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1、一、使用亮点词汇的4种方法1标新立异“语”众不同在写作时,恰当地使用一些别人可能想不到的词汇或表达,会体现出自己的高水平。He will also spend some time in staying with me and share many funny things with me about his work.He will also spare some time to accompany me and share many funny things with me about his work.(2020全国卷书面表达)I like the school uniform bette

2、r than the traditional Chinese dress at the welcome ceremony next month.I prefer the school uniform to the traditional Chinese dress at the welcomeceremony next month.(2019江苏高考书面表达)Whenever I meet difficulties, you always cheer me up and help me out.Whenever I encounter difficulties, you always chee

3、rme up and help me out.(2019浙江高考书面表达)Great changes have taken place in our school in the lastfew years. And the news came that a shortfilm will be shown in our school.Our school has witnessed great changes in the lastfew years. And word came that a shortfilm will be shown in our school.(2018全国卷书面表达)

4、Im busy with my lessons now, for the College Entrance Examination, which is very important to me, is near.Im occupied with my lessons now, for the College Entrance Examination,which is of great importance to me,is around the corner.(天津高考书面表达)2多样表达避免重复在写作时,应尽量避免重复使用相同的单词或短语,要尽量用贴切多样的词语来展示自己的水平。用词不同、表

5、达方式迥异,也是高级用法。There are different kinds of fruit trees as well as many animals.There are different kinds of fruit trees as well as a variety of animals.(2020全国卷书面表达)Then there will be different fantastic performances playedby talented students.Then there will be various fantastic performances played

6、bytalented students.(2019全国卷书面表达)Moreover, we will build a new stadium and with the stadium built,a wide range of sports events are able to be held.Moreover,we will build a new stadium and with the stadium set up,a wide range of sports events are able to be held.(2018全国卷书面表达)3短语优先语言生动当单词和短语表示同一个意思时,

7、优先使用短语。恰当使用短语,一方面能使文章更加生动,另一方面也能展示出学生扎实的语言功底。If it is convenient, may I visit you at your office next Tuesday to give you more details?If it is convenient, may I pay you a visit at your office next Tuesday to give you more details?(2020全国卷书面表达)The match will be held in our school gym on the afternoo

8、n of July 4th.Thematch will take place in our school gym on the afternoon of July 4th.(2019全国卷书面表达)Hopefully,these suggestions would be helpful/beneficial to you.Hopefully, these suggestions would be of great help/benefit to you.(2018全国卷书面表达)(4)To learn more about the development of our school, all

9、the studentsare welcome to watch the short film Growing Together.Withthe aim of learningmore about the development of our school, all the students are welcome to watchthe short film Growing Together.(2018全国卷书面表达)4高级词汇凸显水平为了表现自己的语言功底,显示出自己的写作水平,应避免反复使用低年级学过的简单词汇,尽量使用高中阶段学到的词汇来代替。The peaches were ripe

10、 and soft and I want to take a bite.The peaches were ripe and soft and I couldnt wait to take a bite.(2020全国卷书面表达)You are definitely welcome to join in the festival,which will give color and fun to our festival. You are definitely welcome to show up on stage,which will add color and fun to our festi

11、val.(2019全国卷书面表达)If you take my advice you are sure to have the most unforgettable experience during your college in Beijing.So long as you take my advice you are bound to have the most unforgettable experience during your college in Beijing.(2018北京高考书面表达第一节)二、使用亮点词汇需注意两点1变消极词汇为积极词汇阅读中能认识但写作中不会用的词汇属


13、时,大家常用“difficult”,那是不是用“tough”或“challenging”会更与众不同呢?2注意亮点词汇使用的场合写作时,在用词上不可随心所欲,决不能为追求“高级”而使用复杂但毫无把握的词语,也不能满篇堆积所谓的“高级”词汇,否则给人过分炫耀之嫌,得不偿失。一般来说,一篇文章能用好三至五个高级词汇就可以了。另外,为能更好地“完成规定的写作任务”,减少错误,特别提醒考生在使用“高级词汇”时,一定要注意遵循“准确、恰当”的原则,并且要注意使用的场合,难词和生僻词汇并不一定就是高级词汇。例如:一大早我们买了一些圣诞礼物。Early in the morning we purchased

14、 some Christmas presents.其中purchased的表达就太过于书面化,改为bought更地道。三、写作的秘密武器24个高级词汇名词普通词汇高级词汇普通词汇高级词汇chanceopportunitychoicealternativeideaopinionpeopleindividualresultconsequenceeffectinfluence动词havepossesreplacesubstitutebearput up withunderstandmake sense ofdeveloppromoteconsidertake intoaccount形容词enough

15、adequaterichabundantproperappropriateimportantvital/significantinterestingabsorbing/appealingdifficultchallenging副词finallyeventuallyhardlybarelyimmediatelyin a flashnowadayscurrently连词sothereforeandas well as四、写作的顶级装备27个加分词汇表达关注的名词attention,focus,concern 表达争论的名词discussion, debate, argument表达现象的名词phenomenon表达优缺点的名词advantage, disadvantage,strength,weakness 表达增长或下降的动词increase,accumulate,decrease,decline表达导致后果的动词短语r



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