富C.在细胞的各种化合物中都含有碳D.碳链构成了有机物的基本骨架。【答案】 D11、公元前4世纪时,罗马的某法官接了一个案件:“一个仁慈的贵族罗莫洛,也是一支军队的首领,生前立遗嘱,希望把他一半的家产捐给那些跟随他作战受伤或战死的士兵的家人。但他死后,他的家人却不履行遗嘱。”法官最后判定罗莫洛的家人败诉,依据是( )。A.未成文的习惯法B.十二铜

11、表法C.查士丁尼新敕D.查士丁尼民法大全【答案】 B12、邓小平指出:“一个党、一个国家、一个民族,如果一切从本本出发,思想僵化,迷信盛行,那它就不能前进,它的生机就停止了,就要亡党亡国了。”这段话非常深刻的阐明了()。A.反对形式主义的重要性B.改革开放的重要性C.党的建设的重要性D.解放思想的重要性【答案】 D13、根据以下材料,回答A.stayed far away from cat s urineB.moved around the area freely andfearlesslyC.because more sensitive to cat s smellD.were more a

12、fraid of cats【答案】 B14、职业道德是从业人员在职业活动中( )。A.必须遵循的命令要求B.应该积极履行的行为规范C.衡量绩效的核心标准D.决定前途命运的唯一要素【答案】 B15、I remember being a student teacher in1974, sitting for two weeks in the back of my cooperating teachers classroomwatching her teach carefully before I had my chance to try. Her lessons flowed 16from beg

13、inning to end, leading me to believe that teaching would be easy. Iremember how 17 I was the first time I stood in front of25 ninth-graders and attempted to teach them Spanish.A.rapidlyB.steadilyC.freelyD.endlessly【答案】 C16、在认知方式中,有一种思维沿着许多不同的方向扩展,使观念发散到各个有关方面,因而容易产生有创见的新颖观念,这种认知方式是()。A.沉思型B.辐合型C.冲动型

14、D.发散型【答案】 D17、我国瓷器发展的两个高峰是( )。A.元代、清代B.宋代、清代C.宋代、元代D.唐代、明代【答案】 B18、与新手型教师相比,专家型教师的课时计划简洁、灵活、以()为中心并具有预见性。A.教师B.课程C.教学目标D.学生【答案】 D19、下列功能系统中()A.磷酸原供能系统B.糖酵解供能系统,C.有氧氧化供能系统D.ATP-CP系统【答案】 B20、据报道,某市在社区大力推动由基层党组织和自治组织代表、社区居民代表、相关社会组织代表等组成的民情理事会工作。通过协商讨论,民情理事会促进了诸如广场舞扰民、小区乱停车等难题的解决。这得益于民情理事会()。A.B.C.D.【答案】 A21、根据以下材料,回答A.makingB.lettingC.dreamingD.consisting【答案】 B22、我国是一


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