Units1-3++单元写作练习 人教版英语八年级上册

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1、八年级上册单元写作练习Unit 1 Where did you go on vacation?本单元以“谈论节假日活动” 为话题。围绕这一话题,复习了七年级所学的过去式,描述自己的旅行精力和假日活动。【范文默写】【单句翻译】1. It was my first time there, so everything was really interesting. 这是我第一次到那儿,所有一切真的很有趣。 2. _你觉得你的假期怎么样呀? (like)3. _昨天我乘坐火车到了北京。(arrive)4. I wonder what life was like here in the past 我想知

2、道在过去这儿的生活是什么样子。5. Because of the bad weather, we couldnt see anything below. 由于这个坏天气,我们不能看见下面的任何东西。6. My legs were so tired that I wanted to stop. 我的腿如此疲惫以至于我想停下来。7. When we got to the top, everyone jumped up and down in excitement.当我们达到山顶,我们每个人都兴奋地上蹦下跳。8. There was nothing for him_yesterday.昨天除了学习。

3、他什么也没干。(but) 9. “Digital China” is_ to our daily life.数字中国”正在改变我们的日常生活!(different) 10. _虽然他们很疲惫,但是他们仍决定步行上山顶。(decide)【写作训练】假设今天是十月一日,天气晴朗,你和你的家人去北京金海湖(Jinhai Lake)游玩。请你根据下面提示内容,写一篇短文来记录本次活动,并简要表达你的感受。(1)提示:和家人一起出发得比较早,早上九点到达;进行的活动有划船、打沙滩排球、游泳、吃海鲜、做游戏、唱歌等;谈谈感受。(2)要求:不要直接翻译,可适当发挥;80词左右,短文开头已给出,不计入总词数。

4、2.写作思路点拨题目:My vacation第一步:引入主题句:交代旅行的时间、地点和同行者Today is National Day. It was fine. I went to Jinhai Lake with my Jinhai Lake with my family.第二步:细节描写:介绍旅行的过程First,. Then,.After that,. At last, .第三步:总结:谈谈旅行的感受Although I was tired, I had a good time.Today is National Day. It was fine. I went to Jinhai L

5、ake with my family. We left early in the morning and got there at nine. There were many people. First, we went boating on the lake. It was fun. Then, I played beach volleyball with my father. He played better and tried his best to teach me. After that, we went swimming in the lake. I felt like I was

6、 a fish. The water was so warm that I was relaxed and enjoyed myself in it. We had lunch at 12:00. I had some different kinds of seafood, it was delicious. At last, we played games and sang songs. At 5:00 p.m., we went back home. Although I was tired, I had a good time, I hope I can go there again.U

7、nit2 How often do you exercise?一、句子翻译1. 你多久看一次电视?2. 我也许一个月去看一次电影。3. 你每晚睡多少个小时?4. 你平时骑车去上学要花多少时间?5、 我们发现我们的学生中只有15%的人每天锻炼。6、让我们感到惊讶的是90%的学生每天都在使用互联网。7、旧习难改。8、以下是结果。9、这有利于我们的身心健康。10、通过使用网络来放松是非常好的,但是我认为最好的放松方式还是通过锻炼。二、话题写作Last week, I asked my classmate Marica about her free time activities. Here are

8、the results._Unit3 Im more outgoing than my sister.一、句子翻译1. I am taller now than I was two years ago.我比两年前的自己更高了。2. I think my mother is smarter than my father.我认为我的妈妈比爸爸更聪明。3. For me , a good friend likes to do the same things as me.对我来说,一个好朋友喜欢做和我一样的事情。4. Im shy , so its not easy for me to make fr

9、iends.我很害羞,所以对我来说,要交朋友并不容易。5. I always get better grades than he does , so maybe I should help him more.我总是取得比他更好的成绩,所以,或许我应该更多地区帮助他。6. His hair is as short as his friend Tom. 他的头发和他朋友汤姆的头发一样短。7. She is a beautiful girl with long hair.她是一个有着长头发的漂亮女孩。8. In a word , I like to have friends who can shar

10、e and talk about everything with me.总之,我想有可以和我分享和讨论一切的朋友。9. As for hobbies , I like reading books , but she likes surfing the internet. 至于爱好,我喜欢读书,但是她喜欢上网。10. 、I dont really care if my friends are the same as me or different.我真的不在意我的朋友跟我相同还是不一样。二、话题写作A你认为你的朋友应该跟你一样还是不一样?请根据表格中的信息,写一篇80词左右的短文,介绍你和你的好

11、朋友吉姆的相同之处和不同之处。IJimDifferencestall;like readingshort;like runningshy;seriousmore outgoinglike math and Chineselike sports,especially (特别)basketballThe samelike music;friendly;work hard写作指导引出主题I dont care if my friends are the same as me or different.描述特征We both like He as as me. he than me I , than

12、him.说明感受I feel happy to 范文佳作I dont care if my friends are the same as me or different. My best friend is Jim. We both like listening to music. And we are both friendly to others. He works as hard as me.Although we have something in common,we are different from each other. Jim is shorter,but he runs faster than me. He is funnier and more outgoing than me. Jim likes sports very much,especially basketball. Im shyer and more serious than Jim. I like reading books. Im better at math and Chinese than him.I feel happy to have such a good friend.B假如你有一个外国笔友Sue,请根据下面表格的提示向你的同学介绍她的情况。生活方式每星期锻炼三次;不吃垃圾


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