Unit+5知识点 人教版八年级英语上册

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1、英 语 张 老 师 专 用 讲 义Unit 5 词汇、短语、综合知识复习一、词汇巩固A)词形变换。1.might modal v.可能,可以-_ modal v.可能,可以2.hope .n/v希望;-adj._有希望的-(近义词)adj. _无希望的3.appear vi.出现;出版;显得-ant. V _消失4.lose vt.丢失;失败vi.失败-adj._迷失的5.meaningless adj.无意义的;-v._打算/意味-n._意义,意思-adj._有意义的6.main adj.主要的;最重要的-adv. _ 主要地7.become v.变成;成为-(_-_ )(过去式-过去分词)

2、8.rich adj.富有的;富饶的;丰富的-(反义词)_adj.贫穷的9.action n.行动 -_ v.行动,表演 -_ n.男演员 -_ n.女演员 -_adj.积极地,活跃的-_ n.活动10.discussion n.讨论;谈论-v._讨论11. -_ v.教育-_n.教育-_adj.教育的,有教育意义的12. -_v.成功-_ n.成功-_adj.成功的-_adv成功地13. -_n 文化-_ adj.文化的B)根据汉语意思或者首字母提示,用单词的适当形式填空。1.His _ (主要的) task is to help me with my English.2.Do you m_

3、 opening the door? Of course not.3.Many people l_ their lives in the fire.4._(情景喜剧) mean situation comedies.5.Pleasant Goat and Big Big Wolf (喜羊羊与灰太狼) is a popular _ (动画片).6.The talk show is boring. I cant_(忍受) it.7.I like watching f_. I often watch them in Sky Cinema.8.Bargaining in China isnt spec

4、ial, instead, it is very c_.9.The r_ why he didnt visit his father was that the weather was bad.10.Linda didnt take part in the d_(讨论) yesterday.C)用所给单词的适当形式填空。1.I hope _(get / to get) a new job next month.2.She felt _(luck)today, because she lost her new watch.3.English is interesting but math is _

5、 (bored).4.Which do you like better, talk shows or sitcoms? Talk shows. I think they are_(educational)than sitcoms.5.Mrs. Black never plans _(to buying / to buy) a house in London.6.The haze(雾霾) in February , 2014 is the _ (serious) one in China these years.7.Many people like _ (comedy), because the

6、y make people relaxed.8.I read an_story in todays newspaper. The story made me very_.(excite)9.I love working abroad and meeting people from different _(culture).10.Tom, dont play _ (joke) on the poor boy.11.My grandfather often listens to the _ (new) from 7 p. m. to 7:30 p. m.12.The little girl oft

7、en helps_(clean) the house.13.Mickey Mouse is one of the main_(character) in the cartoon Mickey Mouse and Donald Duck.14.We happened _ (meet)the headmaster on Mount Tai last month.15.Would you mind_ (close)the door?16.Some people enjoy_(plan) to do things before doing them.17.I think what he said is

8、 _ (meaning). He should do it by himself.18.The policeman helped _ (take) the man to hospital.19.After the heavy rain, a beautiful rainbow_(appear) in the sky.20.The news and talk shows may not be very exciting, but we can expect_ (learn) a lot from them.二、短语句型A)短语句型填空。11学科网(北京)股份有限公司1.扮演某人的角色_2.尽最大

9、的努力做某事_3.才艺秀_4.准备好(做某事);愿意(做某事)_5.代替;替换_6.全世界_7.的标志_8.主要原因之一_9.装扮;乔装打扮_10.肥皂剧_11.出版_12.想到;想起_13.就进行讨论_14.像一样著名_15.从学习_16.从军打仗_B)完成句子。1.他决定每周在那儿做一次志愿活动。He decided _ _ there _ a week.2.我不介意打开门。 I _ _ opening the door.3.鲁迅因他的作品而出名。 Lu Xun _ _ _ his writings.4.这个小女孩不能忍受西餐。 The little girl _ _ Western fo

10、od.5.这部卡通片于1928年11月18日在纽约上映。 This cartoon _ _ in New York _ November 18,1928.6.汤姆在才艺表演中打扮得像个小女孩Tom _ _ like a little girl in the talent show.7.在二十世纪六十年代,他制作了他的第一部影片。 _ _ _, he made his first film.8.最后,他爸爸的脸上浮现出一丝微笑。 At last, a smile_ _ his fathers face,9.老师进入教室,问我们发生了什么事情。 The teacher came into the

11、classroom and asked us _ _ .10.他总是努力面对任何危险He always tried to _ _ _ .三、知识详解1. news 表“新闻”,是_名词,形复实单。a piece of news 一则消息 There _ some good news in todays newspaper.2. mind n/v_mind doing sth. 介意做某事 Would you mind _ ( close ) the door?请你把门关上,好吗?3. stand ( stood )除了表“站立”,还有“忍受”的意思。常考短语有:_无法忍受做某事(常指痛苦的事),类似短语还有:_.禁不住做某事(控制不住自己);cant wait_. 迫不及待地去做某事(做某事不能等) I cant stand _ (wait) for you on the street. The movie was so funny that I couldnt help _ (laugh). I cant wait _ ( go ) camping by the lake. 4. 问对方对某事的看法,常用:_.? = _.? 回答常用: I dont mind them.我不介意它们;I


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