单独招生英语试题 (4)

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1、单独招生统一考试英语试卷(满分120分,考试时间90分钟)一.选择题:(本题共20小题,每小题3分,共60分.)1.David promised to help me with my physics last Sunday.But to my great disappointment, he never appeared that day.What does the word “disappointment” mean in the sentence? A.The feeling of being nervousB.The feeling of being lonelyC.The feelin

2、g of being unhappyD.The feeling of being worried2.Because of the war, love and happiness were totally _ from little Toms childhood.A.separateB.absentC.extraD.blind3.It is a _ choice to decide whether take on a new challenge or remain the same.Yeah, I just have difficulty making the decision.A.simple

3、B.straightC.doubleD.typical4.Mary can get good marks in all her subjects, but she never shows off.I agree.She is _.A.generousB.modestC.patientD.curious5.I didnt hear the phone.I _ asleep.( )A.must be B.should be C.must have been D.should have been6.Not having worked out the problem, _ leave the offi

4、ce.A.so he was not allowed to B.and he didnt want toC.the teacher couldnt make him D.he couldnt free himself to7.Would you like to go to the concert with me, Mary?- I have got no interest in it; _, I have lots of work to do.A.otherwise B.besides C.however D.therefore8.He acted _ nothing had happened

5、 to him.( )as if B.if C.as if C.whom9.A bridge was built _ the river.( )A.on in B.at C.over D.above10.You can _my surprise when I heard the news.( )A.think is B.suppose C.guess D.imagine11.-Susan,I really appreciate your handwriting.-_.A.I practice every day.B.Thank you very much.C.No, | dont think

6、so.D.Well,its not gook enough.12.-What do you plan to do next? We have half an hour before thefootball game.Whatever you want to do is fine with me.A.Its up to you.B.That s all right.C.Glad to hear that D.Itjust depends.13.-May 1 make a cup of tea for you? -_.A.With pleasure.B.Its kind of you.C.My p

7、leasure.D.Youre We l come.14.-1 am worried about the exam, mum._Believe in yourself , my dear.A.Good luckB.Be carefulC.Take it easyD.Thats all right.15.-To London? Dont miss red phone boxes in the street.They are a_symbol of Eng I ish culture.A.Thank you all the same. B.By no means.C.So what ? D.Tha

8、nks for your advice.16.Lee was about to knock at the door_A_a woman appeared from around the side of the house.( )A.WhenB.While isC.After onD.since17.Wendy_ her job and stated playing football.( )A.gave backB.gave upC.gave inD.gave out18._that my brother was rather quiet during dinner.( )A.will noti

9、ceB.am noticingC.notice isD.noticed on19.- How much is the desk?-it_ninety-nine pounds.( )A.costsB.Pays toC.spendsD.Takes is20.I am afraid I wont be able to keep in touch_him.( )A.To goB.For ifC.withD.By too二.单词拼写(15分)1._ (从未) has he lost in playing computer games.(根据汉语提示完成句子)2.My mother _ (饮食均衡), w

10、hich is of great benefit to her health.(根据汉语提示完成句子)3.Sometimes its not easy to _ (踢进一球) in a football match.(根据汉语提示完成句子)三.阅读理解:(共30分)阅读理解(一)Because of the land shortage in Hong Kong and gradual rise in the population, the government has come up with a very bold housing program to provide flats for t

11、he lower income group.Land shortage is really a big problem.It is, therefore, impossible to build low-cost houses.Most of these flats built by the government are high rise flats, some rising to more than twenty storeys.Slums in the urban areas have been cleared and some of these lots have been taken

12、 up by the Housing Board to build flats.Who are the people who live in these flats? They are mainly people of middle and lower income groups who cannot afford to buy private houses.The only way for the government is to build flats and sell or rent them out at reduced prices in order to solve their p

13、roblem.Generally the area where flats are built is well served by shops, playgrounds, shopping centers and schools.People do not have to travel far for their daily needs.Bus services run right through some of the housing areas and they provide an efficient means of transportation.1.The governments a

14、im is _.A.to provide free flats for poorer peopleB.to build more low-cost housesC.to build houses and flats for the higher income groupD.to make good use of land which is limited to provide flats for the lower income group2.Multi storey flats are preferred _.A.because land is suitable for building t

15、all flatsB.because they sell at better pricesC.because people prefer living in tall flatsD.because they make good use of land which is limited3.Most of these flats are _.A.within city limits B.near industrial areasC.on the suburbs of the city D.inside the business districts4.People who live in government flats are _.A.the very


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