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1、2024年度云南省银行招聘之银行招聘综合知识过关检测试卷B卷附答案一单选题(共60题)1、An epigram is usually defined _ a bright or witty thought that is briefly and ingeniously expressed.A.asB.as beC.as beenD.to being【答案】 A2、用汇编语言或高级语言编写的程序称为( )。A.用户程序B.源程序C.系统程序D.汇编程序【答案】 B3、Most of Indias coffee exports are restricted by an export _ fixed

2、 under the ryles of the International Coffee Agreement.A.censusB.statureC.retributionD.quota【答案】 D4、In Western Australia,there are around 450 aircraft maintenance engineers,most of_work in the Perth metropolitan area.A.themB.whomC.whichD.they【答案】 B5、我国对不正当竞争行为进行监督检査的主管部门是( )。A.国内贸易部B.技术监督局C.工商行政管理局D

3、.物价局【答案】 C6、企业以经营租赁方式租入的生产设备,应通过( )账簿反映。A.序时B.备查C.数量金额D.分类【答案】 B7、按照有关规定,我国商业银行对中小企业贷款的利率最高和最低可分别上浮和下浮()。A.30%和15%B.30%和10%C.50%和30%D.50%和10%【答案】 B8、某企业投资了一个加工厂,建成后,每年可生产某种零件2.5万件,每件毛利润为1元。第一年的维护成本是0.1万元,以后按照每年0.1万元递增,则该厂可在第()年实现累计利润(毛利润-维护成本)20万的目标。A.12B.11C.10D.13【答案】 B9、“东施效颦”原比喻不根据具体条件,盲目模仿别人,结果

4、适得其反。现泛指模仿者的愚蠢和可笑。这一成语出自()。A.孟子B.庄子C.论语D.红楼梦【答案】 B10、当国内投资增加时,一般将( )。A.增加向其他国家的进口B.增加出口而进口保持不变C.改善外贸情况D.使进口、出口都增加,但进口的增加少于出口的增加【答案】 A11、以下不是网络操作系统的是( )。A.UNIXB.LinuxC.Windows 2000D.DOS【答案】 D12、 账簿按用途不同可分为三大类,下列分类正确的是()。A.两栏式账簿、三栏式账簿、多栏式账簿B.日记账簿、分类账簿、备查账簿C.订本式账簿、活页式账簿、卡片式账簿D.日记账簿、分类账簿、数量金额式账簿【答案】 B13

5、、 企业会计核算必须符合国家的统一规定,这是为了满足()要求。A.一贯性原则B.重要性原则C.可比性原则D.客观性原则【答案】 C14、太阳系是大约( )亿年前,由星云在引力作用下逐渐收缩而形成的。A.100B.80C.50D.30【答案】 C15、资料:FOR TWO MARKETING EXECUTIVESA.table, oven and garmentB.wardrobe, printer and dryerC.bedside lamp, sofa and closetD.refrigerator, washing machine and laundry detergent【答案】 C

6、16、Do you know where_now?A.he livesB.does he liveC.he livedD.did he live【答案】 A17、资料:Elizabeth Blackwell was born in England in 1821, and moved to New York City when she was ten years old. One day she decided that she wanted to become a doctor. That was nearly impossible for a woman in the middle of

7、the nineteenth century.After writing many letters asking for admission (录取) to medical schools, she was finally accepted by a doctor in Philadelphia. She was so determined that she taught school and gave music lessons to get money for the cost of schooling.A.She wrote too many lettersB.She couldnt g

8、raduate from medical schoolC.She was a womanD.She couldnt set up her hospital【答案】 C18、资料:FAST cars whizz around,malls are full of expensive luxuries and cranes dominate the skyline.But scratch the shimmering surface of the Gulf and you soon find countries hurting from the low oil price,currently aro

9、und $40 a barrel.Growth is slowing and unemployment is rising.Policy makers even dare utter a three-letter“t” word until recently taboo:tax.A.Kuwait,Qatar and UAE will face tougher situation than other peersB.Qatar and UAEs economy will be better than that of KuwaitC.Life for Saudi Arabia,Oman and B

10、ahrain will only be tougherD.All GCC states will hardly solve the hard problem【答案】 C19、资料:Britain is facing a “crisis of fatherlessness” in which almost half of all children born today will not be living with both parents by the time they are 15, the new chief executive of the thinktank founded by I

11、ain Duncan Smith has warned.A.Politicians should call on a parenting revolutionB.Government may have failed to keep families stableC.Only rich parents can offer their children whats the bestD.Parenting advice is often inaccessible to poor families【答案】 D20、2017年4月份,某省规模以上食品工业增加值同比增长15.0%,比全省规模工业平均水平高

12、9.4个百分点。其中,农副食品加工业增长14.0%,食品制造业增长18.6%,酒、饮料和精制茶制造业增长13.9%。14月,规模以上食品工业产值累计增长11.6%,增幅比全省规模工业平均水平高4.5个百分点。A.38.5%B.42.6%C.53.7%D.78.8%【答案】 D21、资料:Most young people enjoy some form of physical activity. It may be walking, cycling or swimming, or in winter, skating or skiing. It may be a game of some fo

13、rms, football, hockey, golf, or tennis. It may be mountaineering.A.natureB.each otherC.other teamsD.international standards【答案】 A22、国务院常务会议决定,自2011年7月1日起启动城镇居民社会养老保险试点工作,2011年试点范围覆盖全国60%的地区,2012年( )。A.覆盖80%B.覆盖85%C.覆盖90%D.基本实现全覆盖【答案】 D23、The Volcker Rule basically says that banks cant gamble with risky Wall Street bets because they might make bad_and collapse。A.shiftsB.debtsC.mistakesD.bets【答案】 B24、_them all up,you can finally get the answer.A.AddingB.AddedC.To addD.Add【答案】 C25、资料:A high-precision NASA radar instrument left a NASA airport in Southern California for Iceland on J


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