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1、2024年度陕西省银行招聘之银行招聘综合知识押题练习试题B卷含答案一单选题(共60题)1、Luckily,the bullet narrow missed the captain()an inch.A.byB.atC.toD.from【答案】 A2、CDS由( )于1961年首创。A.中国人民银行B.日本住友银行C.英格兰银行D.美国花旗银行【答案】 D3、资料:Singapore Airlines plans to introduce inflight mobile phone and internet access in May this year,beginning with its f

2、lagship Airbus A380 fleet.A.the telecoms system employed by Singapore Airlines on board each plane is the best of the breedB.Singapore Airlines has a self-contained telecoms system which enables it to set high international roaming ratesC.the calls will be charged at international roaming rates whic

3、h are normally highD.it will be a privilege to a small【答案】 B4、积极开展网络融资服务。农业银行创新推出()线上贷款产品,实现农户贷款线上申请、线上审批、线上发放、线上还款,全面提升农户贷款的覆盖面和办理效率。A.助农e贷B.轻松e贷C.惠农e贷D.全民e贷【答案】 C5、在有关科学实践中,没有使用()的仪器,经过()的调查进行()的论证往往很难得出结论。A.周密严密细密B.精密周密细密C.细密严密周密D.精密周密严密【答案】 D6、按照法律规定,职工累计工作已满1年不满10年的,可享受带薪年休假()。A.1天B.5天C.10天D.15

4、天【答案】 B7、资料:From:prornoA.By providing a codeB.By making a paymentC.By promising to write a reviewD.By sending in proof of a purchase【答案】 A8、资料:之后,经济学家Mr.W谈了谈对中国的一些看法,请根据下列资料回答问题。A.It requires you to exchange favors to get things doneB.It is the art form of bribery in the businessC.It involves money

5、and powerD.It means connections or relationship among family members【答案】 A9、紧缩性货币政策的运用会导致()。A.减少货币供给量,降低利率B.增加货币供给量,提高利率C.减少货币供给量,提高利率D.增加货币供给量,降低利率【答案】 C10、下列属于完全垄断的行业是( )。A.商业银行B.通信企业C.汽车、石油、天然气D.公共事业【答案】 D11、工厂有5条效率不同的生产线。某个生产项目如果任选3条生产线一起加工,最快需要6天整,最慢需要12天整;5条生产线一起加工,则需要5天整。问如果所有生产线的产能都扩大一倍,任选2条

6、生产线一起加工最多需要多少天完成?()A.11B.13C.15D.30【答案】 C12、资料:For promotions to remain effective, RT company has to analyze the impact of different campaigns. Word of mouth promotions can be more difficult to measure than some traditional methods of promotion. Although healthy sales are an important measure, RT us

7、es other measures to evaluate the effectiveness of its activities. For example:A.the sales report of RT campaignsB.the sales report of RT companyC.how Facebook and Twitter have influenced the marketD.how to evaluate promotional activities【答案】 D13、Passage 4A.Alex Taw is an American millionaireB.Alex

8、Taw will graduate from universityC.Alex Taw doesnt work hardD.Alex Taw was not rich before【答案】 D14、远期汇率的期限一般为( )个月。A.16B.39C.69D.612【答案】 A15、资料:Demystifying how social and human-like robots work is vital so that we can understand and shape how they will affect our future, Dr Hatice Gunes will tell t

9、he Hay Festival next week. (1)A.To enable robots to serve humansB.To decrease humans fear about robotsC.To make robots more human-likeD.To equip robots with human emotions【答案】 C16、阅读理解A.a humanistB.a pantheistC.a nuclear physicistD.a doctor of medicine【答案】 A17、资料:In the United States of America, ban

10、ks are categorized into the federally-chartered bank which received their charter from the Office of the Comptroller of the Currency(OCC); these are referred to as “National Banks”; and also the states-chartered banks which receive their charter from the superintendent to as “State Banks”. Banks are

11、 allowed to register either with the federal or the state authority. Let us now look at the organizational structure of Commercial Banks, which include unit banking, group banking and branch banking.A.Banking and Non-banking in the USAB.Banks in the USAC.Bankers in the USAD.Banking in the USA【答案】 B1

12、8、下面二十四节气中,不属于夏季(以立夏为开始,立秋为结束)的是()A.夏至B.处暑C.芒种D.小满【答案】 B19、Cimber Data has, as an organization, 20 years of experience working with airline maintenance, MRO and related functions in many different airline environments.A.workingB.supplyingC.providingD.experimenting【答案】 A20、资料:Demystifying how social

13、and human-like robots work is vital so that we can understand and shape how they will affect our future, Dr Hatice Gunes will tell the Hay Festival next week. (1)A.NeutralB.PositiveC.NegativeD.Critical【答案】 B21、The article opens and closes with descriptions of two news reports, each _ one major point

14、 in contrast with the other.A.makesB.madeC.is to makeD.making【答案】 D22、资料:Our goal with the new MacBook was to do the impossible: engineer a full-size experience into the lightest and most compact Mac notebook ever. That meant reimagining every element to make it not only lighter and thinner but also better. The result is more than just a new notebook. Its the future of the noteboo



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