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1、游泳池水循环处理及加热系统工程合同中英文对照全套游泳池水循环处理及加热系统工程合同(中英文对照)CONTRACT FOR SWIMMING POOL WATER CIRCULATION TREATMENT & HEATING SYSTEM目录 TABEL OF CONGTENTS一、工程概况Article 1. Project Overview二、工程造价Article 2. Project Cost三、工程设计Article 3. Engineering Design四、施工前的准备Article 4. Preparation Before Construction五、设计图纸Article

2、 5 Design Drawings六、工程期限Article 6 Project Duration七、工程质量Article 7 Project quality八、付款方式Article 8 Payment Methods九、工程验收Article 9 Project Acceptance十 保密条款Article 10 Confidentiality十一、 争议处理Article 11 Dispute Settlement十二、 其他条款Article 12 Miscellaneous部分章节示例如下:一、工程概况 Article 1. Project Overview1、工程名称:游泳池

3、水循环处理及加热系统工程1Project Name: System Project of Swimming Pool Water Circulation Treatment & Heating2、工程地点: 2. Project Location:3、工程概况、承包范围及内容:游泳池设备安装及水过滤管道系统(包括:循环管路、溢水管路、吸污管路、机房水处理设备及加热设备等)。3. Project Overview, Scope and Content: Swimming pool equipment installation and water filtration piping system

4、(including circulation piping, overflow piping, suction piping, machine room water treatment equipment and heating equipment, etc.).四、施工前的准备Article 4. Preparation Before Construction(一)乙方工作 (1) Party Bs works1. 负责施工图设计和放样;1. Be responsible for the design and sampling of construction drawings;2. 组织原材

5、料采购、制造、加工,组织施工管理人员和施工机械进场;2. To organize the purchase, manufacture and processing of raw materials, and the entry of personnel and construction machinery for construction management;3. 按照施工图进行施工,工程相关各项质量应达到国家标准;3. To carry out construction in accordance with the construction drawings, and the qualit

6、y of the project shall satisfy States standard;4. 乙方在合同签订后一周内提交施工图。甲方应当在收到施工图后在一周内对施工图提出书面意见;4. Party B shall submit the construction drawings within one week upon conclusion of the contract and Party A shall provide written comments on the construction drawings within one week upon receipt thereof.

7、5. 乙方完成的工程隐蔽部分的施工在覆盖前应当由甲方授权的人员现场检验并签字认可,视为验收;工程竣工后乙方提供详细竣工资料,并对甲方操作人员进行技术培训;5. The construction of hidden parts of the project which completed by Party B should be inspected and signed for confirmation by Party As authorized personnel on the spot before covering, which is deemed as acceptance; Part

8、y B will, upon the completion of the project, submit detailed completion information and take technical training for Party As operators;(二)甲方工作 (2) Party As work1. 在乙方进场前,甲方应做好工程三通一平工作,具备进场施工条件,做到工程内外施工车辆进出通道畅通,并负责维修、接通施工现场的施工用水源及电源,满足施工用电(30KW),地面平整压实,拆迁障碍物等符合安装要求的必要条件;1. Party A should, prior to P

9、arty Bs entrance of the site, complete the project three passes and one leveling work (viz. supply of water, electricity and road and leveled ground), with the construction conditions, so that the project inside and outside the construction vehicle access channel is smooth, and is responsible for th

10、e maintenance, connected to the site of the supply of water and power to meet the necessity of construction of electricity (30KW), the ground is leveled and compacted, demolition obstacles in line with the requirements of the installation of the necessary conditions;2. 按照乙方设计图纸要求敷设水池进水管及泄空管(包括泳池直接泄空

11、管道、机房泵井坑至下水井管道);2. Laying of pool intake pipes and air vent pipes (including direct air vent pipes for swimming pools and pipes from the pump pit in the plant room to the sewer well) in accordance with the requirements of Party Bs design drawings;五、设计图纸Article 5 Design Drawings1、乙方开工前提供满足施工需要的全套图纸一式

12、六套。1. Six copies of full set drawings for necessity of construction shall, prior to commencement of work, be supplied by Party B.2、乙方设计的图纸应当符合国家体育总局对标准游泳池修建的技术规范、评定标准、检验标准、招标文件、设计图纸和甲方的要求。2, Party Bs design drawings should comply with the State Administration of Sports on the technical specification

13、s, evaluation standards, inspection standards, bidding documents, design drawings of construction of standard swimming pool and Party As requirements.六、工程期限Article 6 Project Duration1、本工程总工期以甲方通知乙方进场之日起开始计算,总工期为 _ 天。 (甲方土建进度应当完全跟上并配合顺利);1. The total construction period of the project commencements f

14、rom the date Party A notifies Party B to enter the site, and the total construction period is _ days. (Party A shall fully keep up with the civil construction progress and cooperate smoothly);七、工程质量Article 7 Project quality1、本工程相关项目质量要求达到国家标准;1The quality of the relevant items of the project should

15、be required to reach the States standard.2、乙方必须严格按照国家有关规定及甲方需要而精心设计,按照施工图、说明文件进行施工。2. Party B shall carefully design in strict accordance with the relevant States regulations and the needs of Party A, and carry out the construction in accordance with the construction drawings and explanatory documents.3、乙方提供的主要材料、标准件应当提供质量合格证或经过有资质的机构进行检验合格方可用于本工程。3. The main materials and standard parts provided by Party B shall be accompanied by the quality certificate or qualified by qualified institutions before being used in the project.九、工程验收Article 9 Project Acceptance1、验收标准1Acceptance criteria



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