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1、2024年度宁夏回族自治区银行招聘之银行招聘综合知识精选试题及答案二一单选题(共60题)1、Many species are in peril of extinction because of our destruction of their natural _.A.habitatB.favorC.hoopD.circle【答案】 A2、资料:Acknowledging that so-called cloud computing will blur the distinctions between computers and networks, about two dozen big inf

2、ormation technology companies plan to announce a new standards-setting group for computer networking. The group, to be called the Open Networking Foundation, hopes to help standardize a set of technologies pioneered at Stanford and the University of California, Berkeley, and meant to make small and

3、large networks programmable in much the same way that individual computers are.A.harmonizeB.complyC.integrateD.conform【答案】 A3、资料:2014 has been a landmark year for Alibaba. Just last week, the Chinese e-commerce juggernaut set a world-record selling US$9.3 Billion worth of goods in 24 hours on Single

4、s Day. A few months back, Alibaba claimed the title of the worlds biggest IPO, raising US$25 Billion on the NYSE. Things will only get bigger for Alibaba.A.Alibaba would open chain stores after entering into AustraliaB.Alibaba has established cooperation with Australia PostC.Alibabas world-record of

5、 selling US$9.3 Billion worth of goods in 24 hours on Singles Day has helped its initial public offeringD.After entering into Australia, Alibaba will try to expand to the U.S【答案】 B4、资料:As more personal business is conducted through smartphone devices , more users are implementing security measures f

6、or their devices, according to a recent survey by Harris Poll and commissioned by the CTIA.A.Smartphone users are increasingly aware of the importance of anti-virus softwareB.An increasing number of smartphone users have installed built-in remote lock-and-erase softwareC.More smartphone users are pr

7、otecting their devices with PINs and passwords than in previous yearsD.All of above【答案】 D5、_to the Olympics opening ceremony is considered as Dylans greatest honor by far.A.Being invitedB.Be invitedC.InvitingD.Invited【答案】 A6、_them all up,you can finally get the answer.A.AddingB.AddedC.To addD.Add【答案

8、】 C7、在单位协定存款业务中,对超过基本存款额度的存款按( )计付利息。A.活期存款利率B.定期存款利率C.中囯人民银行规定的上浮利率D.协定存款利率【答案】 C8、资料:A new Chinese-led international development bank announced its first four loans on Saturday, pledging to lend $509 million for projects to spread electric power in rural Bangladesh, upgrade living conditions in sl

9、ums in Indonesia, and improve roads in Pakistan and Tajikistan. At the first of the annual general meetings of in institution, the Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank, the banks president, Jin Liqun, said the projects were financially sound and environmentally friendly and had been accepted by the

10、people in the project areas.A.World Bank and the Asian Development Bank emphasize more on poverty reduction than Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank doesB.The Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank will be devoted to improve develpomengt in AsiaC.The Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank will work tog

11、ether with the World Bank, the Asian Development Bank and the European Bank for Reconstruction and DevelopmentD.The Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank will pose a challenge to the United States【答案】 D9、资料:Why is Salt Bad for You?A.salt consumption leads to a strokeB.sodium excreted in urine is a me

12、asure of salt intakeC.an increase in blood pressure causes an increase in salt consumptionD.the higher the sodium in urine, the greater the chance of hypertension【答案】 D10、This does not mean I will take it_from the rich and give it to the poor.A.upB.onC.inD.away【答案】 D11、Passage 2A.Global temperatures

13、 affect the rate of economic developmentB.Rates of death from illnesses have risen due to global warmingC.Malnutrition has caused serious health problems in poor countriesD.onomic trends have to do with population and natural disasters【答案】 B12、国家卫健委日前明确,持核酸检测阴性证明返乡从2021年1月28日春运开始后实施,至()春运结束后截止。A.3月8

14、日B.3月1日C.2月28日D.3月6日【答案】 A13、资料:It seems simple enough. Take all the line-forming and paper-filling busy work of the government, and put it all up on the Internet. Now, in order to report a pot-hole, pay your property tax, complain to an official or cast a vote, just log on and hit a few buttons. Go

15、odbye bureaucracy, hello e-cracy?A.make suggestions on facing the reality and modifying expectationsB.advocate that e-government is costly and uselessC.explain why e-government is no longer popularD.persuade governments to cut the cost【答案】 A14、阅读理解A.the distortion of reality by scienceB.the confusion caused by emotionsC.Platonic and contemporary



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