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1、2024年度贵州省教师招聘之小学教师招聘每日一练试卷B卷含答案一单选题(共60题)1、影响态度与品德学习的外部条件不包括( )A.家庭教养方式B.道德认知C.社会风气D.同伴群体【答案】 B2、在学生心目中老师是高尚完美的,最值得学习。这说明学生具有( )A.依赖性B.向师性C.可塑性D.接受性【答案】 B3、对于青春期学生的教育教学工作,上述材料给老师的启示不包括哪一项?()A.了解学生群体及学生个体B.既严格要求学生,又尊重和关爱学生C.与家长沟通,和家长一起引导学生度过青春期的躁动和敏感D.严肃对待中学生青春期的情感萌芽,杜绝中学男女任何形式的交往【答案】 D4、Sometimes I

2、really doubt whether there is love between my parents. They are very busy working to 16 the family. They don t act in the 17 ways that I read in books or I see on TV. 18 flowers to each other on Valentine s Day is even more 19 . One day, my mother was sewing a quilt(床罩). I 20 sat down beside her and

3、 looked at her. Mom, is there love between you and Dad? I asked her in a 21voice. A.eitherB.bothC.neitherD.every【答案】 B5、Number sense is not the ability to count. It is the ability to recognize a _16_ in number. Human beings are born with this ability. _17_, experiments show that many animals are, to

4、o. For example, many birds have good number sense. If a nest has four eggs and you remove one, the bird will not _18_. However, if you remove two, the bird _19_ leaves. This means that the bird knows the _20_ between two and three.A.distanceB.rangeC.differenceD.interval【答案】 C6、我国中小学教师专业标准试行的基本理念是:学生

5、为本、()、能力为重、终身学习。A.教书育人B.师德为先C.尊重规律D.为人师表【答案】 B7、 Sometimes the student may be asked to write about his _ to a certain book or article that has some bearing on the subject being studied.A.commentB.reactionC.impressionD.comprehension【答案】 B8、依据小学教师专业标准(试行),在教师专业能力中,“使用符合小学生特点的语言进行教育教学工作”属于()。A.组织与实施能力B

6、.激励与评价能力C.沟通与合作能力D.反思与发展能力【答案】 C9、蔬菜:芹菜()A.面包:蛋糕B.水果:葡葡C.桌子:桌垫D.太阳:阳光【答案】 B10、上好课最根本的要求是( )A.板书有序B.充分发挥学生的主体性C.教学方法适当D.教学结构合理【答案】 B11、信息加工论认为,一系列问题状态和转变问题状态的算子构成了()A.算子系列B.问题空间C.问题解决D.问题情境【答案】 B12、问题解决是通过内在的心理加工实现的,这体现了问题解决的()。A.序列性B.认知性C.复杂性D.目的性【答案】 B13、对诗歌理解不正确的一项是()。A.孔子认为,诗具有兴、观、群、怨四种作用。B.诗歌是世界

7、上最古老、最基本的文学形式。C.古代诗歌按内容分为叙事诗、山水诗、科学诗和咏物诗四类。D.长律一般是五言诗,只有四句的叫绝句。【答案】 C14、 在教学中,教师应指导学生对学习结果多采用良好的归因方式,即 _ 。A.外部、稳定、不可控归因B.内部、稳定、可控归因C.内部、不稳定、不可控归因D.内部、不稳定、可控归因【答案】 D15、根据下面资料,回答题 A.putB.tippedC.raisedD.slapped【答案】 C16、我国最早的学校教育机构是( )A.庠B.序C.校D.学【答案】 A17、已知关于x的一元二次方程kx2-4x+2=0有两个实数根,则k的取值范围是()A.k2B.k2

8、且k0C.k2且k0D.k-2且k0【答案】 C18、研究表明,感觉能力与阈限在数上呈()A.正比关系B.反比关系C.幂系数D.对数函数【答案】 B19、Consider these situations: You have just read an excellent book and want to tell a friend about it. You have seen an exciting movie and want to _11_ your instructor to go to see it. You have heard an inspiring lecture, and

9、want to _12_ your newly found knowledge with a roommate who didnt attend the lecture.A.butB.orC.as well asD.instead of【答案】 C20、_ your opinions are worth considering, the committee finds it unnecessary to place too much importance on them.A.AsB.SinceC.IfD.While【答案】 D21、弗拉维尔认为,元认知就是对认知的认知,元认知的核心成分是( )

10、。A.元认知知识B.元认知监控C.元认知体验D.元认知计划【答案】 B22、Do you have any idea what you would like to be and do after graduation? A lot of people don! begin thinking about careers until they reach junior or senior year, which, in my opinion, is too late. A.Because he/she began to think about them when very youngB.Becau

11、se many people are too old to learnC.Because a lot of people cant grasp the opportunityD.Because many people have little they love【答案】 A23、Many high school students consider a college education useless. Therefore, they choose not to go to college. If youre one of them, think again. Here are some rea

12、sons why you should go to college and receive a good education there.A.A good education can improve your tastesB.A good education sometimes means nothingC.A good education means you will not lose your jobD.A good education allows you to keep a life of high quality【答案】 D24、“我们假定教育的目的在于使个人能继续他们的教育,或者说

13、,学习的目的和报酬是继续不断生长的能力”,体现了()的观点。A.教育的无目的论B.神学的教育目的论C.社会本位的教育目的论D.个人本位的教育目的论【答案】 A25、爱琴美术中,()的美术主要作品是一种大理石雕刻的小型人像,它被概括成抽象的几何形体。A.克里特美术B.季克拉泽斯美术C.迈锡尼美术D.亚述美术【答案】 B26、( )是对事物之间的逻辑关系进行推理,是对材料的一种领会形式。A.转换B.解释C.推断D.记忆【答案】 C27、下列说法体现了行为主义学派观点的是()。A.人的心理具有整体性B.人有自我实现的倾向C.学习就是刺激和反应间的联结D.人的心理是一个信息加工系统【答案】 C28、在新课程改革中,对“课程”含义的理解应该是( )A.教学计划、课程标准、教科书等文件B.课程标准规定的各学科课程C.教师和学生共同开发的课程D.包括学科课程、综合化课程、实践活动类课程和隐性课程四大类课程【答案】 C29、儿童模仿


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