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1、2021年甘肃省兰州市中考英语试卷(A卷)一、完形填空(共1小题:每小题io分,满分io分)阅读下面短文,从短文后各题所给的四个选项中选出能填入空白处的最佳答案。Sometimes animals can do strange things.Here are true stories about people and animals.A petlizard was kept in a biology classroom.The students looked after it well 2 loved having it in the classroom.However large lizar

2、ds like being 3 and dont really like lots of people around them all the time,especiallynoisy girls and boys at school.The large lizard noticed that whenever the alarm bell rang during the schooFs practicefire drills(消防演练),all the children and their teachers ran out of the classroom,leaving the lizar

3、d behind,peacefuland 4 for a while.Over several weeks,there were quite a few false fire alarms.Someone noticed that everytime the alarms went off,the lizard was out of its cage.So,the children decided to 5 the lizard.To theirsurprise,they found that it climbed over to the fire alarm on the back wall

4、 and set it off!The lizard just wanted to beleft alone.lizardA tourist was driving along a road one evening,he accidentally ran over a kangaroo.The tourist thought that6 would believe him,so he decided to take a photo of the kangaroo.He picked the dead kangaroo up andput it next to the car.He then 7

5、 his jacket and sunglasses and put them on the kangaroo to make his photomore interesting.All went well,8,the kangaroo woke up!It had only been knocked out but not actuallydead!As soon as the kangaroo woke up,9 ran away,wearing a jacket,which also included three creditcards(信用卡),one passport and$1,0

6、00 in cash!What a 10 kangaroo!1.A.two B.three C.four D.five2.A.butB.ofC.andD.so3.A.activeB.aliveC.awakeD.alone4.A.noisyB.friendlyC.quietD.afraid5.A.findB.watchC.helpD.save6.A.everyoneB.someoneC.no oneD.anyone7.A.took offB.handed outC.picked upD.gave away8.A.recentlyB.suddenlyC.latelyD.usually9.A.the

7、yB.youC.weD.it10.A.luckyB.sadC.carefulD.busy【答案】l.A 2.C3.D 4.C 5.B6.C 7.A 8.B9.D 10.A二、阅读理解(共 3 小题:每小题10分,满分30分)阅读下面三段材料,根据材料内容和要求。从题后选项中选择一个最佳答案。Everyone knows that China is changing and developing very quickly at the moment.Many young people fromhome and abroad thought about the changes.The follow

8、ing are some comments which young people made on awebsite message board.Jiayu.TorontoIm a Chinese student.Fm very proud of China and Id love to make a real contribution(贡断i)to the development of my country.When I finish my training in Canada,I will goback to China and start a business,so I can give

9、something back to the country.a(Zihan.GansuIm a Chinese student in America.My hometown used to be very poor.But it haschanged now.Most people in my hometown have a good standard of living and some cannow afford cars.Tm very pleased with these changes and very proud of them.*Jackion,OxfordI spent a y

10、ear in Beijing as a student in the late 1990s and I recently went back there onholiday.I couldnt believe the changes which had taken place in such a short time and thequalities(品质)I admire in Chinese people are their wish to succeed,their family valuesand their sense of responsibility.I think these

11、qualities will be very important if China is tocontinue developing.s)3I hope that China will become a successful and prosperous(繁荣的)country.There isstill a long way to go.There are many challenges and difficulties ahead,but I am sure we canovercome them if we work together.阅读以上微博评论,根据其内容判断下列各小题的正误。正

12、确的填(涂)A,错误的填(涂)B。11.Jiayu will go back to China after training in Canada.12.Some people in Zihans hometown now have enough money to buy cars.13.Jackson spent two years in Beijing as a student in the late 1980s.14.Sean from Oxford thinks Chinese people can overcome challenges and difficulties.15.Chin

13、a is changing and developing very fast now.【答案】ILA 12.A 13.B 14.B 15.ASix weeks before his 97th birthday,Giuseppe Paterno made his dream of a lifetime come true:He got auniversity degree.Mr.Paternos story has been reported around the world,partly because of his age.But he has also drawnattention bec

14、ause his life story speaks of belief.He has encouraged millions of children in Italy and elsewhere whilethey are facing difficulties during the coronavirus pandemic(新冠疫情).Born in Palermo in 1923,the first of seven children in a very poor family.Mr.Paterno began working soon afterfinishing primary sc

15、hool.It was only after he retired in the mid-1980s that he returned to his books.“His story shows that dreams can come true and that you can remain youngnot in age but in spiritif youdevelop interests“said Rosella Cancila,his teacher of history at the University of Palermo.Italys university system i

16、s based on a three-year degree,then a two-year masters course.University officialsare hoping that Mr.Paterno will continue his studies.“I have to say that in this moment,I dont knowwhether I would keep on studying with the same spirit,“he said,adding that all the attention had made him a bit tired.Still,Mr.Paterno said that he would probably try to get his masters degree but he hadnt decided yet.阅读以上短文。根据其内容的答其后各个小题。16.Giuseppe Paternos dream of a lifetime is to.A.draw peoples attention B.work t



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