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1、教师中英文求职信(通用15篇) 篇1:中英文教师求职信 Good morning/ Good afternoon Everyone here. My name is xxx. and my English name isJenny.I graduated from Feng yang university, and majored in TT.Though my major is not English, my level of English is fine. I have been an English teacher for about two years, my students lo

2、ve me very much. I choose your school, because I want to give myself more developing field in my teaching career. My hobbies are singdance,learn English .I hope you will give me this precious chance. Thank you! 1、good morning, my name is xx, it is really a great honor to have this opportunity for a

3、interview, i would like to answer whatever you may raise, and i hope i can make a good performance today, eventually enroll in this primary school. 2、now i will introduce myself briefly,i am xx years old,born in xx province ,and i am curruently a xxxx.my major is xxx.in the past 4 years,i spend most

4、 of my time on study,i have passed CET4/6 with a ease. and i have acquired basic knowledge of packaging and publishing both in theory and in practice. besides, i have attend 3.i will have Patience on all of the children, and my hard work will be improved if you enroll me 篇2:教师求职信中英文 Dear school lead

5、ers: Hello. First of all, to express our deep respect your hard work! Also thank you forreading my introductory material in spite of being very busy. I was a student at the Chengdu University, Sichuan Foreign Languages University Englishspecialized sessions, will soon be faced with graduation. After

6、 four years ofuniversity education and university life, in the face of new opportunities and challenges, I am more firmly “self-confidence, self-reliance, diligence, modesty”life creed. Sichuan University of foreign languages is a famous English talent training base,in order to rigorous scholarship,

7、 education and well known. In such a learning environment, I truly feel the joy of learning English and determined to be ateacher of the people devoting themselves to the cause of English education,whether in the intellectual capacity, or in the quality of self-cultivation, I have benefited from. Kn

8、owledge, courage and insight and I look forward to your appreciation! Wisdom, love and confidence I also will help you achieve great ambition! Finally I wish your school education is advancing wave upon wave, tomorrowbetter than today! Yours sincerely 篇3:英语教师中英文求职信 英语教师中英文求职信 英文版 dear sir / madam: m

9、y name is wang ying, i am xi an university graduates. i am of the department of education of english majors. i am very glad to have this opportunity to improve our mutual understanding. with the increasingly fierce social competition, the personnel requirements are increasingly high, i try to learn

10、all kinds of knowledge in the university for four years, and the measure of my old teacher is hard work and i myself; i have mastered english listening, speaking, reading and writing skills. in order to better adapt to society after graduation, i learned the computer technology during the summer, an

11、d as a english tutor work, counseling a high school student is foreign language courses, was highly praised by parents in the education practice, improve their ability to work. because as in a number of candidates, i may not be the best, but i am still very confident, i will do my best to become an

12、excellent primary and secondary school teachers, sincerely hope that i can make i can in the future in the school a hard gardener. finally, wide na xiancai wish expensive unit. sincere candidates: wang ying 中文版 亲爱的先生/女士: 我的名字是王莹,我是西安大学的本科毕业生。我是教育系的英语专业。我很高兴有这个机会来提高我们之间的相互理解。 随着社会竞争的日益激烈,对人才的要求也越来越高,

13、大学四年我努力学习各种知识,并衡量我的老师的辛勤工作和我自己;我已经掌握了英语听力,口语,阅读和写作技能。 为了毕业后更好的适应社会,我在暑假期间学会了计算机技术,并担任了一份英语家教的工作,辅导一位中学生的外语课程,在教育实践中获得了学生家长的高度好评,提高了自己的工作能力。因为尽管在众多应聘者中,我不一定是最好的,但我还是很有信心的,我将尽力成为一名优秀的中小学教师,真诚地希望我能使我可以在未来在学校中一名辛勤的园丁。 篇4:英语教师求职信(中英文) 尊敬的领导: 您好! 我叫乐xx,现年xx岁,来自安徽省,是安徽师范大学外国语学院xx级师范英语专业的学生,将于20xx年7月顺利毕业,并获

14、得学士学位。 今天,怀着平静而又激动的心情,我呈上这份求职信。平静缘于自信,作为一个刚刚步入社会熔炉的毕业生,我有信心以自己所学与自己所能胜任您的工作;激动缘于年轻,从学生角色到社会工作者角色的转变,我将以最大的优势来适应、学习、回报。 作为一名英语专业的学生,我热爱我的专业,在四年的学习生活中,我所学内容包括了从英语的基础知识(听、说、读、写)到实际运用的翻译等多方面。在与课程同步进行的各种相关实践和实习中,我具备了一定的实际操作能力和技术经验。现在我已顺利通过英语专业四级考试;选修第二外语法语,并能用法语进行简单的会话;熟悉计算机的基本操作,如word,excel,powerpoint;通

15、过了普通话测试,成绩二级乙等。目前正准备英语专业八级的考试。我有信心一定会顺利通过。我相信这些知识对我将来所从事的工作一定大有帮助。 在学好专业课的同时,我严格要求自己多参加实践活动,不断提高自己的实际操作能力:xx年-xx年担任安徽师范大学外国语学院学院助理,协助学院领导完成学生管理工作;xx-xx学年我担任外国语学院直属团总支宣传委员,参加了xx年安徽师范大学暑期赴金寨县小南京学校的义务支教活动;xx-xx学年我任学生会主席,并在大一、大二学年分别担任学工通讯部成员、副部长、副主席、学工通讯部部长,参与外国语学院毕业生晚会、迎新生晚会导演工作。我个人因此荣获校级“优秀学生干部” “优秀团干

16、”称号。 我性格随和,内敛稳重。大量的社会实践工作,使我变得自信,勇于参与社会竞争。您要做的只是提供一个舞台,我将以年轻的生命、蓬勃的朝气来还您一片精彩! 最后感谢您百忙之中抽空阅读我的求职信,并衷心希望贵单位工作蒸蒸日上! 此致 敬礼! 亲爱的先生/女士, 我是姜锡海,20xx年从湖北马城2中学毕业。由于我在这所中学主修文科的学生中成绩最高,所以我有资格成为中南大学法学院的一名大学生。在这所大学的学习期间,我工作非常努力,因此取得了良好的成绩。我的本科学位论文被评为一级。业余时间,我大部分时间都在参加各种各样的社交活动。由于我的社交能力,我去年12月在湖南法律援助中心担任法律助理。我的任务之一是号召所有法学院的学生周末在长沙市区进行法律咨


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