高中英语写作 读后续写得分要点及技巧

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1、得分要点1、字迹清晰。每段首尾的字迹必须非常清楚。其实阅卷老师无论看什么作文,他的重点一般都是放在每段的首尾,首尾必须吸睛。2、前后呼应,主题升华。有些乱七八糟八竿子打不着的就不要乱说,读后续写一般都划出了提示词,这些提示词其实都是续写的线索,必须串联使文章紧凑。但最重要的就是主题升华,弘扬人性的真善美。3、高级词汇怎么放?读后续写的词汇得分点除了一般的名词、形容词、副词之外,最重要的是高级动词!因为续写侧重叙事,里面涉及到的人的动作是非常多的,比如cry,这就过于简单,要侧重细节描写,to show, not to tell,高分作文一般就会写,With shoulders shiverin

2、g, her tears cannot help streaming down her face.她的双肩哆哆嗦嗦,眼泪情不自禁的从她脸上流下来。所以类似表现喜怒哀乐的情况,都要事先做好准备(注意,两三句即可,但这两三句一定要是最佳句,如句式,高级词汇都要是最好的,熟记于心,一直用即可),侧重刻画描写,脸,手,眼睛都可以描写。4、关于情节,提倡一波两折。虽说读后续写没有字数限制,但是考虑到字的大小与整体篇幅限制,一般两个波折即可,如事态变坏一个转折,最后事态好转一个转折即可。侧重人物矛盾与心理冲突,比如两人之间的猜忌,后重归于好,类似小学生作文。写作技巧1.从原文中整理出35个小的情节,从中推

3、理出续写的主要情节。情节不能自己读后凭空想象,按自己看过的小说、电视剧情节适当推理。2. 根据两个段首语来推理情节。段首语往往决定着这一整段话的走向,不可衔接不当。3. 根据关键词来推理情节发展。原文中关键词一般会在十个左右,也并不是都能用上的。有一部分关键词对于预测下面的情节是很有导向意义的,因而会在后文中用的到。关键词中,有关于情感的连接的有关于时间的指向的,有关键句线索反复出现的,要做的,是串联前面的伏笔后面是否有所体现,前文的人物关系是否把握,以及把握后是否在续写中使矛盾凸现既而解决,这些都是决定了分数高低的因素。一般答案是可以体现这些伏笔与连接的,如果严重偏题,首先要考虑是否读懂文章

4、,其次,杜绝天马行空的续写,需要回归文本,不需要与标准答案一致,但要体现前文的伏笔,线索,转折关系,这方面考察的是理解能力与阅读预判能力,需多练习以提升,加分项是主题升华,鸡汤加持无需多言。4. 根据故事需要,合理地丰富、有条理地增加一些次要的情节。比如人物的表情、动作、心理活动,细节描写等。5. 根据生活常识或者社会经验,丰富文章的细节。不可闹出不合常理的笑话。成为改卷老师紧张改卷期间的谈资。6. 平时多练习续写微作文,找到自己所能掌控的语句长度。7句*20词=140词,8句*20词=160词,10句*15词=150词。其实续写并不是很可怕,一篇读后续写1015句,就可以达到字数。然后分开两

5、段,每段也就58句话。7.多种句型反复练习、尝试,找到自己能够驾驭的句子类型。这样的好句可以加分不少。简单句、并列句、复合句。当然建议复合句也只是基础的复合句,无需过于复杂,有时候牵强用上反而碍事。8. 平时注意多积累记叙文、故事方面的词汇、句型和句段、丰富自己的记叙文类英语语言的材料库。考试中用出地道的英语句子,老师一定会很欣赏。脑中先成文,落笔就一气呵成。相对简单部分,直接书写在答卷上;重点部分可以先在草稿纸上写一下,斟酌一下词句的使用,然后誊抄上去。表达分享 脚部动作:1. Then Lisa stood up and made her way through the crowd tow

6、ard me.2. Lisa planted her feet firmly in front of me.3. She managed to climb onto it and waited patiently.4. Reuben ran/rushed down Water Street, trembling with great panic.5. The shadows were lengthening when Reuben arrived at(动作) the factory.6. Then, clutching the tin can, he headed for the shop.

7、7. Racing home, Reuben burst through the front door.8. Disappointed and frustrated, the poor man made his way back to his family.9. Suddenly, the woman stood up and entered the house in tears.10. And yet, they all just stood there staring at me, motionless.11. Belle Ringer nodded thoughtfully, and F

8、rannie hurried off to wait on the rest of her tables.12. I led them toward a large corner booth. I could feel the rest of the staff following behind as we marched through the dining room.13. I dragged myself through daily chores, feeling exhausted.14. The elderly man fled away with great panic.15. T

9、he man stepped back/stepped onto the platform to take a good look at the paintings.16. He leapt to his feet and rushed out of the living room.17. He sprung from his chair and rushed to pick up the telephone.18. He jumped up and rushed out of the living room.19. She just sat there staring into space2

10、0. The kids sat around a campfire21. Please remain seated until your name is called.22. He seated himself comfortably at the foot of the bed.23. He took his usual seat at the front of the classroom.24. That man is hurt, hes limping.25. He was so drunk that he staggered all the way home.26. She stumb

11、led upstairs and into bed.27. She tiptoed to the bed so as not to wake the baby.28. They strolled around the park.29. They enjoy wandering through the countryside.30. He paced up and down the platform, waiting for the train.31. Demonstrators marched through the streets of the city.32. A baby crawls

12、before he can walk.33. Paul decided to edge away from the crowd.34. The cat crept silently towards the bird.35. The boy sneaked in without paying.36. I must dash or Ill miss the train.37. She goes jogging every day.38. He tripped over the step and fell.39. The group hiked up to the top of the hill.4

13、0. As I was sitting in the park, I watched as couples seemed to meander around happily. 手上动作:1. Stunned, I stood up and gave her an awkward hug / hugged her in an awward way.2. Speechless, she smiled radiantly and gathered her son into her arms.3. The nearer it got, the more she waved the yellow blo

14、use wildly .4. The man took the sacks, reached into his pocket and placed four coins in Reubens hand.5. Then, clutching the tin can, he headed for the shop.6. He parked down the street from Bobbys house, and rushed to his front door, trembling with excitement.7. The man gently wrapped the gift in br

15、own paper and placed the parcel in Reubens hands.8. Dora lifted the lid, tears beginning to blur her vision.9. Seeing no other people notice us, I placed the Christmas present down and pounded his doorbell.10. She didnt say a word, but smiled a watery smile and held my hand tightly.11. As we shook h

16、ands with the new owners, I told them how fortunate they were.12. He patted my head, and inquired: “Is there anything particular you want?”13. He was squeezing my wrist so hard that it ached.14. She stroked her fingers through my hair, and said: “Of course there is a Santa Clause.”15. She handed the napkin to me, and th



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