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1、2024年度黑龙江省银行招聘之银行招聘综合知识真题精选附答案一单选题(共60题)1、企业以经营租赁方式租入的生产设备,应通过( )账簿反映。A.序时B.备查C.数量金额D.分类【答案】 B2、资料:Acknowledging that so-called cloud computing will blur the distinctions between computers and networks, about two dozen big information technology companies plan to announce a new standards-setting gro

2、up for computer networking. The group, to be called the Open Networking Foundation, hopes to help standardize a set of technologies pioneered at Stanford and the University of California, Berkeley, and meant to make small and large networks programmable in much the same way that individual computers

3、 are.A.It deviates from the traditional InternetB.It is meant to help with the storing and processing of information on computersC.It is an initiative of Nick McKeown and his colleaguesD.It will trigger new innovations in the field of cloud computing【答案】 C3、个人计算机内存的大小主要由( )决定。A.RAM芯片的容量B.软盘的容量C.硬盘的容

4、量D.CPU的位数【答案】 A4、政府支出增加时,可能会使私人支出减少,这一效应称为()。A.替代效应B.挤出效应C.投资乘数效应D.凯恩斯陷阱【答案】 B5、Passage3A.are cooked with the powder of some plantsB.have fufu in themC.are too hard to eatD.are very hard【答案】 D6、隔日交割,即在成交后的第一个营业日内进行交割的是()。A.即期外汇交易B.远期外汇交易C.中期外汇交易D.长期外汇交易【答案】 A7、Recently,Xiangning started to communica

5、te with Mike,the contact person of Monsell.A.perfectB.more perfectC.most perfectD.perfectest【答案】 A8、Nabhi Verma ,who holds degrees in both architecture and engineering, has a range of technical abilities _ that.A.too muchB.beyondC.even moreD.moreover【答案】 B9、Mr.Smith had an unusual( ):he was first an

6、 office clerk,the a sailor, and ended up as a school teacher.A.professionB.occupationC.positionD.career【答案】 D10、The search was based on the same combination of concepts and search terms and_another 176 publications.A.yieldedB.offeredC.providedD.supplied【答案】 B11、资本主义条件下的借贷资本()。A.是从职能资本运动中分离出来的一种生息资本B

7、.是货币资本C.是高利贷资本D.是职能资本【答案】 A12、I prefer to take a plane rather than_a train.A.tookB.takenC.takesD.take【答案】 D13、倡导“天下兴亡,匹夫有责”的诗人是()。A.王国维B.龚自珍C.梁启超D.顾炎武【答案】 D14、下列反映资源配置的两种方式的经济范畴是()。A.产品经济和商品经济B.商品经济和市场经济C.市场经济和计划经济D.计划经济和产品经济【答案】 C15、范某以10万元从某商店购入标注为缅甸翡翠手镯一个,好友李某见后拿来欣赏,不慎将手镯打碎。经鉴定,手镯为赝品,市场价值为10元,该商店

8、系知假卖假。下列范某请求中合法的是()。A.要求该商店赔偿20万元B.要求该商店赔偿10万元C.要求李某赔偿10万元D.要求李某赔偿10元【答案】 D16、邓小平提出的“三个有利于”标准具有内在的联系性,其中最基本的是()。A.提高人民的生活水平B.发展生产力C.巩固社会主义制度D.增强社会主义国家的综合国力【答案】 B17、关于离岸金融市场的说法中,不正确的是()。A.与各国国内金融市场相对独立B.交易货币一般是市场所在国发行的C.交易双方一般都是市场所在地的非居民D.基本上不受任何一国国内政策法令的管制【答案】 B18、资料:Good listening is much more than

9、 being silent while the other person talks. To the contrary, people perceive the best listeners to be those who periodically ask questions that promote discovery and insight. These questions gently challenge old assumptions, but do so in a constructive way. Sitting there silently nodding does not pr

10、ovide sure evidence that a person is listening, but asking a good question tells the speaker the listener has not only heard what was said, but that they comprehended it well enough to want additional information. Good listening was consistently seen as a two-way dialog, rather than a one-way “speak

11、er versus hearer” interaction. The best conversations were active.A.How to become a good collaboratorB.How to train your audienceC.What makes listening attractive?D.What do good listeners do?【答案】 D19、资料:FAST cars whizz around,malls are full of expensive luxuries and cranes dominate the skyline.But s

12、cratch the shimmering surface of the Gulf and you soon find countries hurting from the low oil price,currently around $40 a barrel.Growth is slowing and unemployment is rising.Policy makers even dare utter a three-letter“t” word until recently taboo:tax.A.Luxury landmarks dominate Gulf skylineB.Oil

13、price is boomingC.Gulf authorities refuse to raise taxesD.Oil Price is around $40 per gallon【答案】 A20、在我国货币层次划分中,M。通常是指()。A.企业单位的活期存款B.流通中的现金C.居民储蓄存款D.银行全部存款【答案】 B21、下列说法不正确的是( )。A.舞低杨柳楼心月柳永B.两情若是久长时秦观C.此情无计可消除李清照D.可惜流年、忧愁风雨辛弃疾【答案】 A22、使预算约束线在保持斜率不变的条件下作远离原点运动的是()。A.x的价格上涨10%而y的价格下降10%B.x和y的价格都上涨10%,收入下降5%C.x和y的价格都下降10%,收入不变D.x和y的价格都上涨10%,收入上涨5%【答案】 C23、4辆车运送货物,每辆车可运16次;7辆车运送,每辆车只能运10次。设增加的车辆数与运送减少的次数成正比,且每车次运送货物相等,运送货物总量最多是多少车次?()A.72B.74C.64D.68【答案】 A24、The boy wanted to play football in the street,but his father told him_.A.not toB.notC.not to doD.dont【答案】 A25、资料:Britain


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