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1、2024年度宁夏回族自治区教师资格之中学英语学科知识与教学能力强化训练试卷B卷附答案一单选题(共60题)1、Passage 1A.age discrimination law was just introduced recentlyB.other discriminated groups dont sue except the whitesC.age discrimination cases are in large quantity and it is difficult to detect all of themD.many discriminated people dont sue an

2、d costs of a lawsuit outweigh potential benefits【答案】 D2、Which of the following is not a while-speaking activity?A.Describing people and eventsB.Role-playsC.Exchanging informationD.Reporting results【答案】 D3、Passage 1A.Mixed emotionsB.Great poetsC.Lyric poemsD.Musical forms【答案】 C4、Which of the followin

3、g is a Suprasegmental feature?A.deletionB.voicedC.stressD.stop【答案】 C5、The_ of the system of regional autonomy for ethnic minorities has underground long periods of exploration and practice.A.foundationB.establishmentC.settingD.settlement【答案】 B6、If a teacher asks students to collect, compare and anal

4、yze certain sentence patterns, he/sheaims at developing studentsA.discourse awarenessB.cultural awarenessC.strategic competenceD.linguistic competence【答案】 D7、Passage 2A.Genetically modified seeds should be bannedB.Brazil government should crack down on the smuggling of genetically modified seedsC.Th

5、e fear over the use of genetically modified seeds is uncalled forD.Consumers should file more law suits to protect their rights【答案】 C8、When he came in,he found that paper clips,drawing pins and safety-pins were_all over the floor.A.scatteredB.sprayedC.dispersedD.separated【答案】 A9、请阅读Passage l,完成第小题。A

6、.its vital to treasure what we haveB.its hard to live life to the fullestC.its great to appreciate the beauty of natureD.its impossible to understand what God and man is【答案】 C10、A well-written composition _ good choice of words and clear organization among other things.A.calls forB.calls onC.calls u

7、pD.calls off【答案】 A11、-Do you mind if I smoke here?A.Yes, I dontB.Yes, you mayC.No, not at allD.Yes, I wont【答案】 C12、请阅读Passage 2,完成此题。A.UrbanitesB.ProponentsC.OpponentsD.Suburbanites【答案】 C13、Jim has few friends because he is such a _person.A.belligerentB.gregariousC.generousD.beneficent【答案】 A14、The s

8、tudent from a _ family can afford most of the books he wants.A.well-to-doB.to-do-wellC.do-to-wellD.do-well-to【答案】 A15、If tap water were as dangerous as some people think,_would be getting sickA.a lot of more usB.more a lot of usC.a lot of us moreD.a lot more of us【答案】 D16、Which of the following feat

9、ures is NOT exhibited by the deductive method?A.It saves timeB.It pays more attention to formC.It teaches grammar in a decontextualized wayD.It encourages students to work out the grammatical rules【答案】 D17、The phoneme/v/in the first word of all the following phrases changes to/f/except_.A.five plusB

10、.love toC.twelve cupsD.give in【答案】 D18、Some teachers teach reading by introducing new vocabulary and structure first and thengoing over the text sentence by sentence and paragraph by paragraph with the students. This way is_known asA.top-down modelB.bottom-up modelC.interactive modelD.integrative mo

11、del【答案】 B19、The sound of ch in teacher is( ).A.voiceless, post-alveolar, and affricativeB.voiceless, dental, and fricativeC.voiced, dental, and fricativeD.voiced, post-alveolar, and plosive【答案】 A20、“The age of melancholyis how psychologist Daniel Goleman describes our age.People today experience mor

12、e depression than previousgenerations, despite the technological wonders that help us every day. It might be because of them.A.Technology will take away peoplesjobsB.People s happiness will be greatly jeopardizedC.Technology is developing at a breath-taking speedD.People will be indifferent to techn

13、ological wonders【答案】 B21、The ultimate goal of English education is to develop students ability to communicate in English. There-fore, English education should be _.A.communication-focusedB.ability-orientedC.knowledge-centeredD.speaking-oriented【答案】 B22、Which of the following is NOT a compound word?A.LandladyB.GreenhouseC.UpliftD.Unacceptable【答案】 D23、Passage 1A.FilledB.CoveredC.FixedD.Decorated【答案】 A24、There is no doubt _, in my opinion, _matters is not the speed, but the quality of the productA.what; whatB.that; thatC.that; if


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