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1、2024年度上海市银行招聘之银行招聘综合知识强化训练试卷A卷附答案一单选题(共60题)1、十进制数250转换成二进制整数是()。A.01101010B.01101000C.11111010D.01100110【答案】 C2、公文的权威性和行政约束力,来自()的权威和合法地位。A.收文机关B.印发机关C.审核机关D.制发机关【答案】 D3、资料:New York and London may rule the roost, but other financial hubs in America and Europe have managed to carve out useful special

2、ist niches for themselves. Chicago, for instance, has consolidated its position as the worlds derivatives center, and Houston, the largest city in Texas, is home to Americas biggest energy firms and has spawned an active cluster of energy traders and hedge funds.A.Merger of NYSE with Euronext makes

3、it the biggest financial center in EuropeB.The excessive regulation and high taxes have affected its financial developmentC.Paris has many advantages that may help in its future financial developmentD.Paris offers good quality of life as well as good transport links【答案】 A4、我国金融信托业务的办理机构是()。A.贸易信托公司B

4、.保险公司C.信托投资公司D.投资银行【答案】 C5、California wildfires are being magnified and made so much worse by the bad environmental laws which arent allowing massive amounts of readily available water to be properly_。A.utilizedB.changedC.avoidedD.converted【答案】 A6、资料:American Airlines CEO takes blame for maintenance

5、 errors, disrupted flightsA.570 airplanesB.930 different planesC.300 MD-80sD.3000 flights【答案】 C7、资料:Dream is a story that a person watches or even takes part in during sleep. Dream events are imaginary, but they are related to real experiences and needs in the dreamers life. They seem real while the

6、y are takingplace. Some dreams are pleasant, others are annoying, and still others are frightening. Everyone dreams, but some persons never recall dreaming. Others remember only a little about a dream they had just before awakening and nothing about earlier dreams. No one recalls all his dreams.A.de

7、prives people of a good sleepB.makes people always restlessC.disturbs peoples lifeD.is beneficial to people【答案】 D8、银行承兑汇票期限自出票之日起最长不超过()。A.3个月B.6个月C.1年D.2年【答案】 B9、There is no reason they should limit how much vitamin you take,_they can limit how much water you drink.A.no less thanB.not any more than

8、C.no more thanD.much more or less【答案】 B10、下列哪一种情况,可越权批办文件?( )A.经过授权B.避免积压C.急需处理D.属一般性文件【答案】 A11、Mr. Backus simply replaced the original equation with his own _ for a dream date, which included the percentage of women likely to find him attractive, and the number of girls aged 24 to 34 in London.A.de

9、signationB.measuresC.criteriaD.legislation【答案】 C12、采用成本加成定价法,关键问题是确定合理的()。A.销售利润率B.成本利润率C.比例利润率D.内扣利润率【答案】 B13、 江某在某超市购买了一台电动榨汁机,l个月后出现故障,要求超市处理。但超市“购物须知”规定:“在本超市购物有质量问题请及时解决,自购物之日起超过15日的概不退换。”超市以此为由,拒绝受理,要求江某与生产厂家联系处理。对本纠纷的处理,下列观点错误的是()。A.超市的规定是“霸王条款”,损害消费者权益,应当无效B.超市的规定是要约,消费者的购买是承诺,双方形成合同关系,所以规定有

10、效C.超市的规定是格式条款,但免除了自己的责任,所以无效D.超市的规定与产品质量法的规定相抵触.所以无效【答案】 B14、资料:To manage teams organization require effective managers.Highly skilled and trained managers can make more informed decisions. The use of beat practice models enables managers to ensure their teams operate efficiently.This will improve q

11、uality for customers as staff will be better trained to deal with customers needs.It will also improve team effectiveness and help organizations to perform better.A.Customers needsB.Practice modelsC.Books of managementD.A trained secretary【答案】 B15、资料:Being financially secure in retirement just doesn

12、t happen magically. It takes lots of planning, time and savings.A.You may have to pay penaltiesB.You will fail to realize your goalsC.Your retirement savings will become off-limitsD.You should save money for your retirement all over again【答案】 B16、资料:MemoA.At Wayland BooksB.At Greenhouse PublishingC.

13、At Senyth PublishersD.At Brownback Guides【答案】 B17、Airlines are already increasing their price on the_that fuel prices are going to rise.A.consumptionB.destructionC.assumptionD.presumption【答案】 C18、下列各项不是戏剧的是()。A.蝶恋花B.桃花扇C.窦娥冤D.西厢记【答案】 A19、资料:Business,academic and civic leaders in Cambridge have warne

14、d that one of Britains major economic growth cities is under threat unless the government acts quickly to restore trust post-Brexit.A.To create more job positions for foreign talentsB.To comfort existing foreign talentsC.To attract new talentsD.To stimulate local economy【答案】 B20、分子生物学的研究表明()。A.细胞是遗传信息的载体B.细胞核是遗传信息的载体C.DNA是遗传信息的载体D.细胞壁是遗传信息的载体【答案】 C21、Passage 4A.Large imaginationB.Quick actionC.


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