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1、高考英语语言表达素材一、感谢1.Thank you so much for your help.非常感谢你的帮助。2.I cannot express how grateful I am for your support.我无法表达我对你的支持有多么感激。3.I wanted to extend my heartfelt thanks for your generosity.我想由衷地感谢你的慷慨。4.Thank you for going above and beyond to assist me.感谢你不辞辛劳地帮助我。5.Words cannot convey how thankful

2、I am for everything youve done.无法用言语表达我对你所做的一切的感激之情。6.Thank you for always being there for me.感谢你一直在我身边。7.I wanted to express my gratitude for your unwavering support.我想表达我对你不变的支持的感激之情。8.Thank you from the bottom of my heart.衷心感谢你。9.I am deeply appreciative of your kindness.我非常感激你的善意。10.Thank you fo

3、r making a difference in my life.感谢你给我的生活带来了改变。11.Your contribution means the world to me.你的贡献对我来说意义重大。12.I want to express my sincere thanks for your thoughtfulness.我要真诚地感谢你的体贴关怀。13.I am truly grateful for your support during this difficult time.在这个困难时期,我真心感谢你的支持。14.Thank you for your patience and

4、understanding.感谢你的耐心和理解。15.I wanted to say a big thank you for making my day special.我想说声大大的谢谢,让我的一天变得特别。16.Thank you for your guidance and mentorship.感谢你的指导和教诲。17.Your generosity overwhelms me, and I cannot thank you enough.你的慷慨让我感到无比震撼,我无法表达足够的感谢之情。18.Thank you for being an amazing friend.感谢你是一个了不

5、起的朋友。19.I am grateful for the opportunity you have given me.我很感激你给予我的机会。20.Thank you for always believing in me.感谢你一直相信我。二、听觉1.Melodious The birds sang a melodious tune in the morning.晨曲中,鸟儿唱着悦耳的曲调。2.Harmonious The choir created a harmonious blend of voices.合唱团营造出和谐的声音融合。3.Euphonious The pianist pla

6、yed an euphonious melody on the grand piano.钢琴家在大钢琴上演奏着悦耳动听的旋律。4.Resonant The singers resonant voice filled the concert hall.歌手浑厚的声音充盈了音乐厅。5.Dulcet The dulcet tones of the violin soothed the audience.小提琴悦耳的音色让观众感到宁静。6.Crisp The crisp sound of leaves crunching underfoot signaled autumns arrival.脚下嘎吱作

7、响的叶子声传来,宣告着秋天的到来。7.Jarring The jarring noise of the car alarm disturbed the neighborhood.汽车警报器刺耳的噪音打扰了附近的居民。8.Muffled His voice sounded muffled through the closed door.他的声音从紧闭的门后传来,听起来被压抑了。9.Echoing Her laughter echoed through the empty hallway.她的笑声在空荡的走廊中回荡。10.Rhythmic The drummer kept a rhythmic b

8、eat during the live performance.鼓手在现场表演中保持着有节奏的鼓点。11.Faint There was a faint whisper in the quiet room.在静寂的屋子里,传来微弱的耳语。12.Piercing The piercing cry of a baby could be heard from the next room.隔壁房间传来了尖锐的婴儿哭声。13.Thunderous The applause from the audience was thunderous, filling the auditorium.观众的掌声如雷般响

9、亮,填满了礼堂。14.Serene The serene music played in the background as she meditated.她冥想时背景中播放着宁静的音乐。15.Whispering The lovers spent hours whispering sweet nothings to each other.情侣们花了数小时交换甜蜜的私语。16.Vibrant The vibrant sound of the trumpet energized the audience.喇叭充满活力的声音让观众充满了能量。17.Reverberating Her voice re

10、verberated in the empty concert hall.她的声音在空荡的音乐厅中回响。18.Raspy His raspy voice added a unique texture to the song.他的嗄声嗓音为歌曲增添了独特的质感。19.Soft The soft lullaby gently put the baby to sleep.轻柔的摇篮曲温柔地使婴儿入睡。20.Harmonic The choirs harmonic voices blended effortlessly together.合唱团和谐的声音毫不费力地融合在一起。这是关于声音的二十个形容词

11、和造句,并附有中文翻译。三、触觉1.Soft The kittens fur was soft and fluffy.小猫的毛绒绒的,摸起来很柔软。2.Smooth The surface of the marble countertop was smooth to the touch.大理石台面的表面光滑。3.Rough The bark of the tree felt rough against my fingertips.树皮在我的指尖上感觉粗糙。4.Coarse The sandpaper had a coarse texture.砂纸的质感很粗糙。5.Prickly The cac

12、tus had prickly spines.仙人掌上有刺刺的刺毛。6.Velvety The velvet fabric was soft and velvety to the touch.天鹅绒面料摸起来柔软而丝滑。7.Silky Her hair felt silky smooth as it cascaded down her back.她的头发如瀑布般顺畅,在触摸时感觉丝滑。8.Bumpy The road was full of potholes, making the ride bumpy.道路上坑洼不平,使得车程颠簸不平。9.Jagged The broken glass ha

13、d jagged edges that should be handled with caution.破碎的玻璃边缘参差不齐,应小心处理。10.Spongy The sponge had a spongy texture when squeezed.当挤压时,海绵有弹性质感。11.Tingly The cold wind made my skin feel tingly and alive.寒风使得我的皮肤触摸时感到刺痛而活力四溢。12.Cool The breeze from the air conditioner felt cool against my face.空调的微风在我脸上触摸时感觉凉爽。13.Itchy The mosquito bite left my skin feeling itchy and irritated.被蚊子咬后,我的皮肤感到痒和不适。14.Stiff The starched shirt felt stiff against my skin.浆洗过的衬衫触摸时感觉僵硬。4


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