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1、2024年度内蒙古自治区教师资格之中学英语学科知识与教学能力通关试题库(有答案)一单选题(共60题)1、He resented to wait and expected the minister_him immediately upon his arrival.A.to be asked; to seeB.being asked; to seeC.to be asked; seeingD.being asked; seeing【答案】 B2、Cooperative learning emphasizes on_ and collective responsibilityA.teachers r

2、esponsibilityB.individual responsibilityC.solely responsibilityD.team responsibility【答案】 B3、The thing that_is not whether you fail or not, but whether you try or not.A.caresB.mattersC.considersD.minds【答案】 B4、His presentation will show you _ can be used in other contexts. A.that you have observedB.th

3、at how you have observedC.how that you have observedD.how what you have observed【答案】 D5、Passage 1A.analyze the consequences of social epidemicsB.discuss influentialsfunction in spreading ideasC.exemplify peoples intuitive response to social epidemicsD.describe the essential characteristics ofinfluen

4、tials【答案】 B6、Some tribes _ with their cattle in search of fresh grass.A.immigrateB.migrateC.emigrateD.transfer【答案】 B7、Which of the following property of language enables language users to overcome the barriers caused by time and place, due to this feature of language, speakers of a language are free

5、 to talk about anything in any situation ?A.TransferabilityB.DualityC.DisplacementD.Arbitrariness【答案】 C8、The correct pronunciation of the word “archive” is _.A.A a:kaivB.a:kivC.a:t ivD.a:t aiv【答案】 A9、请阅读Passage 2,完成第小题。A.The phrase coming out is used in gay communityB.The phrase coming out means rev

6、ealing of homosexualityC.The meaning of the phrase coming out has not changedD.The development of the use of coming out【答案】 D10、The number of Americans who read books has been declining for thirty years, and those who do read have become proud of, even a bit over-identified with, the enterprise. Alo

7、ngside the tote bags you can find T-shirts, magnets, and buttons printed or sewn with covers of classic novels; the Web site Etsy sells tights printed with poems by Emily Dickinson. A spread in The Paris Review featured literature-inspired paint-chip colors. The merchandising of reading has a curiou

8、sly undifferentiated flavor, as if what you read mattered less than that you rea D. In this climate of embattled bibliophilia, a new subgenre of books about books has emerged, a mix of literary criticism, autobiography, self- help, and immersion journalism: authors undertake reading stunts to prove

9、that reading-anything-still matters. I thought of my adventure as Off-Road or Extreme Reading, Phyllis Rose writes in The Shelf: From LEQ to LES , the latest stunt book, in which she reads through a more or less random shelf of library books. She compares her voyage, to Ernest Shackletons exploratio

10、ns in the Antarctic. However, I like to sleep under a quilt with my head on a goose down pillow, she writes. So I would read my way into the unknown-into the pathless wastes, into thin air, with no reviews, no best-seller lists, no college curricula, no National Book Awards or Pulitzer Prizes, no ad

11、s, no publicity, not even word of mouth to guide me.A.A person used in experimentsB.An uneducated personC.A lazy personD.A vulnerable person【答案】 A11、The fuel gas,if_some air,burns more rapidly.A.involved inB.connected withC.mixed withD.joined in【答案】 C12、There is only one playground slide in this sch

12、ool, so the students have to take ( )to use it.A.turnsB.the turnsC.a turnD.the turn【答案】 A13、请阅读Passaqe l,完成第小题。A.UnclearB.NeutralC.NegativeD.Supportive【答案】 D14、If a teacher asks students to list as many ways as they can to tell someone to open the door and list the possible functions of a sentence i

13、n different contexts, he/she is probably trying to highlight _ .A.the potential meanings of a sentenceB.different realizations of the same functionC.the relationship between form and functionD.different ways of getting people to do the same thing【答案】 C15、The synonymous pair _ differ in degree of for

14、mality.A.pass away and pop offB.accuse and chargeC.poison and jailD.tap and faucet【答案】 A16、On no account_to anyone who works in the companyA.my name must be mentionedB.my name must mentionC.must my name be mentionedD.must my name mention【答案】 C17、Our research has focused on a drug which is so _as to be able to change brainchemistry.A.powerfulB.influentialC.monstrousD.vigorous【答案】 A18、_ is NOT included in the factors used


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