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1、2024版国开电大专科理工英语 2在线形考说 明 : 资 料 整 理 于 2 0 2 3 年 1 2 月 ; 适 用 于 国 开 电 大 专 科 学 员 一 平 台 在 线 形 考 考试 。单元自测8 试题及答案备注:测试中共有6道随机题,其中有5道选择题和1道完形填空题。第一大题:选择填空(每题10分,共5题)从下列选择题库中抽2个小题! do you go to have piano lessons?At five in the afternoon.答案B.What timeAny suggestions for my meeting today?答案C.Why dont you wear

2、 your black suit and that yellow tie?-Do you think Qingdao is a fantastic place for tourist?Yes,I have there many times.It is quite beautiful.答案B.beenI usually go there by train.答案C.Why not try going by boat for a change?Id like some information about the management of your hotel.Well. 答案A.you could

3、 have a word with the manager,he might be helpful.Should I leave earlier tomorrow morning?答案B.Yes,its better to leave earlier to avoid the morning traffic.Lets go and see our teacher on TeachersDay.答案C.All right.从下列选择题库中抽3个小题!Ford Motor Company was in 1903.It is one of the greatest car companies in

4、the world today. 答案C .foundedHe very busy this week.He free next week.答案C.is;will beI drove to the railway station to my mother yesterday.答案B.pickupI will you to dinner because you helped me with my work.答案A.treatMy father has worked in this school he graduated from college.答案A.sinceWhen she entered

5、 the class.she by what the students did for her.答案A.was movedWould you like to help me some RMB for dollars?答案A.exchangeYou have to work harder than others to success.答案C.achieve第二大题:完形填空(阅读理解选择、判断、翻译等)(共50分)从下列带题库中抽其中1个试题! 翻 译:从以下A、B、C 三个选项中选出与英文最适合的中文翻译。1.How do you like your new teacher?答案B.你觉得你的

6、新老师怎么样?2.Would you rather work in the countryside than in the city?答案A.与城里相比,你是更想在农村工作吗?3.It is going to be difficult to meet the deadline.答案A.很难在截止日期前完成。4.Mr .Green has worked here since he came to China.答案B.从格林先生来中国那天起,他就在这工作了。5.The play has been on for two hours so the audiences are very tired.答案

7、C.这部剧已经演了两个小时了,所以观众们很累了。 阅读理解:阅读下面的短文,根据文章内容从A、B、C、D 四个选项中选出一个最佳选项。Mr.Green was ill and went to the hospital.A doctor looked him over and said,Well,Mr:Green,you are going toA.get;B.give;C.make;D.hold答案A some injections,and youll feel much better.A nurse will come and give you the first one this even

8、ing,and then youllA.may;B.have to;C.had better答案B get another one tomorrow evening.In the evening a young nurse came to Mr.Greens bed and said to him,I am going to giveyou yourA.first;B.one;C.two;D.second答案A injection now,Mr.Green.Where do you want it?”The old man was surprised.He looked at the nurs

9、e for aA.hour;B.minutes;C.moment,then he said,Nobodyhas ever let me choose that before.Are you really going to let me choose now?答案C“Yes,Mr.Green,”the nurse answered.She was in a hurry.Where do you want it?“Well,then,the old man answeredA.with a smile;B.in time;C.in surprise;D.with tears in his eyes

10、答案A“I want it in your left arm,please.” 阅读理解:阅读下面的短文,根据文章内容进行判断,正确为 T,错误为 F。It will be the 50th anniversary of the founding of Lehigh Valley Industrial Park Inc.LVIPs successes have defined this region,including its economy,its residentsworking lives,even the look of broad areas across Lehigh and No

11、rthampton counties.People are duly observing the date with banquets,awards and other festivities.But they ought to know about a few facts in order to appreciate the importance of what was begun 50 years ago.LVIP now comprises seven planned parks.They are home to 460 companies.Those companies provide

12、 22,000 jobs.LVIP has borrowed more than $436 million in private investment over the years.It has paid tens of millions of property and payroll taxes.We can imagine what will happen to this area if there arent those jobs.Obviously,we ought to appreciate the genius of LVIPs founders.Fifty years ago,B

13、ethlehem Steel Corp.and other integrated steelmakers were hit by the fifth nationwide strike in 15 years.Those cycles of strikes affected every part of the local economy.Contractor Frank L.Marcon told fellow board members at the Bethlehem Chamber of Commerce that a more diverse economy could be fost

14、ered if public and private leaders acted together.In those days,there were no state or federal economic development programs.So,18 individuals pooled $250,000 of their own money and LVIP sold bonds to raise $400,000 more to buy four farms along Airport Road.The City of Bethlehem contributed planning work,amended its zoning code and worked out an affordable way to add streets,curbs and sewers.Companies like Bethlehem Steel made major contributions,creating a new model for cooperation.Another important


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