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1、2024年度山西省银行招聘之银行招聘综合知识题库检测试卷B卷附答案一单选题(共60题)1、下列语句中,没有语病的一项是()。A.通过识别声音就可以判断出一个人是否感染了病毒,这听起来像是东方夜谭,但这也是事实。B.一把椅子,加上“人体工学”四个字,就能卖三四千,甚至是八九千元,一万多元左右的超级高价也不鲜见。C.一百多个科研单位的技术骨干云集会场,就不同领域的问题展开了热烈的讨论。D.金医生归来后,护士们蜂拥而至,热情地在办公室里向他问候。【答案】 A2、资料: The poverty line is the minimum income that people need for an acc

2、eptable standard of living. People with incomes below the poverty line are considered poor. Economists study the causes of poverty in order to find solutions to the problem. A.ConfidenceB.AbilityC.DiligenceD.Willpowe【答案】 D3、关于债券收益率的说法错误的是( )。A.易被赎回的债券的名义收益率比较高B.享受税收优惠的债券的收益率比较低C.流动性低的债券收益率较高D.违约风险髙的

3、债券收益率比较低【答案】 D4、下列叙述中,正确的是( )。A.高级语言编写的程序的可移植性差B.机器语言就是汇编语言,无非是名称不同而巳C.指令是由一串二进制数(0和1)组成的D.由机器语言编写的程序可读性好【答案】 C5、提出“师夷长技以制夷”主张的是()。A.林则徐B.魏源C.左宗棠D.曾国藩【答案】 B6、语音网关类似于普通的电脑交换机,下列哪一项不是语音网关的电话业务()。A.热线电话B.呼叫转移C.VPN路由器D.FXS端口权限【答案】 C7、发生地震时,某大型超市内发生了骚乱,下列人员中,所处位置相对安全的是()。A.自动电梯上B.奶粉货架旁C.承重柱旁D.收银台旁【答案】 C8

4、、“Well done,Cassandra.”Crook said.She blushed,but accepted the ( )with good grace.A.commenceB.compromiseC.compensateD.compliment【答案】 D9、资料:Acknowledging that so-called cloud computing will blur the distinctions between computers and networks, about two dozen big information technology companies plan

5、 to announce a new standards-setting group for computer networking. The group, to be called the Open Networking Foundation, hopes to help standardize a set of technologies pioneered at Stanford and the University of California, Berkeley, and meant to make small and large networks programmable in muc

6、h the same way that individual computers are.A.To make networks less expensive to build and operateB.To enhance the capabilities of network engineersC.To set new standards for computer networkingD.To promote cloud computing【答案】 C10、关于总需求曲线,以下表述错误的是()。A.总需求曲线反映的是产品市场和货币市场同时处于均衡时,价格水平和总需求量的关系B.扩张性的财政政

7、策使总需求曲线向右移动C.扩张性的货币政策使总需求曲线向右移动D.总需求曲线向右上方倾斜【答案】 D11、资料:Good listening is much more than being silent while the other person talks. To the contrary, people perceive the best listeners to be those who periodically ask questions that promote discovery and insight. These questions gently challenge old

8、assumptions, but do so in a constructive way. Sitting there silently nodding does not provide sure evidence that a person is listening, but asking a good question tells the speaker the listener has not only heard what was said, but that they comprehended it well enough to want additional information

9、. Good listening was consistently seen as a two-way dialog, rather than a one-way “speaker versus hearer” interaction. The best conversations were active.A.He wants to challenge the speakerB.He is getting bored of noddingC.He is listening carefullyD.He wants to make the dialog stop【答案】 C12、下列哪项不属于20

10、世纪的四大发明?()A.计算机B.原子能C.打印机D.半导体【答案】 C13、A(n) _ five years ago, Pangkor boasted sweet-singing birds. Now the jungle is being cut down.A.justB.mereC.onlyD.simple【答案】 B14、Attachments_to your Hotmail account can be downloaded to your personal computer by clicking.A.sentB.to sendC.are sentD.sending【答案】 A1

11、5、对特定地区的经济发展进行倾向性经营的银行是( )。A.国家开发银行B.中国人民银行C.城市商业银行D.中国农业银行【答案】 A16、This does not mean I will take it_from the rich and give it to the poor.A.upB.onC.inD.away【答案】 D17、会计账簿暂由本单位财务会计部门保管( ),期满之后,由财务会计部门编造清算移交本单位的档案部门保管。A.1年B.3年C.5年D.10年【答案】 A18、With the U.S. government amassing growing amounts of_ever

12、y year,it needs the money that foreign investors offer.A.currencyB.costC.paymentD.debt【答案】 D19、要折叠一批纸飞机,若甲单独折叠要半个小时完成,乙单独折叠需要45分钟完成。若两人一起折,需要多少分钟完成?()A.10B.15C.16D.18【答案】 D20、Passage 5A.9 yearsB.7 yearsC.4 yearsD.3 years【答案】 D21、夏日雷雨过后,人们会感到空气特别清新,其主要原因是( )。A.雷雨过后,空气湿度增加B.雷雨过程中雷电导致空气中的臭氧分子增加C.雷雨过程中空

13、气中的灰尘随雨水降落到地面D.雷雨过程中气温快速下降【答案】 B22、根据民法典规定,甲与乙对丙企业的债务同时提供保证担保,没有约定担保方式和担保份额的,丙的债权人丁可以要求甲、乙以怎样的方式承担担保责任?()A.可以要求甲或乙独立承担全部债务,担保方式为一般担保B.可以要求甲或乙独立承担全部债务,担保方式为连带担保C.只能要求甲、乙分别承担一半债务,担保方式为一般担保D.只能要求甲、乙分别承担一半债务,担保方式为连带担保【答案】 A23、2020年4月16日电,商务部会同中央网信办、工业和信息化部联合认定了首批12家国家数字(),这将有利于加快数字贸易发展和数字技术应用,培育贸易新业态新模式,实现服务贸易高质量发展。A.贸易示范区B.经济创新发展试验区C.服务出口基地D.经济产业区【答案】 C24、2017年4月份,某省规模以上食品工业增加值同比增长15.0%,比全省规模工业平均水平高9.4个百分点。其中,农副食品加工业增长14.0%,食品制造业增长18.6%,酒、饮料和精制茶制造业增长13.9%。14月,规模以上食品工业产值累计增长11.6%,增幅比全省规模工业平均水平高4.5个百分点。A.5.6%B.7.1%C.16.1%D.24.4%【答案】 A25、资料:In the business environment nearly all individua



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