中考英语 语法填空训练单元达标综合模拟测评学能测试试卷

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1、中考英语语法填空训练单元达标综合模拟测评学能测试试卷一、英语语法填空汇编1.阅读下面短文,在空白处填入适当的内容(不 多 于 3 个单词)或括号内单词的正确形式。Ernest Hemingway,the son of a doctor and a music teacher,was born in 1899 in Oak Park,Illinois.Hemingways f at her (teach)him early on how to hunt and fish,two activitiesHemingway loved throughout his life.Instead of(go

2、)to college,Hemingway becamea reporter for the Kansas City Star.Later;in Europe,he worked as a driver the Italian army until he was wounded andshipped home,where he again wrote for newspapers.Two year s,he moved to Paris,where he hoped to improve his writing.There he became friends with other(Americ

3、a)writers,includingGertrude Stein and F.Scott Fitzgerald.Hemingway developed style of writing that was simple and direct.He chose wordssparingly(俭省地),avoided using adjectives,and trusted the reader to understand(mean)of his writing.As he put it,I always try(write)on the principle(原贝ij)of the iceberg

4、(冰 Li),There is seven eighths of it under water for every part that shows.Thisstyle continues to influence Writers today.In his career(生涯),which lasted some 40 years,Hemingway earned the Pulitzer Prize and the Nobel Prize.He was one of the finest writers ofthe(twenty)century.For a while Ernest Hemin

5、gway lived in Key West,Florida,where he had nearly 50 cats.One ofthem was a cat with six toes(脚趾),which a ships captain had given him.Today his Key Westhome is a museum,and many cats still live there.Some of them are(child)ofHemingways six-toed cat.Hemingway was married four times and had three sons

6、.He died in1961.【答案】taught;going;for;later;American;a;meaning;to write;twentieth;children【解析】【分析】本文介绍了海明威及其写作风格。(1)句意:海明威的父亲很早就教他如何打猎和钓鱼。描述过去用一般过去时,teach的过去式是taught,故填taughto(2)句意:海明威没有去上大学,而是成了 堪萨斯城明星报的记者。o f是介词其后是动名词,故填going。(3)句意:后来,在欧洲,他在意大利军队当司机,直到他受伤并被运回家,在那里他再次为报纸写作。work f o r,固定搭配,为 工作,故填for

7、。(4)句意:四年后,他搬到巴黎,希望在那里提高写作水平。时间段+later,之后,故填latero(5)句意:在那里,他和其他美国作家成了朋友。writers是名词其前是形容词做定语,America是名词,American是形容词,故填American。(6)句意:海明威形成了一种简单直接的写作风格。style是名词单数,以辅音音素开头,故用不定冠词a 表示泛指,故填a。(7)句意:他谨慎地选择词语,避免使用形容词,并相信读者能理解他作品的意思。understand后是动名词做宾语,故填meaningo(8)句意:我总是试图用冰山的原理写作。try to d o,固定搭配,尝试做某事,故 填

8、 towrite o(9)句意:他 是 2 0 世纪最优秀的作家之一。根据定冠词th e 可知,此处是序数词,twenty是基数词,twentieth是序数词,故填twentieth。(1 0)句意:其中一些是海明威六趾猫的孩子。根据a r e,可知表语是名词复数,child的复数是 children,故填 children。【点评】考查语法填空,注意谓语的时态,非谓语动词,词性,介词搭配等多种用法。2.阅读下面的短文,在空白处填入一个适当的词,或填入括号中所给单词的正确形式。A wealthy old man lived alone in a big house.He was g r o w

9、i n g (weak)day by day.Since he was unable to look af t er(him),he decided to hire(雇 佣)a nurse totake care him.One day,the old man interviewed two(nurse)Anthony and Peter.Anthony wasa handsome young man while Peter looked quite ordinary.The old man asked Anthony to maketea for him.After Anthony left

10、,the old man turned to Peter and said,Anthony has(give)me a very bad account of you.He said you are rude and untrustworthy.Is thiscorrect?Peter thought for a minute and said,Anthony has a bad opinion of me,there mustbe something wrong with me.I should take some time to change these things.The old ma

11、n was very impressed by Peters words.At the same time,Anthony came back withcup of tea for the old man.The old man sent Peter to make breakfast for him.He then returned to Anthony and told him.Peter spoke very poorly of you while you were g o n e.d o you think about this?Afterhearing this,Anthony s

12、h o u t e d (angry).In the end,Pet er (choose).Peter looked quite common,but he had impressiveinner beauty.【答案】weaker;himself;of;nurses;given;If;a;What;angrily;was chosen【解析】【分析】本文介绍了一个老人在录用护士时,故意挑起对方的矛盾,通过两人截然不同的反应,从而判断谁适合。(1)句意:他一天比一天虚弱。weak是形容词,形容词修饰系动词gro w,根 据 day byday可知是比较级w eaker,故填weaker。(2

13、)句意:因为他不能照顾自己,他决定雇一个护士来照顾他。look after oneself,照顾自己,主语是h e,故反身代词是him self,故填himself。(3)句意:因为他不能照顾自己,他决定雇一个护士来照顾他。take care o f,固定搭配,照顾,故填。f。(4)句意:一天,老人面试两个护士-Anthony and Peter。two后是可数名词复习,nurse,是可数名词,故填nurses。(5)句意:安东尼对你的评价很差。根据助动词h as可知此处是现在完成时,故填过去分词,give的过去分词是give n,故填given。(6)句意:如果安东尼对我有看法,我一定有什么

14、问题。此处是条件状语从句,故是引导词i f,如果,故 填 If。(7)句意:同时,安东尼给老人端了杯茶回来。cup是名词单数,以辅音音素开头,故用不定冠词a 表示泛指,a cup o f,固定搭配,一杯 ,故填a。(8)句意:你对此怎么想?此处是特殊疑问句,think后缺少宾语,故 用 w hat提问,故填 Whato(9)句意:听到这,安东尼生气地大喊。副词修饰动词shouted,angrily,是副词,生气地,故填angrilyo(1 0)句意:最后,Peter被录用。根 据 Peter looked quite common,可知时态是一般过去时,choose与 主 语 Peter是被动

15、关系,故用一般过去时的被动语态,主语是第三人称单数,故助动词是was,choose的过去分词是chosen,故填was chosen。【点评】考查语法填空,注意调整词性,时态,主谓一致和名词的数等。3.语法填空From deserts and beaches to playgrounds,sand is a common sight.But you might not knowthat sand is also a useful resource.Sand is the second most-used resource in the world afterwater;the BBC repo

16、rted.However;the UN said that sand is not limitless and that we might berunning out of.Sand is made up of very smal l (piece)of rock,soil and minerals(矿物质).Itcan take tens of thousands of years to form.But now we are using sandmor e(quick)than it is being formed.According to the BBC,we use about 15 billiontons of sand every year build houses,roads and other things.People also put sand int he s i:to make new islands.For example,the Palm islands are made up oft h r e e I a:d 3 man-made islands in



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