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1、2024年度天津市银行招聘之银行招聘综合知识题库与答案一单选题(共60题)1、Passage 10A.takes away babiesappetiteB.distracts childrens attentionC.slows down babiesverbal developmentD.reduces mother-child communication【答案】 D2、资料:最后,大家谈论了中国在绿色经济方面做出的杰出贡献,请根据下列资料回答问题。A.One with much wealthB.One with high professional levelC.One with high

2、social statusD.One with high reputation in academia【答案】 B3、资料:Everyone knows airline pricing is based on supply and demand. Fares are more expensive during peak travel seasons like summer and to prime destinations like European capitals. So if a flight to Rome costs more than a flight to Milan, youd

3、 think that demand for Rome must be higher or supply lower.A.Because all people prefer the shortest route to their destinationB.Because airlines take advantage of peoples preference for direct flightsC.Because connecting flights may cause some inconvenienceD.Because airlines charge customers differe

4、nt prices for the same product【答案】 B4、四对情侣排成一队买演唱会门票,已知每对情侣必须排在一起,问共有多少种不同的排队顺序?()A.24种B.96种C.384种D.40320种【答案】 C5、在单位协定存款业务中,对超过基本存款额度的存款按( )计付利息。A.活期存款利率B.定期存款利率C.中囯人民银行规定的上浮利率D.协定存款利率【答案】 C6、资料:What,if anything,do we gain by clinging to our antioxidant supplements?A.to correct the misunderstanding

5、 of antioxidant supplementB.to encourage readers to taken more vitamineC.to encourage readers to do more physical exerciseD.to inform athletes of the benefits of trauma【答案】 A7、Some experts note that childrens performances are_ more influenced by parents than by teacher.A.quiteB.manyC.almostD.far【答案】

6、 D8、It would be_exploring students epistemic beliefs regarding course-related information located on the Internet.A.worthwhileB.worthC.whileD.worthy【答案】 A9、资料:From:prornoA.By providing a codeB.By making a paymentC.By promising to write a reviewD.By sending in proof of a purchase【答案】 A10、Passage 8A.T

7、o discuss different methods of pruningB.To introduce some common knowledge of pruningC.To explain how trees develop diseaseD.To give practical instruction for pruning a tree【答案】 B11、Passage 3A.Their economy is plungingB.Their currency has slumpedC.They cant afford trips to EnglandD.They have lost ha

8、lf of their assets【答案】 B12、During her junior year of high school,Diane Rays teacher handed her a worksheet and instructed the 17-year-old to map out her future financial life.Ray pretended to buy a car,rent an apartment,and apply for a credit card.Then,she and her classmates played thestock market g

9、ame,investing(投资)the hypothetical(虚拟的)earnings from their hypothetical jobs in the market in the disastrous fall of 2008.Our pretend investments crashed,Ray says,still frightened.We got to know how it felt to lose money.A.pay off all her debtsB.handle her money betterC.find a job in a bankD.manage t

10、he family income【答案】 B13、认识的本质是主体对( )。A.客体的选择和建构B.客观事物的直观反映C.人的心灵活动的内省D.客体的能动反映【答案】 D14、(),he is appointed as the manager.A.Be a man ever so youngB.So young as a man ever isC.No matter he is youngD.A man ever so young【答案】 A15、资料:Why is Salt Bad for You?A.had a high blood pressureB.ate too muchC.had

11、a cold and a sore throatD.was sensitive to salt【答案】 C16、一般而言,金融资产的流动性与风险性、收益性之间的关系存在( )。A.正相关B.负相关C.不相关D.不确定关系【答案】 B17、信用卡透支利率是日利率的()。A.万分之一B.万分之三C.万分之五D.万分之十八【答案】 C18、上海证券交易所上市交易的某只股票,2009年末的每股税后利润为0. 2元,市场利率为2.5%。A.分期付息到期还本债券B.到期一次还本付息债券C.分期还本到期一次付息债券D.分期付息债券【答案】 A19、彼得德鲁克认为:“领导者的唯一定义就是其后面的追随者。一些人

12、是思想家,一些人是预言家,这些人都很重要,而且也急需;但是没有追随者,就不会有领导者。”这句话说明()。A.领导的实质是组织成员的追随与服从B.领导者需要权力C.追随者比领导者更重要D.领导只有一个定义,其余的定义是错误的【答案】 A20、按组合键()可选定整个Word文档。A.AIt+PB.Ctr1+AC.AIt+F4D.AIt+Esc【答案】 B21、资料:Think for a moment of your definition of persuasion. If you are like most business people I have encountered, you see

13、persuasion as a relatively staightforward process. First, you strongly state your position. Second,you outline the supporting arguments, followed by a highly assertive, databased exposition. Finally, you enter the deal-making stage and work toward a “close.” In other words, you use logic, persistenc

14、e, and personal enthusiasm to get others to buy a good idea. The reality is that following this process is one surefire way to fail at persuasion.A.Most businesspeople see persuasion as a straightforward processB.Unlike most businesspeople effective persuaders are willing to adjust their opinions and hear from othersC.Effective persuaders are open-mindedD.Most businesspeople are more asse


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